Become a Fairy

Chapter 3398 ????

Chapter 3398 Overwhelmed

At this time, Lu Xiaotian's body shape has not changed, but a pair of dragon horns grew on his forehead. Dragon scales emerged on the palms and face, but the overall shape was still human, but some dragon signs appeared. It is no longer like before, once the soul is combined, it will directly become a complete real dragon body.

After cultivating Dragon Ball, Lu Xiaotian has become more and more in control of Long Yuan. Every slight change is under control.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian used the dragon yuan, and there was no need to transform into a complete real dragon body. In the current state, it is enough to use many powers of the Dragon Clan. Even though there are certain restrictions, it is completely enough for the troubles in front of us.

And after cultivating into Dragon Ball, it may be because of the great progress of Long Yuan, or because of Dragon Ball. In the eyes of the sky, it seems that a flaw is looming. Although this feeling is not extremely obvious, it is real. Lu Xiaotian didn't know why? Could it be because his primordial spirit is too strong. Lu Xiaotian also felt that it didn't seem so reasonable, after all, no matter whether he was in human form or in the state of dragon body, his primordial spirit remained unchanged, only his physical body changed.

Is it just because of the different perspective? With such doubts in Lu Xiaotian's heart, he couldn't prove it for a while. After all, no one could provide him with corresponding experience, and his way of transforming dragons is really special.

Yanlong and Qingming both transformed into dragons from pythons. Lu Xiaotian was the first to practice the Soul Swallowing Dafa. Moreover, Yanlong and Qingming's cultivation bases are far from enough, so there is no way to ask them for proof, but I will ask the black dragon in the Qingguo Barrier later when I have time.

I can't think of the strangeness for the time being, but no matter what, for Lu Xiaotian, as long as his strength increases, it is a good thing after all. Originally, even in the case of dealing with Dushan and Xuanjing in a human state, even if Lu Xiaotian can defeat these two strong Those who also need to spend a lot of effort. Even though there is still a certain gap between these two guys compared to Zhen Jingshan, compared with other Xuanxian level powerhouses, they are already the top choice.

At this time after the dragon. Looking at Dushan and Xuanjing from the perspective of the dragon clan, even if the opponent just stood there motionless, Lu Xiaotian could vaguely sense the flaws in the opponent's body. Once the opponent made a move, the flaws seemed to become more obvious. Even with the same or even less power, Lu Xiaotian can defeat the opponent.

Without doing anything, Lu Xiaotian had such confidence in his heart when he was partially transformed into a dragon. Even if the opponent is in the void and Lu Xiaotian is below, Xuan Jing still has a feeling of being overlooked.

This is the innate power of the true dragon family in the rumors, maybe this is the real dragon power! With such emotion, Xuan Jing slashed down in the void, facing the monstrous power.

Du Shan took a deep breath, and chopped off with a single blow. Lu Xiaotian's body just swayed in the void, and he easily avoided the slashing blows of the two sword lights. In the eyes of Mingcheng, the purple centipede demon, and even any Xuanxian powerhouse present, it is so incredible. Except for Lu Xiaotian, no one present could avoid any of these attacks so easily.

Dushan and Xuanjing fought with all their strength under the huge pressure of Lu Xiaotian, each with a knife, and they have already cut out their peak combat power.

For Mingcheng, the purple centipede demon and his party, it would be difficult for them to retreat completely under any of the supernatural powers displayed by Dushan and Xuanjing. But Lu Xiaotian, who had dragon horns on his forehead and dragon scales on his face and hands, avoided it easily, and he didn't seem to be very fast. But it calmly passed between the two attacks.

Lu Xiaotian's figure looks ordinary, but in fact, he has his own magic tricks. Mingcheng and the purple centipede demon can faintly detect it, but the touched parts are not even superficial.

In fact, Lu Xiaotian himself doesn't know why this situation happened. It seems that after the dragon ball is cultivated and the dragon soul is a little stable, he will naturally be able to detect the flaws in the opponent's body.

When Dushan and Xuan Jing attacked Lu Xiaotian, they were frightened by Longwei, and their strength was inevitably compromised. It is natural for Lu Xiaotian to avoid the attacks of the two.

After Lu Xiaotian transformed into a dragon, he slapped out his scaled palm, and several palm shadows appeared in the void, defeating Dushan and Xuanjing's sword lights one after another. Although the two Profound Immortal werewolves are strong, they cannot stop Lu Xiaotian's fierce and powerful Long Yuan power.

hum, hum.

The two palm prints seemed to be able to break through the void. After defeating Dushan and Xuanjing's defense, they were printed on the chests of the two Xuanxian werewolves. The two werewolves vomited blood and flew back backwards.

Lu Xiaotian looked at his scale-covered palm, and there was a little surprise in his eyes. He naturally knew that Dushan would definitely not be his opponent after Longhua with the Xuanjing alone. Even if it is only a partial dragon transformation.

It's just that defeating the two so easily far exceeded my expectations. It seems that there are far more secrets in this real dragon than I imagined, and what I have unearthed now is only the tip of the iceberg.

There is really a reason why Heavenly Court is so afraid of the Dragon Clan. Even if he transformed into a dragon body, Lu Xiaotian couldn't appreciate the wonder of the Dao Realm of the Cave Heaven for a while, but after completing the Dragon Ball, Lu Xiaotian felt that his vision seemed to have changed, and he embarked on a path different from that of ordinary immortals.

It's just that Lu Xiaotian has no one to point out, and as a dragon, he can only rely on his own groping for the time being. Even the black dragon has not yet established enough trust, and the two sides have different ways of transforming dragons. Without aid, it is impossible to determine Lu Xiaotian's cultivation method as a dragon.

"How is it?" Lu Xiaotian looked at Dushan separately, and asked Xuanjing with a glance.

"It's just relying on the mysterious prohibition here to help, otherwise your strength as a dragon clan alone is not enough to defeat us." Xuanjing and Dushan were defeated for no reason, and they were naturally unconvinced at this time.

"If I use the power of restraint here, you can still have the strength to fight back. Be optimistic." A smile floated on Lu Xiaotian's face. After the cultivation base is improved, the space in the demon town tower is slightly less spiritual for Lu Xiaotian. Under the perception, there is nothing to hide.

Lu Xiaotian just grasped the void with his palm, and the surrounding space tightened, and he started to squeeze Xuanjing and Dushan from all directions. Although this squeezing force was not enough to hurt the two of them, it greatly restricted their strength. action. In the case of unhindered movement, he is not Lu Xiaotian's opponent, let alone at this time.

"I'd like to bet, you Xiaoyue wolves are always proud, it's hard for you to lower yourself to the human Xuanxian, but it should be fine to surrender to me, a dragon."

"Forget it, you can't go back to the demon world now, we can serve under you, but we will never submit to you." Dushan and Xuanjing still stubbornly said.

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