Become a Fairy

Chapter 3384 Showdown

Chapter 3384 Showdown

At this moment, under the howling thunder cloud, the thunder light broke through the sky and pierced through the void. The mighty ocean was rolling, the flames were raging, no matter what kind of aura within the area of ​​ten thousand miles around, Xie Yun, Qiao San and other immortals couldn't help but be terrified. Xie Yun had experienced the battle between the Illusory Mist Swamp and the wolf tribe. At that time, there were not many Xuanxian-level werewolves in the wolf tribe who could reach such a level.

The Guiling Immortal Territory has provoked someone, and it has actually attracted these two vicious guys. In the middle of the period, there is also a deputy cabinet master who is one of the best in the Guiling Immortal Realm in alchemy. But when he started his hands, he was even fiercer than those Xuanxians who were born in the Immortal Army.

"Master, do you want to report it? Please come over to mediate. The Deputy Pavilion Master Dongfang and Fellow Daoist Zhen have already started a real fire, and we are powerless to stop it. If something goes wrong, we may not be able to explain it." Qiao Sanyi His face is worried and authentic.

"Deputy Pavilion Master Dongfang and Fellow Daoist Zhen are smart people. They know some things should be done, and some things they can't do, and they won't kill them." Xie Yun shook his head, but his advice to Qiao San is to follow the good advice, "Xiang Send a message from Huangyi Immortal Territory, let me know what's going on here."

Just as Qiao San was about to make a move, Xie Yun suddenly reached out and stopped.

"Master, what's the matter?" Qiao San asked in puzzlement.

"I'm afraid I don't need to worry about it. It seems that someone is coming." Xie Yun was stronger than Qiao San, and had already sensed the approach of people in advance.

In fact, the other party sensed the existence of Xie Yun and his party first.

Like several green swallows flying over in the void, Xie Yun was overjoyed, the leader's complexion was cold, and there was a swallow-shaped birthmark on his gorgeous face. The six Qingyan demon fairies behind him are each holding a longbow. There are flames in the eyes.

"Huoyan Execution Officer Yan Jiu! Why is she here? It's done now, saving us a lot of trouble." Xie Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

"Xie Yuzhu, what's going on? Zhen Jingshan and the deputy cabinet master of the East are fighting?" Yan Jiu looked at Xie Yun and asked. Immediately, the eyes that glanced at Lu Xiaotian were inexplicably astonished. She and Lu Xiaotian had dealt with Lu Xiaotian in the Ziqing Immortal Palace's remains, and this time she came here just to find Lu Xiaotian.

It's just that the situation of finding Lu Xiaotian surprised her. What surprised her even more was Lu Xiaotian's strength. Not only did she advance to the Xuanxian Realm, but she also reached such a level. When Lu Xiaotian was in the Ziqing Immortal Palace, he could only rely on his strength. The remaining luck of the Ziqing Immortal Palace and the spirit of the water evil spirit. But now the spirit of water evil is without the blessing of Ziqing Immortal Palace's luck, and in the hands of Lu Xiaotian, it can actually exert such amazing power.

"Officer Yan, this matter is a long story." Qiao San took the lead and explained the matter roughly.

"So that's how it is. Fellow Daoist Zhen has been famous for a long time, but the Deputy Pavilion Master Dongfang is really a talent made in heaven." In addition, the six Qingyan demons who have been following Yan Jiu have relatively less scruples than Yan Jiu. After all, in their eyes, even if they were better at refining alchemy, they would be able to sit on an equal footing with them. After all, they were born in the Department of Heavenly Punishment and had a lot of power.

But right now, the few Qingyan Yaoxians have the feeling that they want to look up to Lu Xiaotian.

"The two are fierce and fierce. Obviously, I haven't done my best yet. If necessary, I will take action." Yan Jiu nodded and said, as a criminal officer, he can't just sit idly by when encountering such a thing.

"If you want me to say that the Deputy Pavilion Master of Dongfang has a bad temper, it's because the Zhen family is deceiving people too much." A Qingyan demon said.

"Who says it's not." They are not in the same system as the Immortal Army, and they only handle criminal duties. Even if Zhen Jingshan is powerful and has some contacts, he can't get involved in the Tianping Division. Naturally, there is no barrier to speaking than Xie Yun and others many.

"Who do you think will win?"

A group of six Qingyan demon fairies chattered. Yan Jiu raised his left hand, "Okay, watch more and talk less, why are you talking so much?"

The Qingyan demon fairies stuck out their tongues, and each focused their attention on the increasingly fierce battle scene in the distance.

The big face formed by the roaring thunderclouds in the void is like the manifestation of a god, and the thunder beam that spits out from the mouth seems to be able to encompass thousands of thunder beams, twisting an entire airspace into the thunder beam.

With a movement of Lu Xiaotian's consciousness, black, gold, silver, and blue waves intertwined in front of his eyes, like a vast ocean lying between him and the thunder pillar.

Chi! The Thunder Pillar hit in mid-air, colliding with the mighty ocean, the tide in front of him was still the same, but it gave Lu Xiaotian the feeling as if his vast ocean was big and the thick thunder and lightning were like a shallow puddle. The cave sky looming in the thunder light is like another world, there is a sense of contradiction that the fluorescent fire cannot compete with the bright moon, it is obvious that the vast ocean on my side should be more vast.

But this feeling of contradiction is real. For an opponent with a weaker soul, this kind of conflict alone is enough to cause him to be hurt secretly.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian forcibly suppressed the discomfort caused by this gap in artistic conception, and still controlled the wave to meet it.

Rumbling, the entire ocean was broken apart in an instant, and the spirit of water evil is not insignificant. When it comes to power, it is even higher than Lu Xiaotian's current three-headed and six-armed flame man. It's just that no matter how good this treasure is, it's not entirely his own. Lu Xiaotian can control it, and it can be controlled by others. The opponents he has faced in the past have not reached the level of Zhen Jingshan, so naturally there will be no disadvantages. Just in the face of Zhen Jingshan's cross-artistic blow, the former behemoth seemed to have unstable foundations, like a castle built of rotten wood, it would be knocked down by someone.

In contrast, the three-headed and six-armed flame man formed by the phaseless profound fire is obtained by Lu Xiaotian's self-cultivation, and it is one of Lu Xiaotian's brainchild. Although the original Wuxiang Xuanhuo's power was not enough, but with the improvement of Lu Xiaotian's cultivation base, he continued to integrate his immortal essence and artistic conception into it, so that the Wuxiang Xuanhuo at this time has already become another kind of existence , but also continued the original name.

Facing Zhen Jingshan, who was already superior in this artistic conception, Lu Xiaotian could avoid it by using teleportation magical powers, but he could avoid it once or twice, but he couldn't avoid it ten times or eight times. Blindly dodging can't achieve the goal of hitting Zhen Jingshan. Zhen Jingshan's foundation must be weakened. This person is based on thunder, so he wants to take away his original thunder power. Make it impossible to hit the Heavenly Wonderland in its heyday!

For such a purpose, Lu Xiaotian couldn't just avoid it blindly. As for the usual changes, it was somewhat gimmicky in front of Zhen Jingshan, who had a more profound artistic conception.

At this time, the flame man with three heads and six arms just stood quietly in front of Lu Xiaotian, clenching his fingers into a fist, and simply punched forward. The flame giant fist, but people can't feel the scorching heat of the flame. In Zhen Jingshan's eyes, that ordinary punch seemed to come from another dimension. It looked extremely weird.

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