Become a Fairy

Chapter 3373 ????? Rumors

Chapter 3373 rumors

If he hadn't seen Zhen Jingting's miserable appearance now, Xie Yun would have directly reprimanded him. Although Xie Yun didn't say he knew Zhen Jingting's strength clearly, he was still one of his state shepherds after all, so he probably knew a little bit about it, and Xie Yun would take action himself, so it would not be too difficult to deal with Zhen Jingting. Just wanting to hit Zhen Jingting to such a serious injury, abolish Zhen Jingting's whole body cultivation, and not hurt his life, there is a lot of refinement in it. It is definitely not something that ordinary Xuanxian can do.

Under such circumstances, it is even more dreaming for the Zhen family to let him deal with Lu Xiaotian.

"Well, this Dongfang deputy pavilion master's method is really amazing. It's really incredible that a newly promoted Xuanxian can cause such a vision and defeat fellow Daoist Zhen." sighed loudly.

Xie Yun, Cui Ling, Tie Hua and other mysterious immortals saw the depths of the surging fairy spirit, and their eyes were full of surprise. Zhen Jingting's defeat was too miserable and too fast. They are Profound Immortals, and the range of distribution of their spiritual consciousness is relatively limited, especially in a place where the aura of immortal spirits gathers so violently, they will be affected a lot. It is not clear at all what exactly happened in it, and it is also unclear what exactly happened to Zhen Jingting.

"Cui Ling, Fellow Daoist Tiehua, since you are here, we will mobilize the immortal army to patrol around, and strictly prohibit other people from harassing the cultivation of the Deputy Pavilion Master Dongfang. After he is on a business trip, let's go visit together again." After a while. Afterwards, domain master Xie Yun said.

"Yes, domain master!" Cui Ling and Tie Hua clapped their hands in agreement.

"Let's disperse too, don't disturb the cultivation of the Deputy Pavilion Master Dongfang." Xie Yun looked at Meng Changzai and other people in the Alchemy Pavilion and said humanely.

"Alright, we old men only know how to deal with elixir all day long, and we still need to rely on Daoist Xie for the safety of the fairyland. Don't bother me, goodbye!" Meng Changzai and the others cupped their hands.

"Easy to go!" Xie Yun nodded.

"I didn't expect that the Deputy Pavilion Master Dongfang could even defeat Zhen Jingting. This doesn't look like he has just advanced to the rank of Xuanxian. I look at Xie Yuzhu's eyes, and I am afraid that Xie Yuzhu may not be able to please him personally. If Dongfang The deputy pavilion master has really just advanced, and I am afraid that his achievements in the future may not be below that Zhenjing Mountain." Wu Youcheng said thoughtfully during the process of returning from several alchemy pavilions.

"Brother Wu, do you mean that we should join forces to push Dongfang Deputy Pavilion Master?"

Meng Changzai asked, who can't see such a truth, it's just that the potential belongs to the potential, it's hard to say whether it can really compete with Zhen Jingshan, and the most important thing is that Lu Xiaotian's time to enter the Guiling Immortal Realm is too short , the foundation is too shallow. Being a person is the most taboo to talk shallow words, and doing things is also normal. Lu Xiaotian does not have a deep friendship with them, otherwise it would be okay to join hands to help Lu Xiaotian.

"The Deputy Pavilion Master Dongfang is indeed too young. Even if we want to help him, we don't know what other people think." Xie Chushan shook his head and said, "I don't think we have anything to hesitate about this matter. If we don't help each other, there is no Adding insult to injury is enough to be worthy of the Deputy Pavilion Master Dongfang."

"Brother Xie is right." Bao Sheng nodded, and he didn't agree to get too involved in this matter.

"Forget it, since several of you have concerns, let's stop the discussion on this matter. If the Deputy Pavilion Master Dongfang shows enough strength later, let's decide whether to help him according to the situation."

Meng Changzai nodded, and a group of alchemy pavilion elders returned to their respective caves.

As for the immortal army of the Guiling Immortal Territory, under Xie Yun's order, Cui Ling, Tie Hua and others took charge in person, mobilized the immortal army, and patrolled the fringe area with a radius of tens of thousands of miles around Lu Xiaotian's cave mansion as the core. Strictly guard against other people with ulterior motives trespassing here. At this time, if you want to disturb Lu Xiaotian's closed-door training, unless Zhen Jingshan comes in person, it will not be so easy for others to pass through the obstruction of the fairy army.

The assistant master of the Alchemy Pavilion in the Guiling Immortal Territory had a cultivation level that reached the sky, and when he was promoted to Xuanxian, he defeated Zhen Jingting in one move. The news of his abolition of his cultivation base was only circulated among the high-level people in the Guiling Immortal Domain. After all, other state pastors also have the right to know about such a big matter. Such a big change happened to the Zhen family, and Zhen Jingting's accident, to the Zhen family of Guiling Immortal Territory, it is tantamount to the collapse of half of the sky, and there are a few insiders in the Alchemy Pavilion.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, let alone a few walls that are not very closely connected. The news quickly spread throughout the entire Guiling Realm, and it was even spreading around the Guiling Immortal Realm.

At this time, compared with other people, Mao Jiuling was in more panic all day long, and Fairy Yunxia was seriously injured and unconscious in his hands. Mao Jiuling guessed that this glamorous and astonishingly beautiful Fairy Yunxia must be Lu Xiaotian's confinement. At that time, Guiling Immortal Territory did not have such a famous person as the Deputy Pavilion Master of the East.

When he found out that it was too late, Mao Jiuling felt very regretful. If he had known this, he would not have dared to touch Fairy Yunxia. It's just that time cannot be turned back. Things can't go back to the past.

After Lu Yiming took Lu Xiaotian's deputy head of the Alchemy Pavilion to take away Yunxia Xianzong and his party, Mao Jiuling was frightened out of his wits. Faced with Lu Xiaotian's astonishing power and status, Mao Jiuling didn't know what to do, but later he heard that the Zhen family, who was also powerful in Guiling Fairyland, had turned against Lu Xiaotian. Mao Jiuling had some luck in his heart.

The sky is falling and there is a tall man standing on top, maybe the rumored Deputy Pavilion Master Dongfang only has energy to deal with the Zhen family for the time being. Later, I heard that Lu Xiaotian had gone far away, and that the Zhen family had even produced a remarkable person, who was about to advance to the Heavenly Wonderland, and was still preparing to deal with Lu Xiaotian. Mao Jiuling couldn't help being overjoyed, as long as the Zhen family took care of Lu Xiaotian, he would naturally not be affected anymore.

Mao Jiuling had already prepared a heavy gift and was going to send it to the Zhen family to serve. It's just that before the gift could be given out in the future, bad news suddenly came, who is Zhen Jingting, a dignified Xuanxian state priest in the Guiling Immortal Realm, and his cultivation was abolished by Lu Xiaotian. The other party can abolish even the state shepherd, let alone a real fairy? Just lift your finger and you can kill him casually.

Isn't that guy named Dongfang the deputy head of the Alchemy Pavilion? How could it be so powerful? Mao Jiuling had countless doubts in his heart, but the news from the outside had already spread, and each of the Xuanxians in the Guiling Immortal Realm guarded one side, with high positions and weights. In the past, it was okay to fall into a dangerous place such as the foggy swamp, but it was the first time that someone was crippled in the fairyland. How could such a big event spread so widely in the Immortal Domain?

It's over, now even Zhen Jingting has been abolished, he is afraid that he will not even be able to save his life, if the other party only needs to say a word, someone in the fairy army will naturally arrange for him to go to a dangerous place to perform a mission, and who will care if any accidents occur during the process? Take care of him? Mao Jiuling was in despair.

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