Become a Fairy

Chapter 3334 news

And the heavenly emperors of the several heavenly courts are undoubtedly the ones with the biggest fists. All classes with official positions under the Heavenly Court are the orthodox people under the Heavenly Court, while those who are not on the register have a much lower status. They can only submit to the rule of the Heavenly Court, but they do not share much of the Heavenly Court's luck.

Where there is oppression, there is resistance. Guys like Yuanba, Xingyan old monster, and Cao Fang are the ones who dare to set up another mountain to intercept part of the fairy world's luck for their own use. To put it more simply, the fairyland is like a cauldron, the best part of which has been cut off by several heavenly emperors.

And Yuanba, Xingyan old monster, Cao Fang and others dared to steal part of it under the fingers of the Emperor of Heaven. Naturally, this cannot be tolerated by the Emperor of Heaven. However, they finally gained something, compared to those ordinary sects of immortal sects who dare not move their minds, they are much stronger. In a word, if you dare to think and do, you will gain something.

Some of the top powerhouses under the Emperor of Heaven naturally also received considerable benefits. Of course, those who are eligible to receive these benefits are those who are talented and have great opportunities. But no matter what, the one who gets the most benefits must be the Heavenly Emperor. It is never possible to reach the level of the Heavenly Emperor, unless the original Heavenly Emperor is overthrown and he becomes the new Heavenly Emperor. This point is different from the previous secular emperors, but there are also certain similarities.

"The topic is a bit far-fetched, now everyone should think about how to get out of trouble. What's your opinion, little friend?" Old Monster Xingyan looked at Lu Xiaotian and said.

"To be honest, although it is difficult to break through the predicament in front of us, it is not hopeless. It's just that for us, even if we break through the cage in front of us, we will just jump into another cage. The result we will face may not be the same. It will be better than before, and even worse." Lu Xiaotian said.

"My little friend, why did you say that?" Chijuan Yaoxian Juan Rong asked with a few expressions.

"The younger generation's knowledge of this place all comes from Yunxia Xianzong, but I don't know if the information learned by Yunxia Xianzong is wrong, or the person who leaked the information to me has a grudge and deliberately concealed something, true or false, It is hard to tell the truth from reality. I am also trapped here, which is enough to show that the information I got is not reliable. Based on my understanding of the restrictions here, although these four sets of restrictions are very ingeniously integrated, it seems It is completely integrated, but there is a certain possibility that it is manipulated by others."

Lu Xiaotian said with a serious face, "If you really want to get out of trouble, seniors, at least you have to work together until you see the treasure you want, otherwise you have your own plans, it's better to stay here, at least you don't have to worry about your life."

"Did you kid hear that you want to trick us, or is there really something else?" Cao Fang looked at Lu Xiaotian suspiciously and said. Obviously, he doesn't believe Lu Xiaotian's words.

"I'm just telling the truth. Even if I did see the treasure afterwards, according to the current situation, it seems that I have nothing to do with it. It's natural for you seniors to want me to break the restriction here, but if you choose , What will happen in the future, you need to bear it yourself. As for me, although I can make suggestions, I don’t have the right to make decisions.” Lu Xiaotian shrugged, and he didn’t fool Xingyan old monster, Cao Fang, Ape Ba and his party.

"Among the group of us present, Chijuan Yaoxian is the one who is the most proficient in formations, so we may be a bit overwhelmed."

Xingyan old monster looked at Chijuan Yaoxian Juanrong with a serious face and said. Although Yaoxian Chijuan couldn't see the problem of the restriction here before, but now that Lu Xiaotian has reminded her, it is normal to see more of the problem. Compared with this seemingly too weird Lu Xiaotian, the Xingyan old monster or the ape tyrant, Cao Fang obviously still believes in Chijuan Yaoxian more. In essence, they are all the same kind of people. And Lu Xiaotian seems to be relatively easy to control, but now in the eyes of these people, it comes from heaven. In normal times, a slap to a junior like this in Shangxianyu would kill him. Now that the other party can live until now, it is entirely because he still has some usefulness.

"My accomplishments in formations are not as good as this little friend. With his reminder, I can see that the four sets of restrictions here are not easy, but I can't see some other strange things." Chijuan Yaoxian directly shook his head.

"In this way, only this little friend can lead us out of the predicament." Cao Fang looked at Lu Xiaotian and said.

"Seniors, don't be too optimistic. Even if I do my best, you seniors may not be able to get out of trouble. Of course, I am sure that I will break the restriction in front of me. After breaking the predicament in front of me, will I face even worse problems? The situation is unknown. With the cultivation base of your seniors, are you afraid that I will play tricks?" Lu Xiaotian shrugged.

"Forget it, the old man believed you. That guy fell into the hands of the old man. He used the method of eating the soul of a hundred insects to let him confide some news, including this Ziqing Immortal Palace. Come here to find the Ziqing Immortal Palace The whereabouts of the relics, the old man originally planned to try his luck, but he did not expect to encounter such troubles." Xingyan old monster said.

"I also killed a Heavenly Court Profound Immortal and learned the news. Back then, Ziqing Immortal Palace was destroyed under Heavenly Court's suppression and conspiracy. Many Heavenly Court powerhouses participated in it. The news from the palace is not surprising. It’s just that what these people know is relatively limited, so Lao Tzu is now imprisoned here.” Yuanba rubbed his head and said.

"I learned about this when I was in an adventure in a Heavenly Immortal Cave. At that time, there were many strong Xuanxians hunting for treasures in the Heavenly Immortal Cave. Everyone gained their own rewards. Of course, there were also many unlucky ghosts who died in it. Come with me There is also a wine and meat monk who has heard about this Ziqing Immortal Palace. It is said that he is the disciple and grandson of Raoshizi Maha Buddha. That wine and meat monk originally wanted to come here, and I don’t know if he has come.” Cao Fang also said own source of news.

Mahabharata? Lu Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat, what he got was the most complete inheritance of Mahā Buddha Sect. Although I have heard a few words about Maha Buddhism sporadically in the fairy world, they are very general and not enough for Lu Xiaotian to have a deep understanding of the Buddhism in the fairy world.

I didn't expect to know the news about Maha Buddhism from Cao Fang. Of course, it's inconvenient for Lu Xiaotian to ask more now. Moreover, Shi Xingkong had already fallen in the lower realm after the battle with Luohu, and he had already obtained the inheritance of Shi Xingkong. If he solved his worries, Lu Xiaotian would not mind doing something for Mahā Buddhism. It's just that I can't protect myself now, so I don't have the energy to take care of others.

"The seniors only know this, and there is no more detailed news about this Ziqing Immortal Palace?" Lu Xiaotian frowned.

"If there are really many detailed information, the treasure of Ziqing Immortal Palace has already been taken by others, how can we get it?" Cao Fang rolled his eyes and said.

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