Become a Fairy

Chapter 3323 ??? Lakeside

Chapter 3323 Lakeside

A wave of light is shining, fish jump out of the lake from time to time, and the breeze blows slowly from a distance from time to time.

At this time, by the shore of this unknown lake, there are a few holding fishing nets in the distance, ready to fish with the nets at any time. Even in the fairyland, the strength of the aborigines in many places has also stayed in the Mahayana realm. Under the nourishment of the fairy breath all the year round, even those who have not practiced and have a stronger physique can reach the strength close to the physical training of the initial stage of integration. It is equivalent to transforming gods, and the strength of the virtual gods can be found everywhere. The starting point of cultivation in the entire fairy world is many times higher than the interface that Lu Xiaotian stayed in before.

It's just that although the aborigines in the fairyland are strong, they naturally have the same starting point when they grew up in the fairyland since they were young.

The aborigines who don't know how to practice but have supernatural powers also rely on physical strength, some self-made weapons, or tools to hunt and fish.

Even stronger monks, even if they can fly in the air, face the dangers passing by in the void from time to time, and they are still subject to considerable restrictions. If the difference in strength is not too big, even if these monks can fly, they will face the dangers that fly by from time to time. Many aborigines use bows and arrows, and throwing weapons are still quite dangerous. If you meet some people who are not cultivated, but have extraordinary talents and have some kind of spiritual body. Untrained people can reach the Mahayana, even the aliens of the Immortal Realm, just by attacking with the physical body. It is not uncommon in the fairy world to suffer a big loss if you are not careful, or even fall on the spot.

In short, the world is full of wonders.

Among the few fishermen, there was a guy who was nine feet tall and burly like a hill. Even if he was separated by tens of miles, he could see Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng who were also on the lakeside at a glance. The aboriginals from all over the fairy world are born with stronger physical bodies, and their eyesight and perception are quite sharp. For them, it is not difficult to see things at distances of tens of miles. Even people with poor eyesight can see a mosquito flying tens of miles away. What's more, Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng are two big living people.

The group of six or seven fishermen were all strong young men, at the age when their hearts were beating. It was obvious that the clothes of Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng were different from their rough styles.

These people are the same as many aborigines that Lu Xiaotian has seen, dressed plainly and isolated from the outside world on this land. But they obviously also know that there are other immortals outside this land. But not afraid. Several of the young people saw Xiang Qingcheng's stunning beauty, even if they didn't apply makeup, they just sat beside Lu Xiaotian quietly, like fairies who came out of the painting. The eyes of those young people almost stared straight.

The brows of the most burly young man carried a kind of childishness slightly heavier than others. Even at such a distance, Lu Xiaotian could still feel the extremely surging vitality and almost explosive physical strength of the other party.

He is really a guy who can threaten the existence of a fairy. Although he has not yet reached the level of a real fairy, the means must not be too many. From Lu Xiaotian's point of view, it is Hu Xiaofeng in the late stage of the fairy who faces this burly and strong young man. , I dare not say that I will win. Or in terms of the age of a fairy, maybe it should be classified as a teenager.

It has not been a short time for Lu Xiaotian to go to the Immortal Realm. All the way out of the Guiling Immortal Realm, he no longer needs to be cautious as before, lest he will meet some powerful guy, or be followed by the Dragon Seeker who will find clues all the way . Now his status as the deputy head of the Alchemy Pavilion in the Guiling Immortal Realm is the best pass.

With Lu Xiaotian's powerful primordial spirit, if he doesn't want to meet a strong Xuanxian, he can avoid it in advance. If you really encounter a hostile Xuanxian-level powerhouse, it's not that you have no countermeasures.

With a certain ability to resist risks, after Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng left the Guiling Immortal Realm, they stopped and stopped all the way, went to two thunder fields successively, inhaled a certain amount of thunder power and entered the Qingguo enchantment. At this time, Qingguo The power of thunder accumulated in the enchantment has increased a lot.

In the middle, I also avoided a Xuanxian-level monster in the Thunder Domain. As for the waiting for the real fairy monster, it is not Lu Xiaotian's opponent at all, or it doesn't need Lu Xiaotian to take action, Xiang Qingcheng can also solve it.

Along the way, I met too many aborigines from all over the fairy world, and most of Lu Xiaotian and Xiang Qingcheng lived in peace with each other. Originally, some immortals were quite hostile to outsiders, and the strong preyed on the weak everywhere. Apparently, some aborigines have been bullied by those high-ranking immortals, or immortals.

If it was just Lu Xiaotian alone, he might still be attacked to a certain extent, but Xiang Qingcheng would be together and walk with beauty. It can ease the considerable atmosphere, and it can be regarded as avoiding a lot of trouble.

"Fish school!" The simple and honest young man with a lot of childishness between his brows, which was in stark contrast to his sturdy appearance, was the first to recover from Xiang Qingcheng's beauty, and turned his attention to the lake.

The young Kumano let out a low snort, one of them was clearly good at fishing, and the young man with shrewd eyes cast out a fishing net, a rope thicker than his hands pulled the fishing net, and the fishing net was released, Covering the lake for two or three miles. Gray and white fishnets are scattered on the surface of the lake, and a circle near the lake enters the water, which is very beautiful.

Once the fishing net entered the water, it caught at least a dozen big guys. The body of the fish is several feet long, and its body is much bigger than these six or seven young people.

The eyes of these six or seven young people did not show a sense of vicissitudes, but their fishing techniques were extremely sophisticated. Know that schools of fish entering the net will struggle desperately. If more than a dozen big guys can be captured, it will be a big harvest. If you just want to eat the meat of the fish, you naturally have to bear the resistance of the fish.

It is not so easy to surrender when a dozen big guys with a length of several feet are struggling. No matter how you look at it, six or seven young men seem too thin.

However, the fishing experience of these seven young men is obviously rich, and they cooperate with each other tacitly. Grabbing the rope thicker than an arm, loosening it when it should be loose, and tightening it when it should be tight, wrestling with a dozen big fish blindly rushing around in the net.

Even though these dozens of big fish can offset part of the strength of the fish school when struggling in different directions in the net, it is still not easy to pull such a dozen big fish with blue backs.

"A lot of fish, if they can be pulled up this time, it will be enough to rest for a few months."

"It's not that easy. These green fishes are not smart, but their Yili is so strong that they may not be able to pull them up."

"Fight with them!"

While the six young men were pulling the fishing net with each other, a huge force surged from the other end of the net, and the six young men were pulled to stagger toward the lake. Each exclaimed. Seeing that he couldn't move the fishing net, he was about to be dragged into the water instead.

"What's going on, why are these stupid fishes stronger than before."

"Hi!" At this time, the nine-foot-tall, most muscular young man Xiongye yelled violently, his feet nailed to the ground like nails, and his body leaned forward at an angle of 30 to 40 degrees to the ground.

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