Become a Fairy

Chapter 3315 ??? Demon Bee Ant

Chapter 3315 Demon Bee Ant

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Among the twelve prefectures of Guiling Immortal Territory, Qingzhou Purple Leaf Mountain Region grows patches of purple flame fruit, which can be used as auxiliary immortal materials for several kinds of elixir, and can also be used to brew immortal wine. There is a great demand in the Guiling Immortal Realm. It's just that the Ziyan fruit tastes sweet, with a hint of fire power. Very popular with bees and ants.

The Twelve States of Guiling Immortal Territory have lost too many manpower in the phantom mist swamp. Right now, guarding some important passages in the Immortal Domain and eliminating some potential threats to Guiling Immortal Domain require the use of a large number of immortal troops. The strength that is still ample is stretched at this time.

As for some tasks that could be handed over and were quite troublesome, the Guiling Immortal Territory began to be distributed to the personnel of various immortal sects gathered from outside, casual cultivators, etc. Among the huge aborigines in the fairyland, those who can cultivate to the fairy realm are relatively few after all. The lives of these people are naturally more valuable than those of outsiders. Moreover, among the immortal sects from outside, there are still some real immortals who can be used. Even if the strength is much worse than that of the same level of Immortal Realm Immortals, it is always much stronger than Immortals.

The Purple Flame Fruit in the Purple Leaf Mountain Region is one of the favorite foods of the Demon Bee Ant. The strength of the demon bees and ants is not too strong for the immortals and true immortals in the fairyland. The immortal soldiers who form a battle formation, coupled with the command of the real immortals in the fairyland, can easily repel the swarms of demon bees ant.

It's just that it's relatively easy for the fairy army in the fairyland, but it's not so easy for those sects from outside the fairyland.

No matter how powerful the immortal army is, it cannot completely stop the demon bee and ant's desire for purple flame fruit. The lifespan of this ordinary monster bee ant is extremely short, only less than a thousand years, but its strength grows extremely fast, and the speed is not slow compared to ordinary immortals.

The ability to reproduce is extremely strong, but the demon bee ants are not used to too large a population, and every time the population expands to a certain size, it will segregate to find another development.

Otherwise, if a large-scale race formed in the fairyland and formed a great threat, it would have been wiped out by the concentrated force of the fairy army. It is precisely because of its small population size that it is usually scattered around and it is more difficult to locate its traces. It is impossible for the fairy army to completely wipe them out.

Of course, the bee crystals produced by the demon bee ants are extremely useful for the cultivation of true immortals and are of great value. Compared with some other evil spirits, or threats from the fairyland, this demon bee ant is also quite useful. Therefore, large and small monster bee colonies have existed in the Guiling fairyland to this day.

For the immortals and true immortals in the fairyland, this relatively controllable demon bee colony can resist it without much effort, and can also obtain the bee crystals left by it. But that's not the case for the Xianzong sect stationed here at this time.

"Quick, everyone, be careful, the damned demon bees and ants are coming again!" A fairy yelled loudly in the crowd, and thousands of people were divided into dozens of arrays of different sizes to resist the swarming demon bees and ants group.

Yunxia Xianzong is one of them. Fairy Yunxia looked at the monster bee and ant colony in front of her with a worried expression. Although the scale was smaller than last time, last time there was the suzerain, Master Xinhong and others led a team to resist , There are also real immortal-level powerhouses in the monster bee ant colony, and there are a few of them. In the last battle, Yun Chongyi, Xin Hong, and Bai Ziyuan were injured one after another. They were stung by monster bees and ants, and they were poisoned by bees and ants. Although they were not fatal, they could not form much strength in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Fairy Yunxia, ​​Lin Fang, and Lama Banhui broke through to true immortals one after another. Although the strength is far inferior to Yun Chongyi and others, there are still a few true immortals among the surviving people of Yunxia Immortal Sect. Otherwise, only some immortals and most of the monks were present, and the monster bee swarm came to fight, and I am afraid that the hearts of the people would have been scattered.

"It seems that the situation is not optimistic. Nearly half of the Zongmen's casualties are now. The situation at Yunqing Palace is not the same as ours. Our strength is far from that of Sect Master Yun and the others. Even though the scale of this bee and ant colony is smaller, we I'm afraid I can't resist it." Lin Fang said with a worried expression.

"Who doesn't know the reason, but if you can't stop it, you have to stop it. Once the purple flame fruit here loses too much, and the real immortals in the fairyland blame it, we can't afford it." Lama Banhui sighed. , "There is no news from Mr. Zhu Xiansi and Deputy Xiansi Lu who are friends with Mr. have also been on the battlefield in the Misty Mist Swamp. They are too far apart, and they can't take care of Yunxia Xianzong at all now."

Lin Fang also shook his head helplessly at this time. There was nothing he could do about this chaotic situation. Compared with other people, it was a great fortune for them to be able to enter the Guiling Immortal Realm. The process of fighting the demon bees and ants Among them, their strength is not small. Not to mention their small foreign sects, even the fairy army of Guiling Immortal Realm, I don't know how many people were killed or injured by the soldiers of the wolf cavalry. To be able to live till now, and to be promoted to the rank of True Immortal, what's so bad about it?

"Come on, cheer up and try to survive." Lin Fang stretched out his hand and sacrificed his twelve green vine artifacts, and the green vines whipped towards the densely packed demon bees and ants.

Crack, clack, fist-sized demon bees and ants were constantly being whipped, and the weaker ones were directly whipped to death by the rolling cyan vines. However, quite a few of them got in through the gaps in the ivy.

Lin Fang alone could not protect everyone in Yunxia Xianzong. At this time, dense numbers of demon bees and ants flew over, and Yunxia Xianzong, as well as the immortals and real immortals of Yunqing Palace, as well as the seemingly large number of monks, couldn't stop the bees and ants at all.

While the demon bees and ants were dying, one after another screamed, and some demon bees and ants had already broken through the defense of these monks or immortals and stung them.

Under normal conditions, being stung once or twice by this monster bee and ant is not a big deal. But once stung too many times, bee and ant venom injected into the body reaches a certain amount, which is enough to be fatal.

Up to now, guarding this purple flame fruit forest, too many people have fallen. They did not die under the iron hooves of the wolves in the phantom mist swamp, but were cleaned up by these demon bees and ants.

A large number of demon bees and ants rushed in. Thousands of people from Yunxia Xianzong and Yunqing Palace fought fiercely against the colony of bees and ants. The corpses of demon bees and ants kept falling on the ground. There are also constant monks, or immortals who are injured or even fall, although the proportion is much smaller than that of demon bees and ants. But the group of demon bees and ants is many times more than the monks and immortals guarding this forest. For the leader of the demon bee and ant, he didn't care about such a loss at all.

A group of demon bees and ants crossed the border, gnawed some of the purple flame fruit, and then walked away, leaving only a mess on the ground, and there were still more than half of the purple flame fruit on the tree, but the lost part was still in the hands of others. The death and injury still made Fairy Yunxia, ​​Lin Fang, Lama Banhui and everyone feel heavy.

Zi Yanguo has lost so much, the Immortal Realm Immortal above will not make them feel better, and they have already suffered too many deaths and injuries, and they will not get a chance to rest. would be too much.

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