Become a Fairy

Chapter 3291 Attacking the stronghold

Chapter 3291

No matter how tyrannical Zhu Shilin is, it is impossible to rob Lu Xiaotian directly in the Xianjun camp, and it is still in the presence of Zhu Yan, Lu Yiming, Zhao Qian, Wang Kun and other true immortals.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian and Zhu Shilin were tearing their faces apart, Zhu Shilin could only speak bitterly, and then his face was so gloomy that he was about to drip water and returned.

"Dongfang, you are so courageous that you even dare to offend Zhu Shilin. We are afraid that we will have nothing good to eat now." Lu Yiming looked at Lu Xiaotian and shook his head. They still have some foundation in Guilingxianyu, but right now In the camp of the immortal army in the Mukun Immortal Territory, offending a Xuanxian, or in such a fierce and dangerous situation, once a fight starts later, as long as Zhu Shilin gets the opportunity to plot against them, it is not too much to let them die easy.

"This Liuminghuo Wang Yu is the property of the Zhen family. He wants to cheat it from me and keep it for himself. If he really takes it away, what will he give to the Zhen family in exchange?" Lu Xiaotian shook his head, "Under this kind of chaos , Xuanxian powerhouses are naturally greeted by Xuanxian-level werewolves. Zhu Shilin's chances of survival may not be higher than ours, what are you afraid of, the big deal is to find a way to go to the Guiling Immortal Realm afterwards, I don't have to stay in this Mukun Immortal Realm Immortal army camp."

"That's true, but the Zhen family is not weak in the Guiling Immortal Territory. Brother Dongfang wants to gain a foothold in the Guiling Immortal Territory, so he can no longer offend them to death. Even if I am on your side, The Zhu family is not weaker than the Zhen family, but when it comes to the status in the family, I am far inferior to Zhen Shuo."

Zhu Yan reminded, Zhu Yan has nothing to do with Lu Xiaotian's actions at this time. He has been performing well before, and there are almost no major flaws. Right now it seems that the demand for immortal crystals is too strong, otherwise there would not be so many troubles one after another.

"I know that." Lu Xiaotian nodded.

"Aww——" Amidst a desolate and forceful wolf howl, the expressions of Zhu Yan and Lu Yiming changed at the same time. The time they stayed in the Magic Swamp was not short, and they had dealt with wolf riders a lot, so they were all too familiar with the howling of wolves.

This sound was the horn of the wolf rider's attack, and it resounded so clearly in everyone's ears, what it meant could not be clearer.

The wolf cavalry is going to attack the fairy army camp here right now, and will not give the fairy army camp in the Mukun Immortal Domain a chance to breathe.

At this time, outside the Xianjun camp, arrows flew forward like locusts. On the opposite side, dozens of wolf-headed monsters with a height of hundreds of feet, salivating from their mouths, dragging a huge thorn hammer, holding a large shield, and striding towards the fairy army camp.

The desolate trumpet sounded louder and louder.

Whoosh, whoosh, huge wolf-patterned crossbow arrows swinging towards the void, each one thicker than thighs can almost make the nearby airspace tremble. The arrows shot from the Xianjun camp lost their momentum in this shock.

The thick crossbow arrows also pierced the defensive restrictions of the fairy army camp, causing layers of ripples, and the wolf-headed giant monster stinging hammers that swelled to hundreds of feet in height moved arcs in the void, and the hammer easily Across thousands of miles, they bombarded the prohibition of the Xianjun camp one after another.

Although the barracks of the Mukun Immortal Army had strong restrictions, under such continuous impact, the aura was unstable for a while. Among the wolf cavalry that meandered from the opposite side, there were a few Xuanxian-level werewolves standing with their hands tied, although the Xuanxian strongmen on the side of the Xianjun camp were already eager to try under the successive attacks on the camp.

It's just that under the threat of Xuanxian-level werewolves, these Xuanxian powerhouses dare not act rashly. I'm afraid that if I make a move on my side, if I accidentally leave some openings, the Xuanxian-level werewolf on the opposite side will take advantage of it. After all, one-on-one has already left them without the slightest confidence, let alone when they are distracted.

However, the attack of the wolf cavalry will not stop in the slightest because of the concerns of these human immortals.

At this time, the restraints protecting the entire fairy army camp kept shaking, and Lu Xiaotian and other true immortals, as well as other people, could clearly see it. A breath of panic spread among the defeated immortal army. The fairy army who directly confronted the wolf cavalry in the phantom mist swamp had been killed, and not many survived. Most of these defeated troops escaped when other fairy army camps were breached.

The fairy village they were in before was not inferior to this side in terms of defense or manpower, and was even much stronger. They were still attacked by wolf cavalry, and they were defeated all the way, with no casualties. A series of defeats with heavy casualties has seriously hit the morale of these fairy troops.

Lu Xiaotian looked at it at a glance, and almost didn't need to pay attention, he could see that these routs were defeated, and the routs who had been forced together had no fighting spirit at all. Not much stronger. At least that's the case against enemies like wolf cavalry.

"It seems that we have to make plans early, this fairy army camp can't be defended." After looking around, Zhu Yan said with a serious expression.

Zhu Yan was talking, at this time Cheng Santong had already rushed here with Xiao Yu, Xiao Baoming, and Lianhua clone.

"Why are you here?" Lu Xiaotian asked curiously.

"It's really strange for you to ask this question. Now in the entire fairy army camp, people with a little brain are looking for a way out. Although I usually have a strong backstage, the elders above are hard to protect themselves. It may not be possible to stay by their side. How safe, this time I'm afraid I'll have to rely on Brother Dongfang and Brother Wuming." Cheng Santong said hesitantly.

Lu Xiaotian's face froze. He originally thought that the defeated and dismantled fairy army had lost their fighting spirit. He didn't expect that among the other part of the seemingly heavily guarded fairy army, the high-level leaders had already started planning a retreat, or It is the way out for the younger generation. These people are even less optimistic about the current war.

The morale of the unfighting army has been defeated, facing a wolf cavalry who wants to kill them all, how to deal with a strong enemy with this mentality.

"This battle was really fucking useless. I didn't do much with the wolf riders. I was chased down like a duck. Now I just focus on running for my life. The manpower is more than ten times that of the wolf riders, but I was defeated all the way. It’s embarrassing to say that.”

"Being ashamed is better than losing your life. We really can't resist the Howling Moon Wolf Cavalry, which is so powerful in the Numerical Realm." Xiao Dingming also had an obvious look of fear on his face.

"Let's get down to business. Once the wolf cavalry breaks through the camp, it will inevitably be a rout. I am afraid that the senior Xuanxian above will be unable to protect himself, and he will not be able to take care of us at all. Follow the senior Xuanxian. Why don't we fight our own way out, you guys I think so." Cheng Santong said directly.

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