Become a Fairy

Chapter 3189 ????Battle

Chapter 3189 Fighting

The dragon's breath gradually dissipated under the purple smoke. On the other hand, although part of the purple mist was lost, the rest still surged toward the green dragon.

"As expected of a Xuanxian-level existence, even under such a severe injury, and in this demon-suppressing tower, it still has such power."

The Qinglong's several-foot-long body meanders around. The pair of majestic dragon eyes were extremely excited when they saw the surging purple smoke. True dragons are addicted to war, even though they trapped many real fairy-level werewolves in the Demon Town Tower in the Fog Palace some time ago, Lu Xiaotian turned into a dragon and Qinglong and killed these opponents one after another, making the heart that had accumulated for a long time even close to The fighting spirit that affected the mind has been alleviated to a certain extent.

But it was only a certain relief. With the growth of cultivation base, especially after comprehending his own skills, Qinglong's heart was once again filled with the strong desire to fight that came from fighting countless monsters.

At this moment, in the eyes of Qinglong, the purple centipede monster in front of him is not an enemy at all, but an excellent target for battle.

Qinglong's several-foot-long body is swimming in the void, and his vigorous posture flicks his tail down. It looks like a fish flicking its tail in the water, like a tiger's tail like an iron whip, or like a cow and a horse flicking their tail at random when driving away mosquitoes and flies. Wait. This flick was natural, without the slightest affectation. But with infinite changes, it is because Lu Xiaotian has seen the power of the monster's tail when fighting with many monsters in the past, comprehended countless kinds of monster's skills, and understood the attack method of the opponent's tail.

In the end, it condensed into this tail, which didn't seem to be stagnant at all. Under one tail, it was like a sharp blade cutting through the void, splitting the surging purple smoke into two halves. Did not deliberately operate the power of space. It's just Longyuan alone, and Qinglong's supernatural powers for fighting.

Qinglong vaguely felt that this tail seemed to be a little stagnant, and it hadn't reached the point where it could do whatever it wanted. His body as a real dragon is obtained by fusing countless kinds of monsters and primordial spirits, and the corresponding dragon fighting skills also need to combine countless kinds of monsters' unique skills.

In the end, it can be said to be a great achievement if it becomes completely one's own and forms an instinctive move from the depths of the soul. And from this great achievement, I don't know how far it is. But right now, there is already a broad avenue in front of Qinglong, and he just needs to keep walking along this avenue. Qinglong firmly believes that sooner or later he will be able to reach that point.

Of course, countless battles are required, and the battle with the strong is just like this.

The purple mist was knocked away by Qinglong's tail, the centipede monster's eyes flashed with hostility, and the two rows of slender centipede legs swiped one after another, and at the same time opened their mouths to spit out, several throwing knives slashed towards Qinglong.

For a moment, there were innumerable centipede footprints in the void, which also played an excellent role in covering up the several throwing knives.

Qinglong's body meanders in the void, or with a breath of dragon's breath, the centipede's footprints are scattered first, and then Qinglong tries its best to deal with the several throwing knives sacrificed by the purple centipede demon.

Even though the purple centipede monster can't absorb any fairy breath in the space of the demon-suppressing tower at this time, and the injury in the body is getting worse with the attack, but Xuanxian is Xuanxian, and the two still suppressed it when they moved their hands. The green dragon in front of him.

Qiang Qiang Flying Knife slashed at Qinglong's body several times, bringing up pieces of dragon scales, Qinglong groaned, and after a while of fighting, he had already had six or seven wounds of different lengths on his body, but Long Yuan burst out with all his strength. For the human race, the injury was already considered serious, but it did not have much impact on Qinglong.

Before Lu Xiaotian became a dragon, he had practiced self-protection skills, and Lu Xiaotian had dabbled in a large number of demon clan body training methods such as the monster clan's hundred-refined ape body, iron armor and rhino transformation, and spirit snake forging body. Although it is far from reaching the point of integration, the dragon body is also inherently strong. In addition, when the purple centipede slashed with a flying knife, Qinglong unloaded a considerable part of its strength. At this time, on the way of fighting, the wound is also healing rapidly.

The six or seven wounds on his body had limited impact, but on the contrary, Qinglong's desire to fight further soared.

After a fight between dragons and tigers, the green dragon was in full swing, and the purple centipede demon could no longer hold back the injuries in his body, and his demon energy was also consumed excessively. Limp on the ground with a listless spirit.

Qinglong glanced at the purple centipede demon who was no longer able to fight, hesitated for a moment, then opened the restraint of the demon town tower, and let in part of the fairy breath from the outside. Afterwards, the Demon Town Tower was re-blocked to isolate the breath from the outside. Originally, he planned to kill the purple centipede monster completely, but instead of a fierce fight, Qinglong benefited a lot, and the purple centipede monster was extremely skilled, which made Qinglong not want to do it for a while, and waited for this The purple centipede monster has recovered a little before making further calculations.

Qinglong stretched out his claws and took away the Xumi ring of the purple centipede. The purple centipede monster was sent to other places in the space, separated from Mingcheng, and the dying Xuanxian-level wolf monster. At this time, these three Xuanxian-level powerhouses probably didn't know that there was an existence similar to themselves and were also killed. imprisoned here.

Lu Xiaotian divided several divine senses to monitor the three of Mingcheng respectively. Even though these three Xuanxian old monsters are now seriously injured, Lu Xiaotian dare not be careless in the face of such a powerful guy.

The rest is the triangular thunder monster. Lu Xiaotian left the demon town tower. The reason why he chose to start with the purple centipede monster is naturally because its attack is stronger. As for the triangular thunder monster, the more difficult thing is its defense ability, and its attack is relatively inferior. Of. And Lu Xiaotian is better at defense by using the power of the surrounding turbulent space. As for the attack ability, it is stronger or weaker. There is not much difference for several Xuanxian powerhouses. Especially for the Triangle Thunder Monster.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was thinking about finding trouble with the Triangle Thunder Monster, and let's talk about eliminating this threat. Suddenly, he sensed that the fluctuations in the fighting skills of the three white pythons and the Xuanxian wolf demon seemed to have decreased a lot. At the moment, Lu Xiaotian didn't care about the triangle thunder monster, and rushed towards the direction of Xuexushu again.

Hiss——A scream sounded, and when Lu Xiaotian rushed to the vicinity of the Xuexu tree, the slender machete in the hand of the Xuanxian-level werewolf slashed down, sliding through the void like a new moon. Of the three white pythons, one of the python's heads directly fell out of the body. A large amount of blood gushed out from the fracture.

The three white pythons who were originally snow-white now had a dull body, and the pythons were still wrapped in smoke like ropes. It was obvious that they had fallen for the way of the Xuanxian-level werewolf, and the opponent seized the opportunity to severely injure them in one fell swoop.

With a flash in Lu Xiaotian's eyes, this Xuanxian werewolf's strength is so strong, and if it continues to develop, after the death of the three white pythons, he alone will be unable to stop the wolf demon.

At that moment, Lu Xiaotian shot towards the Xue Xuguo without hesitation.

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