Become a Fairy

Chapter 3152 ????

Chapter 3152 Refine Thunder Jue

Surrounded by blood, there are a large number of monks, and the bodies of immortals are lying down in all directions. Among them were the corpses of the four wolf riders, and Zhao Xiuyuan held a deep wound on his left rib with bone visible. There was a burst of black smoke from the wound, like a black snake trying to drill into Zhao Xiuyuan's body continuously.

Searching tremblingly on the ground next to a wolf corpse, he finally found the severed finger of the werewolf, opened his Sumeru ring, and poured out a lot of things used by the wolf clan, most of which were useless to Zhao Xiuyuan.

Among them were some green and white vials, and Zhao Xiuyuan kept throwing them out one by one with an ugly face, regardless of the value of the contents. Until he found some green powder in a green gourd, Zhao Xiuyuan quickly applied the green powder to the injured area. Suddenly, there was a burst of black air billowing from the wound, which was several times stronger than before. After a while, black and blue bugs crawled out from the wound one after another. These worms have wolf-like fine hairs on their surfaces. It looked extremely hideous.

These strange insects crawled into the green gourd one after another, and Zhao Xiuyuan's face, which was originally dark and blue, turned for the better at this time.

"What a powerful wolf smoke monster!" After all the green and black insects entered the green pot, Zhao Xiuyuan put away the green pot with joy and fear, and then found a part in the wolf rider's Sumeru ring to control the wolf smoke monster. Jade Jane. After getting the jade slip, Zhao Xiuyuan looked to the left as if he had found a treasure, and he was slightly relieved when he saw the lotus avatar sitting on the spot to adjust his breath. This time the wolf cavalry attacked the fairy village, and the immortals and monks in the fairy village were torn apart. They were chased and killed by the wolf cavalry when they escaped. It was only after defeating the insect-riding wolf rider that he was pulled back from the gate of hell.

At this time, the behavior of taking this monster as a corpse is naturally disgusting.

"The monster worm can be given to you. Collect other things and put them aside to protect the law for me. I will distribute them after I recover." The lotus avatar had already seen Zhao Xiuyuan's actions, and now it glanced at Zhao Xiuyuan. Still closing his eyes and sitting down, after killing several wolf riders one after another, the surrounding environment changed drastically, and the surrounding restrictions seemed to become much stronger. Even with the cultivation base of the lotus avatar, he couldn't force his way out for the time being. Unable to get out of the predicament, the lotus avatar simply stayed here to sit and practice. As for the immortal essence consumed in the previous fight, it has already recovered.

"Yes, yes, I listened to the nameless fellow Taoist." Zhao Xiuyuan shook his hand holding the green pot and almost fell to the ground. It turned out that the other party saw all his actions just now. Fortunately, the other party didn't fight with him. At this time, Zhao Xiuyuan smiled wryly in his heart. He was not as strong as others, and he lacked confidence in speaking, but this wolf smoke monster was very powerful. If he learned the method of controlling insects in it, his skills could be strengthened a lot.

Zhao Xiuyuan was seriously injured at first, but it was relieved a lot after taking the wolf smoke demon worm out of his body. According to what the lotus avatar said, collect the Sumeru rings scattered around. However, dozens of them were collected in a small effort.

Zhao Xiuyuan put all the Sumeru rings aside, and was about to ask when the lotus avatar would be assigned, when the aura of the lotus avatar suddenly changed, and thunder surged around the lotus avatar, which seemed to carry several types of thunder with different auras.

Looming, like walking in an abyss, a white rainbow penetrates the sun, like cracking the void, and various sword intents emerge from the body of the lotus flower. Zhao Xiuyuan was shocked when he saw it. With so much sword intent contained in his body, how many different sword arts has this guy practiced in space? It seems that every kind of sword art is very powerful, and it is by no means comparable to ordinary swordsmanship.

I really don't know what this guy in front of me is doing so many sword arts. Looking at the sword intent escaping from the body of the lotus and converging into a small sword, Zhao Xiuyuan couldn't help feeling terrified.

Surrounded by these flying swords, Lianhua Branch hesitated a little, but quickly made a decision. At this time, he was trapped within this restriction. It's hard to get out of the predicament. At this time, the Wulei Sword Art is the main one to replace the sword fetus. Although the process is extremely dangerous, and there is an outsider like Zhao Xiuyuan, but judging from the current situation, there is not much conflict of interest between the two parties. Zhao Xiuyuan is alone When one person is not enough to deal with the surrounding dangerous situation, this person is still reliable.

With this in mind, the consciousness of the lotus avatar touched the five thunder stones, and the five elements of thunder power inside exploded from the five thunder stones as if they had been ignited. Immediately, the five-element thunder power gathered around the lotus avatar suddenly became blazing, and it was almost uncontrollable when it was behind.

"Fellow Daoist Wuming, what are you doing?" As soon as the violent thunder force poured out, Zhao Xiuyuan who was not far away was startled, and quickly avoided and fled to the side. I'm afraid that if you get too close, you will be affected.

"Cultivating supernatural powers, if we succeed in supernatural powers, it may help us break through the current predicament. You are busy with your own, don't bother me for the time being." After the Lianhua clone replied to Zhao Xiuyuan, he didn't have the energy to take care of Zhao Xiuyuan again. When Lu Xiaotian himself practiced Wulei Arrow, he was quite passionate, not to mention that the lotus avatar at this time was only a late-stage immortal.

It's just that there is no turning back when the bow is opened, and the five elements of thunder have been stimulated now, but there is no way to take it back.

Even with a little carelessness, the body of the lotus avatar would be blown to pieces in this violent thunder.

"Perhaps the deity did not expect that once the five thunder stones are activated, the five elements of thunder will be so intense." The lotus avatar is in the middle of the violent thunder at this time, like a light leaf in a storm, it may be destroyed at any time engulfed in it.

At this time, there is no way to ask the deity for help. In such a desperate situation, if you can't control the five elements of thunder, I am afraid that your body and soul will not be able to escape.

Chi. There was a burst of electric dragons and snakes all around, and the void was filled with the smell of being scorched by thunder and fire.

The lotus avatar dived down, controlling the surrounding sword intent to slowly expand into the minefield formed by the five elements of thunder. Trying to influence the direction of Leili with his own strength, not trying to completely control it, as long as most of the five elements of Leili can be shifted a little at the critical moment, even if the situation is not right, he can still be there in the fleeting moment. Get away instantly.

Zizi's sword intent dipped into the thunder field one after another, like water and fire blending together, this sword intent was quickly swallowed by the violent thunder force. Nothing but wasted energy for nothing.

After several attempts, Lu Xiaotian realized that this way was not going to work. At this time, the mutual repulsion of the five elements of thunder force is also going on at the same time, and the five completely different thunder forces push each other, causing the lotus clone to be deeply involved.

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