Become a Fairy

Chapter 309 Destruction

Among the more than twenty green guns that chased after them, there were two five-level ones, six four-level ones, and the rest were low-level ones equivalent to the Qi refining stage. Originally, Xiao Sanniang and Ge Changting's Strength, even in the face of these 20-way green weapons, they will not lose too quickly, after all, the two of them are also in the middle stage of ghosts. It's just that I don't know how many green guns have not come to kill them. Once they are dragged down by those in front of them and surrounded by those chasing them from behind, it will be too late to escape.

These green guns moved quite fast, not much slower than the two of them, and soon they also noticed Lu Xiaotian on the shoulders of the native puppet, and greedy looks flashed in their eyes for the flesh and blood of the human monks.

Lu Xiaotian frowned. He originally planned to leave the tomb as soon as possible, but he didn't expect to encounter such an accident. If he couldn't leave here, he might be stuck in the tomb again for the time being, but it's better to deal with the matter in front of him. These green scorpions follow, and they will not live in peace.

"The two of you hold on to those two fifth-level green guns for the time being, and leave the rest to me." Lu Xiaotian said to Ge Changting and Xiao Sanniang.

"Okay, the two of us will do what you say." Ge Changting and Xiao Sanniang were overjoyed when they heard the words. They believed in Lu Xiaotian's strength. If they were chased by these zombies, they would probably be desperate. The young man told them, and they just have to do it, otherwise the zombies over there will chase after him, and they can't afford the price of offending Lu Xiaotian again here.

Xiao Sanniang fought with a fifth-level green gun directly with the bone gun, and Ge Changting also controlled the skeleton soldiers to surround another fifth-level green gun.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand, and a golden light flashed. To deal with these green guns in front of him, I can't use the Ice Soul Xuanyin for the time being. I have used the Ice Soul Xuanyin several times in the previous hard fight with Di Kun, and I will not use it later. If you know what kind of situation you will encounter, it is better to use it sparingly, otherwise, once you are trapped in a crowd of zombies, it will be very troublesome in this state without a group attack skill like Ice Soul Xuanyin.

The ground-splitting knife suddenly magnified under the excitation of mana, and the golden light of the knife was vertical and horizontal. With a click, it cut across the chest of a fourth-order puppet, cutting it in half with a single knife.

Then the ground splitter split open the head of another fourth-level green *** without any pause. Lu Xiaotian is now at the sixth level of foundation building, and his cultivation level is higher than that of the fourth-level green-haired man. Even with ordinary magic weapons, it is not difficult to deal with the lower-level green-haired man. What's more, it's the magic weapon of alchemy, even the sixth-order white hair can't resist the attack of the magic weapon of alchemy, and the fourth-tier one is naturally much worse.

The ground-splitting knife directly beheaded several fourth-level green guns, and then used sneak attacks to attack the fifth-level green guns that were fighting Xiao Sanniang and Ge Changting from behind.

"You have stayed in this tomb for a long time, is there a place to temporarily hide and escape the attack of zombies?" Lu Xiaotian stretched out the ground knife and called it back. It is much more convenient to use these two guys to clean up these green guns up.

"There are two or three, but there is a distance, but I don't know if there are other groups of zombies blocking the way." Ge Changting hesitated and said.

"It's useful for me to put a few green corpses above the fourth rank into the storage bag and take them away." Lu Xiaotian instructed the two of them. The death of the green corpse was disgusting and terrifying. There are ghost cultivators right in front of your eyes, it would be a waste not to use them.

Ge Changting and Xiao Sanniang looked at each other, with a wry smile on their faces, although they didn't know what Lu Xiaotian wanted these green corpses for, but the scary young man in front of him didn't dare to ask more questions. , the other party did not pursue the behavior of the two of them fleeing without authorization before, the two of them were already thankful, and they dared to ask more. According to the words, he put away several disgusting green corpses, and then took Lu Xiaotian to the hiding place quickly with the storage bag.

There were several waves of zombies in the middle, at most there were more than a hundred of them at one time, and there were five sixth-level white dogs in the middle. Ge Changting and Xiao Sanniang were so scared that they almost turned around and ran away. **The two of them are not rivals either. Even Lu Xiaotian had a dignified look on his face, and he directly took out the fire flood bow and arrow, and when several sixth-order white spears rushed to his eyes, he directly shot two of them with one arrow, and killed them with the ground-splitting knife at the same time. one. He didn't reprimand Ge Changting and Xiao Sanniang for their behavior of hiding behind. There were too many zombies rushing over, and their strength far exceeded the limit that the two of them could bear. If it is not forced to remember, he will choose to turn around and leave, but the riots of zombies are everywhere, and the number of zombies fighting in the melee is more, so Lu Xiaotian doesn't have many choices. Using two alchemy artifacts at the same time was extremely horrific to the consumption of mana. Lu Xiaotian swallowed several Heaven Returning Pills in a row, and at the same time used the mana stored in the Yunyuan Pearl to replenish the consumed mana.

Because he took the first shot and killed the sixth-order white-haired zombies in the zombie group with incomparable precision, the crisis was temporarily relieved. Mao Zang didn't respond, and the rest of the white Mao Zang, whose cultivation base was lower than Lu Xiaotian's, fell into a short period of stagnation. Lu Xiaotian sat on the fixed native puppet, and controlled the golden puppet to block in front of him. A dozen or so white-haired zombies of the fifth level were almost crazy, and the ground-splitting knife passed through the zombie group at the same time, like chopping waste wood, the blooming knife energy chopped all the white-haired zombies in the early stage of the fifth level and the fourth level. kill.

At this time, the golden puppets also beheaded a few, but because there were many puppets besieging it in the fifth-order late stage, they were attacked by these zombies for a long time, but the powerful defense of the golden puppets was no better than that of human monks. The core of the spirit stone is destroyed, and the fifth-level white spear will not have a serious impact on its attack.

After the ground-splitting knife slashed and killed the white girls who had been stunned by the ice porch Xuanyin, they came back with their heads round.

"How long do you two want to hide behind?" Lu Xiaotian coldly scolded Ge Changting and Xiao Sanniang at this time.

"Oh, oh, me, we'll come out soon." Ge Changting and Xiao Sanniang stammered in response, recovering from the dreamlike scene, only to see the messy battlefield, the two Only then did he realize that everything in front of him was not a dream. Even if I saw it with my own eyes, it was hard to imagine that there were more than a hundred white pooches, five of the sixth level, twenty or so of the fifth level, double the number of the fourth level, and there were not many low level white pooches left.

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