Become a Fairy

Chapter 3051 ??? Within the demon weapon

Chapter 3051 within the demon weapon

A few days later, Xu Suqin and the others couldn't hold back again and urged Lu Xiaotian to break the formation. Lu Xiaotian just shied away, and asked Xu Suqin and others to test it a few times but failed.

"Fellow Daoist Dongfang, is there really nothing you can do?" Xin Hong also said a little anxiously after staying behind.

"This may be a mutated method left by the power of the monster race. I have done my best to achieve this level. Breaking through the formation is like improving the realm. How can I improve when I want to improve? "Lu Xiaotian spread his hands.

"That's the reason, but being trapped in this ghostly place all the time will inevitably make people feel anxious." Xin Hong nodded helplessly.

"We may have entered a demon weapon and have been active in it. If we want to break this demon weapon, you need to work together. You must not hide anything. You must listen to my mobilization and force it." Coincidentally, otherwise the success will be defeated. This demon weapon has a spirit, once we can't break through for the first time, we don't know how long we will be trapped in it." Lu Xiaotian said after pondering for a while.

"Demon weapon?" Xin Hong looked at each other in dismay. It was hard to imagine that the space inside a monster weapon would be so large, and the few real immortals could not reach the end even after staying in it for more than a month. Where is this monster weapon? It's a world.

"What kind of demon weapon is so big?" Zhao Qifeng asked with a frown.

"Before breaking open this demon weapon, I didn't know what it was." Lu Xiaotian spread his hands.

"In that case, why not do it now?"

"Naturally, we have to observe for a few more days until we are more confident. Daoist Zhao thinks I'm willing to be trapped in this ghost place?" Lu Xiaotian shrugged.

A few people felt that it made sense, but Zhao Qifeng still looked at Lu Xiaotian suspiciously for a few times. Lu Xiaotian's performance along the way was too miraculous. Even if it was this, Zhao Qifeng still felt that it was not true.

In fact, as Zhao Qifeng thought, Lu Xiaotian not only discovered that several people were now trapped in a demon weapon, but also found that the monster weapon seemed to have no owner, although the power of the monster weapon relied on this place The special environment has its own trajectory, and if it is controlled by another person, there may be a situation where the power is greatly reduced, or even uncontrollable.

It's just that whenever there is a slight possibility, Lu Xiaotian always wants to try whether this demon weapon can really be controlled by him. As long as a part of his power can be exerted, it is enough to trap one or two true immortals. For him, as an immortal in the later stage, if there is a way to check and balance other true immortals here, the room for advancement and retreat will naturally be much larger.

Thinking back and forth for more than a month, it is not too difficult to get out of the shackles of this demon weapon. The difficult thing is how to control this demon weapon. Before Zhao Qifeng and Xu Suqin can react, otherwise the demon weapon will finally come out , but it was put away by anyone in Zhao Qifeng, and it was a waste of time.

No matter how bad it is, it must be guaranteed that this demon weapon falls into Xin Hong's hands, or that no one can get it at all.

After making up his mind, Lu Xiaotian didn't act rashly when he was not sure about the situation.

A few days later, it seemed that the surrounding glaciers were still the same as usual, but Lu Xiaotian, who was taking a seat to adjust his breath, suddenly opened his eyes, and immediately shouted, "Do it!"

Even though this glacier has not changed, the only thing that has not changed is the demon weapon that accommodates Lu Xiaotian and others into it. Apart from the demon weapon, there is also the alternation of yin and yang as the sun rises and the moon sets.

Although Lu Xiaotian can't see the whole picture of the demon weapon for the time being, the monster weapon is just a drop in the ocean between heaven and earth, and it will be affected by heaven and earth when no one controls it.

If they got the right way, even Zhao Qifeng, Xu Suqin and the others could sense the mysterious changes brought about by the alternation of yin and yang and the movement of sun, moon and stars. It's just that this change has been weakened to a considerable extent by the demon weapon, and the phantom outside, or in the demon weapon, but it doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

After receiving Lu Xiaotian's reminder, Xinhong first soared into the sky, and made a move in the void with his left hand. In a rainbow of seven colors, the five flowing silver knives inside formed a line and stabbed away in the void.

Followed by Zhao Qifeng, there was only one mouth, and the three green beads converged into a point, and the ice picks sacrificed by Xu Suqin were at the beginning and end of the five flowing silver knives. At seven o'clock, the stars form a spoon shape, which is the image of seven stars. It seems to be stabbing into the void on the ice sheet, with no sense of purpose.

It's just that this temporary number of seven stars, in Lu Xiaotian's calculation, secretly coincides with the seven stars outside at this time.

The powerful immortal essence of the real immortal shines brilliantly on these seven points, shining brilliantly, like the seven stars of the Big Dipper in the void of the ice field.

"How long are we going to hold on?" Zhao Qifeng responded to Lu Xiaotian's words and tried his best to maintain the intimidating brilliance of the blue pearl. At this time, he felt a strange and huge pressure coming from all around, suppressing on his three-in-one green beads, making Zhao Qifeng, the real fairy, couldn't help the bean-sized beads of sweat on his forehead .

"That depends on how strong the countermeasure of this fairy weapon is. Don't say I didn't warn you, even if this monster weapon is released, even if it reaches the exit, if the input of immortal energy is interrupted, it may be destroyed by this monster." The strong suction force of the device pulls it back again."

This Zhao Qifeng questioned his decision the most, but he was in serious trouble, especially after a while he might try to accept this demon weapon, I hope there will be no twists and turns.

Hearing Lu Xiaotian's words, Zhao Qifeng snorted coldly in his heart, and didn't say anything more. It's just that the resentment towards Lu Xiaotian has increased to a considerable extent, and at the same time Zhao Qifeng is also secretly annoyed. If he had known that he would be more polite to Lu Xiaotian, maybe he would not have reached the current level. Zhao Qifeng has also dabbled in the battle method, and his attainments are not low, but at this time he still admires Lu Xiaotian's methods to some extent.

At this time, Zhao Qifeng couldn't see Lu Xiaotian's intentions. He, Xu Suqin and Xinhong, the three real immortals, used their true energy to maintain the pattern of seven buckets and seven stars, and responded to the Big Dipper outside the demon weapon. , making the entrance and exit of the demon weapon loose.

It's just that even if you already know Lu Xiaotian's intentions, if he is in command, you may not be able to achieve the goal of getting out of trouble. Too early is too early, too late is too late, the opportunity is only in an instant, if you grasp it, you must be able to persevere.

The power of heaven, earth and stars outside the demon weapon is sometimes strong and sometimes weak, and they also have to keep changing their strength accordingly. If there is a slight difference, all previous efforts may be wasted.

Just maintaining these seven points of contingency, after all, there is still a difference. It seems that Xinhong maintains five points with his own strength, and it seems that he has to take care of the most, but in fact, the changes are relatively small and easy to control.

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