Become a Fairy

Chapter 3037 ????? Conversation

Chapter 3037 talk

"It's you!" Yan Long saw Lu Xiaotian's image appear in the spiritual light, his eyes were filled with overwhelming resentment and anger. If eyes can kill, Lu Xiaotian may have died countless times at this time.

"You think I killed you now?" Lu Xiaotian said.

"Could it be someone else who cut off my head?" Yan Long sneered, and his dragon-shaped primordial spirit exuded a trace of furious fire, and then Yan Long sneered again, "But you are right, even if you don't Do it, in that situation, I will die, but you are still looking for me now, do you think I have a good impression of you because of this?"

"That piece of jade pendant is the bait used by Xunlong to catch dragons. Since you were attracted by that piece of jade pendant, the ending is already doomed." Lu Xiaotian said.

"What? That jade pendant is the means of the Heavenly Court Dragon Seeker?" Yan Long exclaimed, she had never thought of this before, "How do you know?"

"I have seen the same jade pendant in other places, and it also has dragon energy in it, and after you were taken away by me and the dragon body was divided, the Dragon Seeker appeared. The opponent's strength is very strong, how high is the realm? , I can't sense it at all." Lu Xiaotian still couldn't stop the fear when he thought of Zhou Yugong, the dragon-hunting envoy.

Yan Long was startled immediately, and then snorted coldly, "So what if I'm a Dragon Seeker, right now my body has been destroyed, my soul has been banned, the worst result is nothing more than that."

"Your primordial spirit can be preserved here, maybe one day you can return to freedom." Lu Xiaotian shook his head.

"Speaking is better than singing, why should I trust you?" Yan Long said disdainfully.

Yanlong's voice fell slightly, and the image of Lu Xiaotian in front of him was distorted for a while, antlers, hump's head, cow ears... a vigorous green dragon appeared in the chaos. The wild and domineering aura swept out, and the dragon chant seemed to make all beasts surrender. Even Yan Long trembled when he heard it. Get up, like the fire of the stars compared to the bright moon. Others can be faked, but this domineering and disdainful Longwei is a kind of breath from the depths of the soul that cannot be imitated by other monsters, or immortals.

"You, you are also a dragon, no, your aura is not an ordinary dragon at all." Yan Long looked at the green dragon-shaped Lu Xiaotian and stumbled for a while, "Since you are also a dragon, why can't you be discovered in front of the Dragon Seeker? Said that you belong to the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas?"

"More to the point, I'm an orthodox human cultivator, and it's purely accidental that I became a dragon body. Without using the dragon element, it may be related to the fact that the dragon seeker can't see my details. I don't know the specific reason. "

Lu Xiaotian in the shape of a green dragon shook his head and said, maybe it has something to do with his comprehension of part of the power of space, isolating "I don't belong to the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, and it hasn't been long since I arrived in this world from the lower realm. When you have been exposed, the most I can do , it can only keep your primordial spirit."

"You don't get paid for nothing, what do you want from me?" Yan Long asked.

"I cultivated into a dragon body by myself, and you are the first dragon I have come into contact with. Naturally, I want to share with you the cultivation method of being a dragon. In addition, there are not many valuable things in your Sumeru ring. Can you Having cultivated to the current state, I must have saved another hand, I came to Yanmodu this time to find the page of Yanling, hoping to get your assistance."

Lu Xiaotian said frankly that even if he had already arrived at the map scroll of Yanmoduyuan, it would take time and effort to explore it by himself. After entering Yanmoduyuan, he had contacted many people one after another. Lu Xiaotian was also worried about Zhao Qifeng It may be possible to find all the way through the places where these people know that they have roughly appeared.

In short, the longer you stay here, the greater the possibility of being found by Zhao Qifeng. If he could get Yanlong's help, it would be like having an extra native guide, and the benefits were self-evident.

"The Flame Spirit Page? I have collected a lot of True Flame Spirit Patterns, and I know where the Flame Spirit Page is. Just hand over my savings to you, what benefits can I get?" Yan Long asked.

"I don't promise to let your primordial spirit go out, maybe one day, maybe not, if you have any unfulfilled wishes, maybe I can help you go and fulfill them." Lu Xiaotian said.

"Forget it, my sister is still a dragon, you can suppress her strength for me. After you become a true immortal, send her to the Giant Python Wilderness. There is the location of the Giant Python Wasteland on the map scroll in my lair. You After advancing to the level of a true immortal, you will have the strength to send him to the Wilderness of the Giant Python. I have practiced so far, and the treasures passed down to me by my predecessors have been stored in several different places. I will give you some of them first, and then there will be Part of it will tell you the exact location after the matter is completed.”

Yan Long thought for a moment and said.

"Send it to the Giant Python Wasteland. If I transform into a dragon there in the future, I can rest easy? I can suppress his cultivation for a while, but not forever." Lu Xiaotian frowned.

"In the wilderness of the giant python people, there is a way to cultivate into a python fairy. It doesn't necessarily need to transform into a dragon and go further. It's just that whether she can get enough opportunities depends on her. If she dies, I can't care about things that far away. gone."

Yan Long sighed and said, "At the beginning I did not listen to dissuasion and practiced the method of transforming dragons, and now I have no regrets or regrets, I just hope that my sister will stop following my old path, the power of the heavens, isn't it?" Right now, the dragon clan in the Western Mountains can no longer resist, except for those who are willing to be enslaved by them, there are only some lonely ghosts left."

There was endless loneliness in Yan Long's tone.

"After being promoted to the rank of True Immortal, I will send her to the Giant Python Wasteland as promised." Lu Xiaotian nodded.

It's not that Yanlong trusts Lu Xiaotian because he is a dragon, but with his current situation, there is really no better way. Apart from Lu Xiaotian, there is no alternative.

After talking with Yanlong, Lu Xiaotian brought Lin Fang, Lama Banhui and his disciples to a hiding place near Yanlong. Later, Lu Xiaotian went to one of Yanlong's hiding places alone. It was rumored that the dragons were good at collecting treasures. Lu Xiaotian had never been in contact with other dragons before, so he couldn't confirm the truth of this statement, but he took one of the Yanlong's lairs. A dazzling array of various crystals, as well as some alchemy and refining materials are filled with many pits sealed by prohibitions. This Yanlong has been cultivating all the way from the demon python, and it has taken so many years to collect so many reserves.

Now Lu Xiaotian naturally accepted it with a blunt smile. Yanlong is worthy of being a dragon clan that has lived in Yanmo Wilderness for a long time. Even though most of the time he hides his head and tail, restrains his whereabouts, but after all, he stays long enough. Lu Xiaotian's own has already gathered ninety-nine to one, and he can spare some more for Lin Fang and others when the time comes.

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