Become a Fairy

Chapter 3017 ?

Chapter 3017 The visitor is not good

"This is the guardian demon of the Zhao family. He was brought up by the Zhao family since he was a child. He has guarded the Zhao family for generations, just like the Zhao family." Zhao Kuishan introduced to Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian nodded, since he entered the Zhao family's territory, he realized that his previous understanding of Tayun City's strength seemed to be too one-sided. Just passing through the area of ​​the Zhao family, I sensed more than 20 auras of varying strengths in the Zhao family. This is just a corner of the Zhao family, but there are some areas that are covered by restrictions. It can't be extended at all.

It was the first time to go to the Zhao family, and when the other party had a real immortal strongman sitting in the town, naturally Lu Xiaotian would not be so impolite to casually explore the Zhao family's territory.

The Patriarch of the Zhao family, Zhao Qifeng's residence is surrounded by several hills that look like tigers and dragons, and a palace that is not too big but very magnificent is located in the middle of the basin.

Inside, there are two rows of beautiful waitresses in light green skirts carrying various fairy fruits in and out on trays. His expression was solemn, and he didn't seem to dare to take a breath. Even Zhao Kuishan who came with him also had his breath restrained, with a serious look.

Lu Xiaotian's eyes flashed, it seemed that Zhao Qifeng might not be an easy person to get along with.

"Patriarch, the Eastern Pill Sage is here." Entering the palace, Zhao Kuishan bowed his hands and saluted Zhao Qifeng who was sitting on a golden tiger chair with his head up.

"You step back." Zhao Qifeng's thin face was cold and hard, but he waved his left hand without much expression. The voice seemed hoarse.

"Yes, Patriarch!" Zhao Kuishan bowed and retreated.

Lu Xiaotian frowned and glanced at Zhao Qifeng. This guy is really not ordinary, but the skills cultivated by this person are different from ordinary immortals. Lu Xiaotian sensed a bit of danger from him. As for other sources, it is Can't see it.

"I didn't expect such a small place like Tayun City to have such a sage as Taoist Dongfang. It's really surprising." At this time, only Zhao Qifeng and Lu Xiaotian were left in the hall. Zhao Qifeng made a gesture of please sit down .

"It's just luck." Lu Xiaotian responded, Zhao Qifeng's personal aura was strong, and without knowing his intention, Lu Xiaotian sat directly at the position Zhao Qifeng indicated. In the empty hall, there were only two people sitting, separated by tens of feet. .

Lu Xiaotian didn't make a sound, since the other party invited him, there was no reason for him to ask the other party's intentions. It seems that Zhao Qifeng may not be very friendly to him. Is it possible that he has been refining alchemy in Tayun City during this time, collecting all kinds of immortal plants and alchemy materials, which has shaken the other party's interests? Not so much, the other party also made a lot of profits in his own hands.

"Fellow Daoist Dongfang can hold his breath." Zhao Qifeng was a little surprised.

"Patriarch Zhao invited me here because he always has something to say. Patriarch Zhao is not in a hurry, and neither am I." Lu Xiaotian said.

"You are not from Tayun City. You have only come here recently. I don't know where you came from? Such a small temple can't accommodate a Bodhisattva like Friends of the East." Zhao Qifeng asked.

"It's nothing more than an ordinary loose fairy. I have been adventuring around, and coming to Tayun City is purely accidental. After all, Patriarch Zhao doesn't think that I have the strength to run around in the void."

Lu Xiaotian frowned, and Zhao Qifeng seemed to be asking the question in a very peaceful tone, but when they asked each other like this, it was very rude for the two to ask each other directly when they met for the first time. It seems that Zhao Qifeng came back this time, and he was afraid that the visitor was not kind , even if he is asked to do something, it is by no means a bad thing.

"Ordinary Sanxian can advance to the rank of Alchemy?" Zhao Qifeng smiled irrefutably, and the language turned around, "Forget it, since Fellow Daoist Dongfang doesn't want to say more, the old man won't ask."

"This time I invite Fellow Daoist Daoist to come here, mainly because I want to invite Fellow Daoist Daoist to go out with me."

"It seems that Patriarch Zhao has already arranged the itinerary for me. Allow me to ask a few more questions, specifically where to go, and what can I use?"

Lu Xiaotian smiled when he heard the words, but there was nothing frightening or angry. It is not uncommon for the weak to prey on the strong in the world of cultivating immortals. This is not the first time for Lu Xiaotian, and it will not be the last time.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Dongfang is a smart person, and this old man likes to talk to smart people. The place I went to is a bit remote, and Fellow Daoist Dongfang knew it after he went there. I need Fellow Daoist Dongfang to refine a potion of medicine on behalf of the old man. After things are done, there must be a big thank you." Zhao Qifeng was a little surprised by Lu Xiaotian's calmness.

"I don't know what elixir has such an important effect on Patriarch Zhao. I don't even know the name of the elixir. Patriarch Zhao really trusts me." Lu Xiaotian said.

"Based on the performance of fellow Taoist Dongfang in Tayun City during this period of time, the success rate of the refined pills has been controlled at around 30%, which is enough for this old man to take a chance. The old man has asked his friends to get the pills. Fellow Daoist Dongfang will prepare for a period of time, and when I set off, I will take Fellow Daoist Dongfang directly."

Zhao Qifeng did not ask for Lu Xiaotian's opinion, but directly made a decision for Lu Xiaotian.

"It seems that there is no room for me to refuse. Then I will go back and prepare properly. When Patriarch Zhao leaves, just let someone pass it on." Lu Xiaotian nodded and agreed. In the case of being weaker than others, forcibly resisting will only be self-inflicted. It's humiliating, let's see what kind of wishful thinking Zhao Qifeng is playing.

"It's so good." Zhao Qifeng didn't stay with Lu Xiaotian much, and let Lu Xiaotian leave.

"This Eastern Alchemy is more calm than imagined, is he a smart person, or does he have something else to rely on?" Not long after Lu Xiaotian left, a graceful and luxurious woman in blue shirt walked out of the side hall of the main hall. Xu Suqin.

"Whether there is something else to rely on, you will probably be able to see it after a while. He must have felt that I am not a good person. When a person encounters an invincible crisis, the usual reaction is either surrender or Move rescuers as soon as possible, or run away directly."

Zhao Qifeng had a bit of coldness on his dry and thin face, "The other party really wants to have a strong backer, why bother to advance to the rank of alchemy in a remote place like Minghu Yaju, I have already tried a way to notify, maybe he just bumped into the Universiade, I got some alchemy inheritance, and I don’t lack talent.”

"If such a talent can be used for our own use, our power will be even more powerful. Are you really going to take him to that ghostly place?" Xu Suqin asked.

"I can't wait that long. I have to advance to the next level as soon as possible. Otherwise, when the time comes, I won't be able to suppress the Yin and Purple Sha in my body, and everything will return to ashes and dust to dust. Since I met this Eastern Alchemy, I can only blame it for not coming at the right time, I have to make some sacrifices for me."

A sinister aura overflowed from Zhao Qifeng's body, causing his face to contort in pain.

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