Become a Fairy

Chapter 3011 Accompanying

Chapter 3011 Accompanying

The lotus avatar and Tu Xingyun passed through the void surrounded by smoke and clouds. In some places, the sun was scorching like a sea of ​​fire. The hot power of the sun's essence was that the lotus avatar and Tu Xingyun could only avoid it from a distance. It would also cost a huge price to separate it. If you are caught in it, let alone the lotus clone and Tu Xingyun, even the real fairyland powerhouse will be dead but not alive.

In the void that passed along the way, the lotus avatar also encountered a lot of dangers, and had a clear understanding of the strength of this fairy sect. Tu Xingyun carried some body protection scrolls with him, and they were all consumed on the way back. .

According to Tu Xingyun's words, not to mention him, but Tu Xingyun himself, this trip is considered to be a big loss. His scrolls to avoid danger along the way also need to be exchanged after making contributions to the sect, and it costs a lot of money. small price. Unless he exchanged more scrolls from the Zongmen, Tu Xingyun would not be able to pass through these dangers on his own.

Avoiding these dangerous paths is the result of Leiyin Xianzong's long years of continuous exploration by a large number of disciples and disciples. In the fairy world, it is one of the cornerstones of every sect of Xianzong. A small number of immortals can't move too far. In this endless void, if you want to rely on luck to survive safely, no matter how good your luck is, it will eventually run out.

After going through a lot of dangers along the way, Tu Xingyun did not shy away from discussing the pros and cons with the Lotus clone. Afterwards, he was already confident. Even though the lotus avatar was not weak, the one behind had to rely on Tu Xingyun to maintain relative safety. Otherwise, the danger in the void alone would be enough for the lotus avatar to drink a pot. As for Leiyin Xianzong This is even more so after the territory.

Although Tu Xingyun didn't say it explicitly, he secretly exerted some potential pressure on the lotus avatar.

"As long as you can hand over Yan Yanzhenlei and Yamu Zhenlei to me as promised, I will not do you any harm. I hope you don't procrastinate this process for too long, otherwise I don't have that much patience, although I don't have your guide , It is difficult for me to go far, but it is not impossible to take some risks to the nearest immortal cultivation place, if you want to break the contract, I will always have a chance to make you pay enough in the future." The lotus clone said to Tu Xingyun The hint was directly pointed out with the usual expression.

Tu Xingyun didn't expect the lotus avatar to be so straightforward, and there was a burst of embarrassment on his face. Immediately said, "Don't worry, fellow Taoist Wuming, I will naturally not break my promise. I will first find a resting place for fellow Taoist Wuming, return to Leiyin Xianzong to settle down for a while, and then find a way to cash in for fellow Taoist Wuming." .”

This self-named nameless guy is an extremely powerful swordsman, and his methods are not even inferior to him. If he uses it properly, he will be a sharp blade against the enemy in his hands. Such a powerful helper, Tu Xingyun, would not give up easily.

The lotus avatar nodded, and followed Tu Xingyun to a land with a radius of only tens of thousands of miles. There were dozens of peaks of different heights on this land. These peaks connected together vaguely formed a huge flying scorpion.

"This place is called Flying Scorpion Island. There are many twin-tailed flying scorpions on the island, and their strength is not weak. On Flying Scorpion Island, some monks interact with loose immortals. The ten people with the strongest fairy spirit on Feiscorpion Island Several solitary peaks were occupied by some powerful immortals, and I also occupied one of them."

"Flying Scorpion Island is separated from Leiyin Xianzong by a piece of Yinzhi Hanyu, which can be regarded as a place under Leiyin Xianzong's relatively weak control. I will tell you about the Yinzhi Hanyu later, and you will stay here to rest for the time being. , the other monks who can occupy a single peak may have some relationship with my other disciples of Leiyin Xianzong, or have some involvement with another Moyinxuan Palace, unless you have been notified by me, if you don’t understand the situation Next, try not to conflict with it."

After repeated explanations, Tu Xingyun handed over the license plate of the cave to the Lotus clone, and then left behind the clouds.

The lotus avatar floated in the void, and a piece of Leiyin's hidden token in his hand made a move towards the void, and a sound barrier on the ordinary-looking Dufeng rippled to both sides like ripples.

"The fairy breath here is pretty good." The lotus clone looked around the mountain and the surrounding environment. The area of ​​Feiscorpion Island is not too big, but the number of monks and immortals coming and going here is not too small. The immortals who occupy these dozens of unique peaks are obviously more powerful, and ordinary monks and immortals dare not get too close.

It's good to have such a place to stay for the time being. The lotus avatar entered the cave with the card in hand. Tu Xingyun's installation in the cave here is very simple. Except for some common tools, the equipment inside is very simple. It seems that Tu Xingyun is also a diligent person who cultivates. It is not a fluke to have the current cultivation base .

After entering the cave, the Lianhua avatar held his chin and thought about it for a while. Now the real deity has gone to Tayun City. It is not too far away from Feiscorpion Island, but it is not close. He followed Tu Xingyun all the way and wrote down the path. up. It's just that without the many scrolls with restrictions that assist in passing through the dangerous place, it is not easy to forcefully break into this place with the strength of the deity alone.

It seems that this transaction with Tu Xingyun is temporarily unable to rely on the powerful combat power of the deity. The lotus avatar quickly shook his head again. The reason why the deity let him follow Tu Xingyun was to continue collecting the real thunder needed for the Wulei Bingjue. On the other hand, he wanted his avatar to be completely independent. Only by acting separately from the deity can we get familiar with everything in the fairy world at a relatively faster speed.

After going through some calculations before and after, the state of the lotus branch became more and more peaceful, and the sword intent on his body lingered, intertwined with the surrounding fairy breath like threads. While the sword intent was constantly absorbing the breath of the fairy spirit, it also spread to the surroundings.

The sword intent is continuously condensed into a flying sword, Piao Miao, Piao Tian, ​​Yin Mo, and Tun Yuan are familiar to the bone.

These flying swords continued to turn into blurred human figures. In a short while, the surroundings of the lotus clone were already indistinct.

Under the stirring of the sword intent, the lotus avatar also began to become indifferent. The shadows formed by the flying swords around him looked no different.

One of the hands and the sword pointed lightly at the void, and suddenly the king was walking in his own country, pointing out with a sword, other figures gathered towards this figure lightly, and every time a figure gathered, the void The sword becomes more ethereal and dusty

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