Become a Fairy

Chapter 3005 Chapter 3004??? Block

Chapter 3005 Chapter 3004 Block

"Yinjia, this old man doesn't want to be your enemy, so I'll give you a piece of advice. There are some people you can't afford to offend. If you really want to kill yourself, this old man can't help it."

The old man with the black stick said without changing his face, and the long black stick in his hand blocked it, still blocking the silver armored man.

Seeing the attitude of the old man with the black stick, not only the man in silver armor, but also several other immortals who watched the excitement were stunned. The old man with the black stick usually practiced the golden mean in Tayun City, and he would take the initiative to offend others. It is really rare for Yinjia Kuangzilin to be blocked like this. Although Hu Xiaofeng has a certain amount of friendship with the old man of the black stick, it is far from being able to let the old man of the black stick do this.

Even the two most powerful families with real immortal backgrounds in Tayun City would not let the old man with the black stick work hard for them.

"It's an unwritten rule of Tayun City that you can't cross the robbery in the core area of ​​Xiancheng. Minghu Yaju doesn't follow the rules, and Kuang Zilin can't go in. We should be fine." At this time, a man in a golden python robe followed a man and a man. The more women come out.

"It turned out to be Steward Jiang and the others." The old man with the black stick smiled at Jiang Li and the others, "After all, this is just an unwritten rule, and Tayun City has not strictly prohibited it. The friends brought back by Daoist Hu this time are indeed extraordinary. It's not unusual, so Steward Jiang must be very willing to be friends with such a person."

"It's rare to have a thousand glasses of wine with a bosom friend, and it's too much to say a few words if you don't speculate. I'm afraid you have to meet to know whether you are friends or not."

Jiang Li shook the folding fan in his hand, and a golden python in the big fan leaped into the clouds, eager to try, as if it would swim out of the folding fan at any time and leap into the clouds.

"Although Tayun City is respected by the family of real immortals, if this unwritten rule is forcibly suppressed, wouldn't everyone in Tayun City be in danger in the future?" Forcibly blocking, at this time, you can only use words as much as possible to make the opponent retreat.

"Yes, this is just an unwritten rule, but after all, there are some exceptions. I have never seen anyone control them before. Is it possible that there are special cases now? Even if the rules are really to be established, at least a notice must be given in advance, so as not to be in the current situation. Others want to advance to the ranks and forcibly break into the cultivation base of the bad guys. The family of real immortals can't use their power to suppress people."

Immediately there were other immortals clamoring, although they also wanted to see the excitement between Kuang Zilin, the silver armored man, and Hu Xiaofeng, the old man with the black stick. But at this time, Jiang Li came here with momentum, already threatening the status of these ordinary casual cultivators. Although it would not be possible to directly confront the family of real immortals, it must be fought.

After all, Kuang Zilin, the old man with a black stick, and Hu Xiaofeng were just watching the fun. But Tayun City is a relatively loose alliance. Although it is headed by the True Immortal Family, the True Immortal Family is not the ruler.

There are many unwritten rules in Tayun City. Even if there are people in Minghu Yaju who do not follow the rules, but Jiang Li led others to enter Minghu Yaju forcibly, but the rules are even worse. If things go on like this, the family of real immortals will become more and more powerful. Isn't it going to make them, immortals with relatively small backgrounds, even less room to stand?

"Forget it, there is some truth to what you said, but it seems that Fellow Daoist Black Stick is not the owner of this Minghu Yaju. If Fellow Daoist Hu really shows up in person, I will never trespass. If Fellow Daoist Hu does not show up, Fellow Daoist Black Stick Let's leave it alone." Jiang Li shook his fan and said with a smile.

"This..." The black stick old man was speechless for a moment. At this time, he was pushed into the corner by Jiang Li. Jiang Li was just looking for an excuse, but the other party was right. In fact, he stopped Jiang Li and the others. It's also dogs meddling in their own business with mice.

Buzz... At this moment, the restraint of Minghu Yaju trembled, and two figures flashed out, it was Hu Xiaofeng and Mo Dayou.

"Hey, it's really lively outside my humble house today." Hu Xiaofeng said with a smile.

"It turns out that Fellow Daoist Hu is fine, so Jiang is relieved. I don't know who in Daoyou Hu's elegant residence is going through the catastrophe. The power of the fairy is so strong that it overwhelms most immortals to advance. But the overall scale of the power of the tribulation thunder It’s not too big. It’s a rare vision in Tayun City, so many people present are all stretching their necks to watch, I don’t know if Fellow Daoist Hu intends to let us watch it lively and gain insights.”

Jiang Li didn't expect that Hu Xiaofeng, the master, would come out as soon as the words came out. At this time, if he wanted to change his words again, the matter would be too ugly, and other immortals would inevitably have serious resistance to the Jiang family. Although the Jiang family was a family of true immortals, the only remaining true immortal hadn't shown up for a long time, and even Jiang Li didn't know his exact whereabouts for the time being.

Although the only surviving true immortal of the Jiang family is Dinghaishenzhen, after all, he seldom goes out for activities. If the Jiang family's adventures outside are met with more resistance, it will naturally be extremely detrimental to the Jiang family.

But Jiang Li is not an ordinary person after all, he changed his tone and found another excuse.

"It is true that a friend of the little girl is crossing the catastrophe. That friend has saved the little girl's life, although he will not repay her with his own body, but if it is affected by other people's watching, the little girl's crime will be serious. It seems that the progress of the little girl's friend is quite smooth, and after the matter is completed, the little girl can introduce him to the steward Jiang. By then, everything will be clear."

How could Hu Xiaofeng be easily fooled, so he blocked Jiang Li's words with a few words. At this time, Hu Xiaofeng and Mo Dayou were very excited, others didn't know what was going on, but they knew about Lu Xiaotian's alchemy.

The guy who claimed to be Dongfang was already in the late stage of immortality, only one step away from the realm of true immortality. If it wasn't for the fact that Jiang's family had a real immortal in charge, none of the other members of Jiang's family would be able to compare with that guy from the east.

Mo Dayou and Hu Xiaofeng didn't know Lu Xiaotian's attainments in alchemy before, they only knew that the other party had not yet reached the realm of alchemy. Even if he wants to hit the realm of Dan Sheng, it will still take some time. It's just that what they expected was that as soon as Lu Xiaotian started alchemy, clouds would gather in the void, and the spirit of the gods would roll in, lingering over Minghu Yaju.

Seeing that Lu Xiaotian's breakthrough is in sight, whether it is Mo Dayou who wants to be promoted to the rank of immortal in the future, or Hu Xiaofeng who wants to ask Lu Xiaotian to help him make alchemy, he is inexplicably excited. The gap between the alchemy king and the alchemy is bigger than that between the monk and the immortal. With Lu Xiaotian breaking through so easily, the hope of becoming a high-level alchemy in the future is naturally not small. Being able to get acquainted with such a tyrannical Alchemy, Hu Xiaofeng also felt honored.

Ordinary immortals will naturally not be favored by those powerful immortal sects. After all, all immortal sects with a little strength have real immortals sitting in their command. No matter how powerful a fairy is, he can't match the flick of a real fairy. But the alchemy is a sought-after commodity for any fairy sect. With Lu Xiaotian's current strength, once he enters the Immortal Gate and gets enough resources, it is not impossible to advance to the rank of True Immortal.

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