Become a Fairy

Chapter 2977 Chapter 2976 Enter

Chapter 2977 Chapter 2976 Enter

"Then I'll do it first." Tu Xingyun snorted softly, raised his right palm, and an ancient clock with various weapon patterns on its surface emerged. The thunder sounded hidden on the surface of the ancient clock, like a vortex of a storm, ready to explode at any time. Spew out to all around.

"Go!" Accompanied by Tu Xingyun's instruction, the small purple bell grew to about Zhang Xu in the void, the huge bell mouth buzzed, and the sound of thunder shook, but there were no circles of sound waves as before, instead It was a long spear condensed by Lei Yin and shot forward.

"Use thunder and howls as soldiers!" Lu Xiaotian looked at the scene in front of him with interest, the sound was originally an invisible thing, but in Tu Xingyun's hands, thousands of changes took place.

The power of the Leiyin spear is not weak, at least Hu Xiaofeng, the old man with the black stick, and the two women in black all looked extremely fearful when they saw the Leiyin spear.

In an instant, Lei Yin's spear sank into the thunder pond. Immediately, the power of thunder in the pool roared, but the water surface was already turbulent, but the water surface was still calm, as if two completely irrelevant extremes were forcibly brought together.

Chi Chi... Where the spear passed, the thunder force under the water surface was pushed away a few feet, forming a passage that could allow people to pass through.

"Let's go!" Tu Xingyun's figure flashed, and he floated above the blue thunder bell, and he and the bell plunged into the passage.

Since it has been agreed that the two will take turns clearing the way, Lu Xiaotian will naturally not hold back at this time, and his body turns into a streamer, and he follows closely.

The two dived for a while, and Tu Xingyun's strength gradually faded away. The Demon Suppressing Tower that Lu Xiaotian had been supporting in his left palm turned into seven, spread out in the thunder pool, and landed at seven in a seemingly disorganized manner. Hum, the thunder liquid in the thunder pool is as hot as boiling water. At this time, the thunder liquid in the pool seems to be surging, but in fact it is thicker and harder than ordinary mountain rocks. In an area covered by the seven demon-suppressing towers, there was a tremor in the pool, and the demon-suppressing tower in the middle began to fall slowly, continuing to open a passage.

It's just that the speed is really not that fast. Tu Xingyun and the silver-robed old man who walked together had a slight expression on their faces. When it came to the speed of opening the passage, not to mention being on par with Fairy Yunxia before, it was even a lot worse than Tu Xingyun. However, Fairy Yunxia most likely used the Xuyun Thunder Bracelet, and Tu Xingyun also has a thunder magic weapon. Both parties have done some research on the thunder pool in front of them, so it is understandable that the speed is faster.

But the silver-haired monk in front of him named Dongfang, the Buddha light radiating from the seven demon-suppressing towers is as pervasive as mercury pouring into the ground, obviously he is constantly testing the prohibition in the thunder pool, he is not majoring in thunder, but in such a short period of time Continuously cracking the restrictions in Lei Chi, this method may not be lower than that of Tu Xingyun and Fairy Yunxia.

However, Tu Xingyun finally breathed a sigh of relief at this time. Although the silver-haired monk in front of him had a good skill, he might not even be able to defeat the opponent outside, but in this thunder pool, Lei Xiu like him still has a considerable advantage.

Fairy Yunxia had disappeared without a trace, Lu Xiaotian and Tu Xingyun took turns to clear the way, and finally broke through a thunder curtain, and everyone submerged into the thunder curtain separately.

"Fairy Yunxia's Xuyun Thunder Bracelet is really powerful. It took so many of us more than a month to open the passage."

Looking at the closed passage behind, Hu Xiaofeng gasped. Even though Lu Xiaotian and Tu Xingyun opened the passage in turn, the consumption of walking through that passage is extraordinary.

At this time, Hu Xiaofeng and the others looked at Tu Xingyun and Lu Xiaotian with expressions of awe. The two of them had to take turns to open the passage, which should consume more energy, but both of them seemed to be able to do their job with ease. Although they are all people who have attained Taoism and become immortals, the gap between them is not small.

"The Xuyun Thunder Bracelet does have an incomparable miraculous effect on breaking the prohibition of the thunder system, but the Xuyun Thunder Bracelet is not based on fighting skills. If there is a real fight, Fairy Yunxia may not be able to suppress me and me. Friends of the East." Tu Xingyun gave Lu Xiaotian a deep look.

"Since we've already entered the Thunder Pool, fellow Taoist Dongfang, we'll have to find our own traces when we get here, so farewell!"

"Farewell!" Lu Xiaotian also bowed his hands to Tu Xingyun, and the lotus clone followed him and left.

"Fortunately, fellow Daoist Dongfang is very skilled and shocked Tu Xingyun, otherwise the other party may not have such a good relationship." At this moment, the old man with black stick couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Lu Xiaotian looked around at the mysterious space under the thunder pond. Under the thunder pond, there are many places where the thunder force condenses into thunder liquid, and there is still a lot of thunder power that exists in the form of lightning, thunder pillars, etc. There are ravines under the pond. There are also various thunder beasts appearing from time to time, and many thunder-type spiritual plants are scattered among the ravines, and the sound of raging thunder waves surges from time to time.

The fairyland is indeed a paradise for cultivators. In the past, Lu Xiaotian rarely saw thunder-pattern iron spirits in the spirit world, thunder-element bamboos and other lightning-type spirits can be seen everywhere under this thunder pond. The secret space under this thunder pond alone is enough to make a thunder sect in the spirit world flourish for a long time.

The space under the thunder pool is full of thunder powers, but these thunder powers are quite mixed, and not all of them are suitable to be included in the five thunder stones.

A thunderbolt from a distance pierced through the air, sank into the ground, and made a deep hole. Before Lu Xiaotian could pass through, a large amount of lightning liquid came out of it.

The wood attribute lightning power contained in this lightning pillar is quite good. With the movement of his body, Lu Xiaotian came to the place where the lightning liquid came out in a flash, and the lightning injection was immersed in it like a fish, swimming in the lightning liquid.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his palm and took out the Five Thunder Stone, just as he was trying to gather the power of wooden thunder contained in the thunder pillar just now, a smooth tail rose up and struck Lu Xiaotian. There was thick lightning liquid on the tail, which seemed a bit slippery.

As soon as Lu Xiaotian moved, he avoided it, but the thick and long tail changed direction and came whipping like a long whip. There were lightning arcs in the process of waving the tail in the air.

"Come forward to help soon." Lu Xiaozai glanced at Hu Xiaofeng and the others. This thick and long tail has good offensive power, but the more difficult thing is that its defense seems to be unusual. , and didn't intend to get entangled with him, so naturally let Hu Xiaofeng and the others come to share their worries.

Hu Xiaofeng was the first to strike, a few jade rings flew out, hit the thick long tail, slid out with a chug, as if not under any force. On the contrary, the lightning attached to the jade ring made Hu Xiaofeng feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

"This tail is so strong, everyone be careful!" Hu Xiaofeng exclaimed in shock.

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