Become a Fairy

Chapter 2947 Chapter 2946???

Chapter 2947 Chapter 2946 Dark hand

The middle-aged Taoist nun pointed out that when the thread of dust pierced into the ground, it released wisps of faint white light, but it did not have any effect on the enemy, but spread to a farther place.

Lu Xiaotian's eyes froze slightly, and his spiritual consciousness chased those few wisps of faint white light. These few faint white lights fit very well with the stratum and were not aggressive, so even if it was him, if he still deliberately infiltrated his spiritual consciousness into Under the ground, it is also extremely difficult to find.

If it was aggressive, Lu Xiaotian wouldn't be able to easily let the Boundary Breaker follow him, but right now he wouldn't pose much of a threat to the Boundary Breaker.

Lu Xiaotian stored a ray of divine thoughts in the body of the world-breaking worm, and when it was the turn of the lotus avatar and Tongtian Demon Lord to replace the middle-aged Taoist nun, the lotus avatar's sword brilliance concealed the weak fluctuation of Lu Xiaotian's summoning of the world-breaking worm. The Boundary Breaker quietly sneaked into the ground, and the lotus clone, when the Tongtian Demon Sovereign made a move, the patches of sword light and mighty demonic energy became even more dynamic, becoming the best cover for the Boundary Breaker.

The Boundary Breaker is very good at hiding its aura, but after arriving in Muye, facing these immortals, whether it is still as good as before, Lu Xiaotian is not sure that he can hide it from these immortals. After all, the people around me are far from what they used to be.

Anyway, be careful. Under the cover of the lotus avatar and the Tongtian Demon Monarch, the Boundary Breaker approached in the direction of the faint white light.

The faint white lights were more than a thousand miles away from everyone under the ground, and then they began to gather together, forming a twisted and flexible rune pattern, which was reflected in a thick gray stone door that exuded evil in the distance.

On the left and right of the two stone doors, there is a skeleton standing with a gun, and the hollow eye sockets of the skeleton seem to be looking at the outside world with some kind of intention.

The distorted rune was divided into two, submerged in the left and right skeletons respectively. Immediately, the skeleton on the stone gate seemed to come alive, and a burst of white light flowed above it. Two skeleton phantoms actually came out of the stone gate, each holding a long spear, and the spears hit each other, forming a gray light curtain, covering a radius of tens of feet outside the stone gate.

Then the two thick stone doors creaked and opened to both sides. Inside, there is something evil and strange, with a bit of fairy breath overflowing. However, it was only a few feet away from the gray light curtain so that it would no longer spread outward. The phantom figures of the two skeletons flashed and fell into the gray light curtain. The spears crossed to form a cross seal. And the phantom of the skeleton drilled into the seal symbol, making the gray light curtain thicker by several feet out of thin air, making it difficult for foreign objects to break in easily.

"Immortal Corpse Sealing Spirit Formation!" In the inheritance Shi Xingkong left to Lu Xiaotian, the main body is the narration of cultivation and the inheritance of alchemy, and there are some restrictions of immortals and Buddhas in the cultivation. The Immortal Corpse Spirit Sealing Formation is one of the most powerful ones, with weird and unpredictable changes, and extremely powerful.

Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to pass through this fairy corpse sealing formation. Even if Lu Xiaotian knows about this formation, he is not sure how effective the World Breaker can be, and he wants to crack it based on his current strength. This formation, even if no one disturbs it, will consume hundreds of years of time.

However, Lu Xiaotian's understanding of this formation is not completely useless, at least when the middle-aged Taoist nun secretly stimulates this formation, Lu Xiaotian can somewhat see some disdain. The faint white light emitted by the middle-aged Taoist nun through the dust whisk thread drilled into the ground, Lu Xiaotian didn't know what it was before, but now it seems that it is mostly related to the spirit of the fairy corpse, but the weight is obviously too small. The seal can be opened in a short time, but the other party is doing this with their backs to them, obviously there are other tricks.

This fairy corpse cave can allow them to avoid the pursuit of the Zhu family behind, but this fairy corpse cave is not necessarily less dangerous than the outside. If they break into the fairy corpse cave without knowing anything, they may face the death of the fairy corpse. The attack will not be much worse than that of the Zhu clan outside, or even worse.

And those few wisps of faint white light are the amulets of the old man with thick eyebrows in the fairy corpse cave. With a flash in Lu Xiaotian's eyes, there is no need to decipher this array, just stop the middle-aged Taoist nun and the old man with thick eyebrows from taking back these few wisps of faint white light, and turning them into their own use is enough.

These few strands of white light resembling the aura of a fairy corpse are the pass to the fairy corpse cave. Without these few wisps of faint white light, they would be aliens from the Immortal Corpse Cave, and would likely attract other attacks. It's not that the old man with thick eyebrows and the middle-aged nun didn't take them in for refuge, it's just that they didn't create the conditions for them to survive in the fairy corpse cave. This trick of killing people with a knife is really powerful.

Compared to cracking this formation, making some temporary manipulations on this restriction, Lu Xiaotian thought it could still be done.

At that moment, the Worldbreaker attached to Lu Xiaotian's divine sense quietly climbed onto the gray light curtain. After several twists and turns, the dark body of the Worldbreaker got into the gray light curtain, and the color of the Worldbreaker gradually merged with the gray light curtain. From the surface, there is no trace of the existence of the World Breaker.

The people of the Zhu family also seemed to know the existence of the fairy corpse cave, and the attacks became more sharp now, but the purple clover and bamboo forests around the fairy corpse cave were less and less, and their methods were not as deterrent as before.

However, due to the fact that there is no way to fully control the progress of the opening of the Immortal Corpse Cave, and the middle-aged Taoist nun and the old man with thick eyebrows must ensure that Lu Xiaotian and the others will not see the flaws, otherwise Lu Xiaotian and the others will be hindered at this time. , None of them could escape into the Immortal Corpse Cave for refuge. The middle-aged Taoist nuns, even if they have a back hand, have to confess here.

As a result, some procrastination is inevitable. The members of the Zhu clan who followed all the way came in droves. People have already started to gain the upper hand, and for a while, the two sides fought hard. Except that the fire cloud monster is too weak, and it is still far away. Others, including the still-injured Turtle-Backed Immortal, and the Leng Leng woman all made real fire.

"Roar—" At this time, the old man with thick eyebrows released three big white tigers with eye-catching eyes through the ancient talisman. The three white tiger talisman beasts roared in the forest. Under the roar, hundreds of birds in the dense forest in the distance flew away in fright.

A flower basket in front of the leading bamboo man was emitting a strange bloody light. Inside the flower basket, purple crisp bamboos were soaring. The intertwined bamboo strips seemed to form a cage-like formation around the periphery of the cultivators. Trapped all the cultivators here.

The middle-aged Taoist nun waved the dust whisk, and the dust whisk was like a sharp blade that could not break anything, cutting the bamboo strips all over the sky, and countless bamboo branches and leaves fell down. Bamboo fell like rain.

Whoosh, whoosh... Countless bamboo arrows came from a distance. The figure of the turtle-backed fairy swelled up, and the hands, feet and head were retracted into the tortoise shell. In front of the woman, the sharp bamboo arrows hit the tortoise shell with a bang, but it didn't even leave a trace.

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