Become a Fairy

Chapter 2925 Chapter 2924???

Chapter 2925 Chapter 2924 Thunderfield

Chi la - there is a thunder light moving everywhere in the eyes, and it is no longer like the catastrophe cloud that the monks in the tribulation period crossed the sky, but similar to the situation when Lu Xiaotian entered the Thunder Palace of Shenhun.

At that time, outside the Thunder Palace where Lei Buddha passed away, there was thunder rolling, and everywhere around him was thunder and lightning. It's just a comparison between the two, or there is no comparison with the current mine field at all.

"Damn it, is there an end to the thunderstorm in front of me?" Tong Tian Mojun cursed while resisting the power of thunder, even with the tenacity of a Mahayana monk, in the current thunder prison , and it is inevitable to feel a sense of despair.

"There is a trace of fairy spirit in this Thunder Prison, and there is also the magic energy breath that Tongtian Daoist friends need. Calm down and feel it. If you can absorb a little bit, it will be of great benefit to whether you can turn the crisis into safety."

Lu Xiaotian resisted the power of thunder and lightning in the thunder field, which was a bit more violent than that in the thunder calamity of ascending immortals. Protecting the Huoyun monster and the lotus avatar all the way, it also blocked considerable pressure for Tongtian Mojun. The strength of the soul of Tongtian Demon Lord is far from being comparable to him, especially borrowing from the Tomb of the Eastern Puppet Emperor, he broke through the interface barrier with the Sky Cauldron, and after entering this minefield, the deeper he went into this minefield, the The power of the interface will suppress itself more and more weakly.

Strictly speaking, the thunderfield in front of him is a part of Muye. Since entering the thunderfield, Lu Xiaotian has already sensed the existence of fairy energy, besides, there is also some fierce demonic energy. It's just that at the beginning, with the ability of the Tongtian Demon Lord, it must not be able to sense it. It was not until after going deeper into the thunder field that both the fairy breath and the magic element breath mixed in it became stronger, so Lu Xiaotian began to remind Tongtian Demon Lord. In fact, he has been absorbing the spirit energy for some time.

Once the celestial spirit enters the body, the mana accumulated to the peak in the body, Longyuan seems to have obtained a kind of sublimation, a qualitative change. For the time being, Lu Xiaotian didn't want the real dragon's body to be exposed prematurely, so he allocated the fairy spirit inhaled into his body to mana first, so as to avoid premature exposure of the dragon's body due to some uncontrollable factors later. Induces many unnecessary variables.

According to Lu Xiaotian's vision, even if the situation is so tense that the real dragon must be exposed, it must be resolved quickly in a short period of time, and the process should be shortened as much as possible, so as not to attract real dragon seekers.

According to Yuanshi Sword Demon, the duty of the guardian of the world is mainly to guard against the possible smuggling of Mahayana monks in the spirit world, or an interface similar to the spirit world. The strength of the guardian of the world is usually not too strong, mostly just In the middle stage of immortality, or in the late stage of immortality, there are only very few cases where it can reach the level of the early stage of true immortality.

Of course, whether it is too strong depends on who it is targeting. For an old monster like Yuanshi Sword Demon, it is a real fairy, and in its eyes, it is also an ant-like existence.

But for some people who have just entered the fairy world, they are qualified to be called immortals only after the mana in their bodies is completely transformed into immortal essence. It is the powerful generation in the spirit world who has ascended to the fairy world. The immortal energy in the body has been completely transformed. The use of the immortal energy and the many mysterious changes derived from the promotion of the magic weapon are far inferior to the immortals who have lived in the fairy world for many years.

In terms of fighting skills, the gap is naturally extremely obvious.

The guardian of the world is sent to guard the spirit world, or a place similar to the spirit world that is adjacent to the fairy world. Several different breaths such as fairy breath and magic element are mixed. For those who come from the plane of the spirit world, from For those who haven't been in contact with it, it doesn't feel that much.

But for the immortals who are used to staying in the fairy world and have absorbed enough fairy energy, they will not get too used to staying in this kind of place with mixed breath, and it will even affect their own cultivation to a certain extent. In a simple sentence, it is easy to go from simple to extravagant, but difficult to go from extravagant to simple. People who are accustomed to eating refined grains will naturally find it difficult to swallow coarse wild vegetables.

"It's true, the legendary Mosha True Essence..." Under Lu Xiaotian's reminder, Tongtian Demon Lord also sensed a trace of Mosha True Essence in the Infinite Thunder Prison. After taking a lot of effort to capture it from the violent thunder and lightning power into his body, Tongtian Demon Lord couldn't help but feel refreshed, and even the dark wounds accumulated in the previous battles were also exposed by this trace of demon essence. it has been improved.

"It's good, but it's a pity that I can't get enough to eat." Tongtian Mojun said with regret.

"There will only be more and more evil spirits in the future. What's the rush?" Lu Xiaotian said, the longer the distance through the minefield, the more breaths will be sensed. , naturally couldn't detect the mystery of it, and before that, I had collected a considerable part of it, and even distributed it to the lotus avatar, which was several times more than Tongtian Demon Lord.

Of course, Lu Xiaotian can do this by directly controlling the lotus avatar through the primordial spirit, but Tongtian Demon Lord is an independent individual, and the same method cannot be used on Tongtian Demon Lord.

"It's true, the only thing to worry about right now is whether you can safely pass through this minefield." Tongtian Mojun glanced at Lu Xiaotian with probing eyes. The imprint on the stele left by Shi Nei has done this. Originally, he and Lu Xiaotian were the biggest reliance in the exchange, but looking back at the moment, it is undoubtedly a big joke.

In this case, Lu Xiaotian still brought him to the fairy world, which was really beyond his expectation. Just judging from the situation in front of him, what Lu Xiaotian knows about this fairy world is probably far beyond his expectations. To be able to cultivate to such a level, the Tongtian Demon Lord is naturally not willing to be confused and do nothing in this minefield. No sense of direction.

After all, if you smuggle here, once you are separated from Lu Xiaotian, and you don’t know anything about this place, Tongtian Mojun really doesn’t have a sense of security in your heart. Even if you know that your request is a little too much, Lu Xiaotian can choose not to answer. Naturally, Tian Mojun still wants to know as many details as possible. Not only that, but the fire cloud monster is also like this.

"This is the Thunderfield, passing through the Thunderfield is Muye. The guardians of the Immortal Realm are located in an unknown corner of Muye. Most of them are at the level of Immortals. If we are unlucky, we may also meet those at the level of True Immortals." It is rare for a stowaway who can break through the minefield to survive. Boundary defenders usually practice in a fixed area and will not go out lightly. However, some monsters and fairy beasts that breed in the pasture field may not be inferior to those defenders Even if we inadvertently break into its territory, it may be more troublesome than encountering a boundary guard."

Lu Xiaotian glanced at Tongtian Mojun, and he had a certain understanding of the opponent's thoughts. At the moment, he also disclosed some necessary information to Tongtian Mojun.

"King Lu Dan really knows a lot about the fairy world." Tongtian Mojun was shocked when he heard it.

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