Become a Fairy

Chapter 2891 Chapter 2890??? Enemy Aid

Chapter 2891 Chapter 2890 Enemy Aid

"This battle is rare in the world. It would be a great pity in life to miss this battle. Although I can't compare with Lu Danwang's superb skills, I still want to witness the grand occasion of this world's pinnacle battle. Lu Danwang, I will help you A helping hand!"

Mo Yuyan was in high spirits, and a starlight surged around her. Mo Yuyan and the golden one-horned Pegasus flashed at the same time, like a meteor falling towards Yuanshi Sword Demon.

Even Mo Yuyan made a move at this time, which surprised Lu Xiaotian. In the past, in Lu Xiaotian's impression, Mo Yuyan had always been good at calculating, and the city was not under him and Ye Qianxun.

It's just that in Lu Xiaotian's eyes, Mo Yuyan is too good at calculating, and she has to calculate everything first. Calculate its gains and losses. This time, he no longer hesitated as before, and dared to fight Yuanshi Sword Demon. Before, he underestimated this woman's courage.

"Haha, well said, past grievances are one thing, if you miss this battle, you will regret it for life. After this battle, it will be difficult to have such a grand occasion in this world!" Tongtian Demon Lord laughed out loud.

Looking at a group of monks in the Mahayana realm from afar, they were getting farther and farther away, and there was a bit of envy in Mingyan's ancient well-free eyes. What Tongtian Demon Lord said was right, after this battle, it would be difficult for this world to see what it is like today.

The presence of Xiang Qingcheng, Tongtian Demon Lord and others are all outstanding people, giants of the demonic way. People like Lu Xiaotian and Yuanshi Sword Demon are already Mahayana masters of heaven and earth. For countless years, there has been a great fortune. The two appeared at the same time, which is unique in the secret history of cultivating immortals in this world.

The years are long, there is no one looking back, and no one chasing after. If it wasn't for Kong'e's entrustment by the sect, he clearly wanted to enter such a great battle, he missed the battle of Jietianshi, missed the battle of the sect, and the fierce battle against the Yuanshi Sword Demon in front of him would surely become the final climax.

Yuanshi Sword Demon fought and left with a group of Mahayana monks, and was besieged by so many Mahayana monks headed by Lu Xiaotian. Yuanshi Sword Demon was also extremely embarrassed. If you retreat, you will disappear and it will be difficult to find it.

Simple means don't have much deterrent effect on it, and it would be even more difficult for an immortal from the lower realm to persist under the siege of so many Mahayana monks. Being able to cultivate to the Mahayana realm, each of these monks has extremely vicious eyesight, especially Lu Xiaotian, who has already landed several attacks on him, and every time he wants to cut off Lu Xiaotian's wings, he is blocked by Lu Xiaotian .

Even after the fierce battle all the way, Yuanshi Sword Demon failed to kill, and even injured Xiang Qingcheng, Dongfang Yi and any other Mahayana monks. Even when the Tongtian Demon Lord, Kong E, and Mo Yuyan were threatened with death, Lu Xiaotian used all kinds of magical powers to block them.

Realize that Lu Xiaotian will not treat any of them as an abandoned child. Tongtian Demon Lord, Kong'e, and Mo Yuyan naturally have no worries. With Lu Xiaotian as the core, the cohesion exerted is not the same as that of a scattered sand. And Lu Xiaotian, relying on his space magic power, can also protect any one of his side under his wings.

Where a group of Mahayana monks passed by, the space was broken, and mountains and seas were moved, but some other tribes affected suffered. It's just that Lu Xiaotian and Yuanshi Sword Demon will have such a big battle sooner or later, it's not the time to pity these tribes.

With so many Mahayana monks teaming up, Lu Xiaotian even kept recovering his consumed mana and spiritual consciousness while fighting, trying to keep himself in the best state possible.

The combat power that Yuanshi Sword Demon has displayed until now is too terrifying. Even if Lu Xiaotian doesn't use his full strength now, he can withstand the siege of so many Mahayana monks, even Lu Xiaotian himself, can't easily do it.

With the help of the Qingguo Barrier and the Sky Cauldron, Lu Xiaotian's use of the power of space may seem miraculous to outsiders, but in fact it is far from being able to operate freely. Moreover, using the power of space also consumes a certain amount, and Yuanshi Sword Demon is too powerful, and even the power of space cannot kill or seriously injure him at once.

When the world cannot be determined in one fell swoop, Lu Xiaotian will naturally not use his full strength easily. The victory or defeat of this fight is not only related to him personally, but even related to the life and death of these people around him, so Lu Xiaotian cannot be careless.

Right now, he can only continue to use the advantages in his hands, and try to weaken the strength of Yuanshi Sword Demon as much as possible under all possible circumstances, accumulating small victories into big victories. At least for now, Lu Xiaotian has hit the Yuanshi Sword Demon several times. As for how much impact it can have on it, Lu Xiaotian doesn't know right now, but the overall situation is still developing in favor of Lu Xiaotian. Yuanshi Sword Demon tried his best, but he couldn't change the fact that he was constantly being injured.

In the process of fighting, Lu Xiaotian was also looking for any opportunity to injure, or even seriously damage Yuanshi Sword Demon.

A group of Mahayana monks attacked the Yuanshi Sword Demon back, causing a huge shock, which spread among various tribes at an astonishing speed. Cultivators of all races should try their best to avoid the area where the strong men are fighting. Fighting skills of this level and scale, not to mention those low-level monks, even Mahayana monks, it is dangerous and unpredictable to be involved in it by accident.

Yuanshi Sword Demon is indeed worthy of being an extremely strong man from the fairy world. Even when this world is suppressed by the power of the interface, he can fight against everyone with his own strength, and he can fight and retreat.

A group of people fought all the way, from the land of Buddha Sect to the chaotic demon realm, then entered the endless demon sea, and then turned to Bamozhou.

The flying sword that was attacked madly by the crowd moved insidiously, and the intertwined sword energy made the aura of this area tens of thousands of miles condensed.

"Desolation style!" Lu Xiaotian's deity slashed down with a halberd, and within the mountains and rivers, a mountain collapsed, and the breath of destruction intertwined, annihilated the sword energy in front of him, and the halberd pointed directly at the Yuanshi Sword Demon body.

The attacks from the distant Sword He Turbulent, the Unyoke Holy Snow, and the Lotus Clone also intertwined with each other. The sword qi cut out by Yuanshi Sword Demon was constantly being destroyed. The halberd edge landed on Yuanshi Sword Demon's body without hindrance, and only heard a chirping sound, as if it had fallen into Yuanshi Sword Demon's body, but the sword energy remained undiminished. This is the second time that such a situation has occurred. Lu Xiaotian is also not sure how much damage he caused to Yuanshi Sword Demon, and whether it will be affected.

The flying sword in the void trembled and turned into a middle-aged man in Chinese clothes with white brows and a jade-like complexion, with a trace of blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. It was quickly erased again.

"I don't remember how many years I haven't been injured. Lu Xiaotian, you are very good."

"Really." The moment Lu Xiaotian responded, the attacks of the Lotus clone and his party did not stop at all. It's just that Lu Xiaotian's complexion is a little more dignified than before.

whoosh whoosh….

Six flying swords broke through the water one after another in the monster sea. The six flying swords turned into human forms, male and female, and one of them was Kong Ming who had secretly stirred up the situation in the Buddhist sect and controlled the chaotic demon realm to fight the Buddhist sect.

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