Become a Fairy

Chapter 2877 Chapter 2876 Arrived in Yuanling City again

Chapter 2877 Chapter 2876 Reach Yuanling City

From Hunyuan Daoist Hall, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help being a little hesitant, returning to the cave of Hunyuan Daoist, he was just on a whim, but he didn't expect to have such an experience.

Although he didn't get any gift of magic weapon from Hunyuan Taoist, it was a surprise to get the news of Yuanshi Sword Demon. During the period, Lu Xiaotian and Taoist Hunyuan had another exchange on the practice of "Hunyuan Jing".

As the Taoist Hunyuan who created the "Hunyuan Sutra", his understanding of this exercise is naturally unique. Lu Xiaotian followed the track that Taoist Hunyuan practiced before to the present. Although he does not lack his own opinions, in general Still moving within the framework drawn by Taoist Hunyuan before.

Looking at this exercise from the perspective of Taoist Hunyuan, even if it is just a brief conversation, although it does not have the kind of sudden and immediate effect. But Lu Xiaotian felt that his aura, especially the condensed mountains and rivers, was still being improved. Looking at it with the naked eye, it seems that the world is a little more vivid than before.

When Lu Xiaotian came out of the cave, with more layers of perception, a lot of thunder power wandering in the void gathered towards Lu Xiaotian. Lu Xiaotian naturally collected all the wandering thunder power into the Qingguo Barrier.

If it wasn't for the Qingguo Barrier, the thunder power gathered around him would not have allowed him to strike at will since he practiced Mahayana. Otherwise, he can only dissipate the thunder-robbing aura around him, and give up the chance to ascend to the fairy world like the master Kong Jian of the Buddhist sect.

Not to mention Lu Xiaotian's real deity, even the lotus avatar, the same is true. As strong as Yuanshi Sword Demon, he is also subject to considerable constraints in this world. A monk is like a human being, and the power of interface is like heaven and earth. In this world, individual forces that exceed the constraints of the interface are not allowed. Otherwise, it will be suppressed by the interface.

Like Lu Xiaotian, even if there is such a heterogeneous existence as the Qingguo Barrier, the realm of cultivation at this time is becoming more and more perfect in the realm of mountains and rivers, but the increase in the amount of his own magic power is also extremely slow. As for the sudden change in quality , I'm afraid I still need to go through the Ascension Tribulation. Accept the higher-level aura of the upper realm, or the aura of fairy spirits, cleanse the soul and the body, and temper the mana. In order to advance to a higher level in an all-round way.

In the conversation with Taoist Hunyuan this time, Lu Xiaotian also had quite reservations, like a green fruit enchantment, and the exercises such as the "Mystery of Splitting" he practiced were not mentioned with Taoist Hunyuan. The two sides mainly focused on the "Hunyuan Sutra" There are in-depth discussions. Hunyuan Taoist, a cheap master, is also the first time he has fulfilled his responsibility as a master.

For the deeper comprehension of "Hunyuan Jing", where Lu Xiaotian didn't notice the slight deviation in the past, it is basically complete. It makes the magic treasures in the body and the breath brought by various exercises to get along with each other more harmoniously.

According to Hunyuan Daoist's instructions, Lu Xiaotian also left his experience of practicing "Hunyuan Sutra" in the Hunyuan Dao Palace.

However, Lu Xiaotian doesn't care much about whether there will be someone who is destined to read it later. He has already accepted two younger brothers, Xiang Hua and Yu Xiaoqiao. From his point of view, the "Hunyuan Jing" is peaceful and used for fighting. His strength is not strong, and apart from his inclusiveness which is difficult to compare with other exercises, it seems that there is not much to show off.

However, it is also the powerful inclusiveness of the "Hunyuan Sutra" that has made Lu Xiaotian what he is now. The previous Piaomiao sword tires are not mentioned, just swallowing souls, melting souls, and quenching souls. God-based secret techniques cannot be compatible with Buddhist orthodox exercises such as the "Maha Buddhadani Sutra". Practicing two kinds of exercises at the same time, no matter how powerful these two kinds of exercises are, will eventually lead to Lu Xiaotian doing nothing.

"There used to be Yuanling City there, and it was later occupied by several monster clan coalition forces. I didn't expect it to be re-managed by the monster clan. After so many years, the human races in several nearby cities have not been able to take back Yuanling city."

Hongyue pointed to Yuanling City, where many monsters haunted, to introduce to everyone, with a nostalgic look on her face.

"It's just a few combined monsters sitting in the town, and it's not a matter of saying a word if you want to take them back." Yun Xiaoqi glanced at Lu Xiaotian.

"Brother Tian, ​​the courtyard we used to live in is still there and has not been destroyed. It seems that it has been preserved quite well by the Huohu Clan." Flying over the main city of Yuanling, He Hu also pointed to the place where Lu Xiaotian opened the The place of Danfang.

"Then it can't fall into the hands of the monster race. How can the former residence of the gentleman fall into the hands of the monster race? It's better to take it back."

Dong Feng looked at Lu Xiaotian eagerly. Along the way, it is natural for everyone to ask Lu Xiaotian for advice on cultivation, exercises and other issues. Being able to go on the same boat with Lu Xiaotian and talk about exercises is a rare opportunity for other Mahayana monks. The early stage of Dongfeng's promotion and integration is not long. During this period of time, with Lu Xiaotian's guidance, he has already made great strides. I also want to find a chance to reach out.

Lu Xiaotian stood on the deck of the flying boat, looking down, a larger warship has already arrived on the opposite side.

"Then take it back." Lu Xiaotian glanced at it. Among the Fire Tiger Clan headed opposite, there was no Yue Yu whom he had known before, so he had no interest in showing up. Those Fire Tiger Clan cleaned up the yard, and there was nothing inside No Mazha people, just guarding on the periphery. This courtyard can get such treatment, probably because of Yue Yu's relationship. It's just that Yue Yu is not in the city now.

"Who is here, how dare you trespass into the giant demon city!" The leader, a fire tiger demon with a humanoid tiger head, stood at the front of the warship and looked over. On both sides of it, there is a black centipede demon and a green-winged python demon respectively.

"Because you are not qualified to know Mr.'s name, you should retreat as soon as possible and let Yuanling City out." He Hu, Dong Feng, and Yun Xiaoqi each took off from the flying boat.

The headed Huohu demon strong man on the opposite side saw that there were only a few people here, and he was very surprised. Could it be possible that he wanted to take back a few giant demon cities that the demon clan had run for thousands of years with just a few people in front of him? Yuanling City, that was the name thousands of years ago, wouldn't it be thousands of years ago, the monks who ran away from here wanted to take back their old place, right?

"Just because of you guys, you dare to come to Giant Demon City. Since you are here to die, let's take the lives of some of you." The green-winged python man hissed and laughed. It turned into a giant python and rolled towards Yun Xiaoqi's body in the void.

At the same time, Dong Feng, He Hu and the other two monster monks also fought. For a moment, magic weapons flew together in the void, and huge mana fluctuations frequently occurred. At this time, several monster armies in Yuanling City got on the battle boat one after another, and surrounded the relatively long and narrow flying boat that Lu Xiaotian was in. After all, there are several experts in the Composite Realm coming at once, and this kind of battle has not happened for many years.

The other party can make such a move, how can a few fit monks really kill Yuanling City without thinking. Could it be that those who can cultivate to such a level have a mental illness and come here to die?

At this time, in Yuanling City, there was still a silver-robed man transformed by the late-stage Silver Hook Eagle King, standing on the first floor of the pavilion, looking up at the several monks who were fighting above their heads.

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