Become a Fairy

Chapter 2860 Chapter 2859??? Winged puppet

Chapter 2860 Chapter 2859 Winged Puppet

"It's enough to have a general direction." Lu Xiaotian nodded. With Fuyong's current strength, he didn't hope that he could fully find out the intention of a few combined monsters.

For Lu Xiaotian, being able to have a general idea of ​​the other party's movements doesn't need to know what the other party is thinking now, just follow up and see. Although the Jade Face Demon Lord is strong, he has not yet reached the level that Yuanshi Sword Demon needs to be afraid of.

"I'll adjust my breathing at your place for a few days and then I'll leave on my own. If you have something to do, go and do it yourself."

"Alright, Mr. Lu, take care of yourself. If there is anything you can use me for, sir, just ask." Fu Yonggong saluted.

Lu Xiaotian nodded, Fu Yong had already retreated by himself.

It wasn't until Fu Yong left completely that Lu Xiaotian let out a long sigh of relief. Although he was psychologically prepared for the backhand of Yuanshi Sword Demon, it was just the dangerous process just now that still left Lu Xiaotian with lingering fears. If it wasn't for Xiang Qingcheng and Dongfang Yi's relationship, he would never have made such a risky move.

However, when he used the Sky Cauldron, the green fruit barrier in his body changed slightly. Lu Xiaotian swallowed the Qingguo enchantment, and forcibly put it into the Qingguo enchantment. The Qingguo enchantment formed its own system. As a mysterious space, Lu Xiaotian has not fully figured out its origin and specific function until now, but only from the stage of transforming gods. From then on, except for very rare cases, the green fruit barrier remained silent in his body. But this time it worked wonders again.

After the Kongtian Ding entered the Qingguo Barrier, it seemed to be cut off from the outside world, and its violent reaction was relatively calm. Originally, Lu Xiaotian wanted to use some means to break through the twisting space of the Ding. The space inside the cauldron, within the magic weapon, is incomparable to the outside world after all.

It's just that before Lu Xiaotian could make a complete move, Zidian, which had been drifting in the Qingguo barrier, was like a giant axe, smashing into the Sky Cauldron. Breaking through the writhing space, Lu Xiaotian was able to escape from the inside as the main soul and several assistant souls of XZ were hiding inside.

Although the free purple electricity in the Qingguo Barrier intervenes, making the way of getting out of trouble quite different from what Lu Xiaotian expected, but as long as he can get out of trouble, there is no need to worry about it so much.

After the other ray of thought hidden by Yuanshi Sword Demon was strangled, the last line of imprint it left in the Kongtian Cauldron was also completely erased. Kong Tianding surrendered unexpectedly.

Lu Xiaotian also got his wish and was able to see the imperial cauldron formula behind, but he didn't need to ask for anything else.

"Although it's still dangerous, it's worth a try." Lu Xiaotian's eyes flickered, while his body was gradually healing.

The way to save Xiang Qingcheng and Dongfangyi is in the sky, but he came all the way to the Eastern Puppet Emperor's Mausoleum, which is tantamount to seeking a fish by a tree. It's just that no matter how the process is, it has always achieved its goal. The weirdness and changeability of this space is the most difficult to figure out. Although it is the first time to get the method, it still needs a lot of deduction before taking action.

During this period, it is also a good choice to stop by to see what the jade-faced scholar and his party are thinking, and to clean up the jade-faced scholar. Different from Lu Xiaotian's mountains and rivers, Yumian Scholar has the ambition to dominate and wants to dominate this world. When Lu Xiaotian was around, he could still suppress this demon, but this time he was going to rescue Dongfang Yi and Xiang Qingcheng. Lu Xiaotian is not sure that he will be able to get out of that strange space power, or it is not impossible to be trapped in it for many years.

Once he disappears for so many years, who knows whether the jade-faced scholar will brazenly launch an interface war.

In this way, it is even more necessary to look for the jade-faced scholar, the ghost master Jin You, the four-eyed Jin Haoniao and his party.

After solving the trouble of Kongtianding, Lu Xiaotian relieved a big stone in his heart, and his mood inevitably became much calmer. As soon as his body moved, he left the retreat place Fu Yong provided him. In the process of subduing the Kong Tian Ding, his body suffered some injuries, but with his strong physique, he was constantly healing himself, and with his current state, it would not affect his actions.

According to Fu Yong's guidance, the action in this imperial tomb went much smoother, avoiding the puppets in the imperial tomb all the way, twists and turns back and forth, and finally there is only one direction, which is where the jade-faced scholars are.

After passing through a certain area, the number of original sculpture groups and terracotta figurines became rarer and rarer. It's just that the pressure around it is more dignified than other places. It seems that there is a giant beast peeping in the dark, even with Lu Xiaotian's consciousness, he can't catch the peeping in the dark.

"The Mausoleum of the Eastern Puppet Emperor is really extraordinary." Searching all the way, occasionally I can find the residual aura left by the Jinyou ghost master's several fights, which can make several Mahayana old monsters fight one after another. Obviously entered here, although encountered There are fewer puppets, but the crisis cannot be taken lightly. However, having Jinyou ghost master and his party walking in front of him saved Lu Xiaotian quite a lot of trouble. From time to time, he could see the stumped limbs and broken arms of puppets floating in the void.

Although the crisis in the Imperial Mausoleum is not small, but at the level of Yumian Scholar, there are really not many people in this world who can stop them from joining forces. As for Lu Xiaotian taking the old road that several Mahayana old monsters have walked, the obstacles encountered along the way are naturally less. For Lu Xiaotian, it is almost insignificant. It seems that most of the attention in this imperial mausoleum has been attracted by the jade-faced scholar , but saved himself troubles, Lu Xiaotian felt relieved for a while, just in time to heal his physical trauma along the way.

There was a sound of violent fighting in the distance, and it was no surprise that the ones who did it were the jade-faced scholar, the golden ghost master, and the four-eyed golden bird.

In addition, there is still a powerful spiritual fluctuation of Youdao, what kind of existence can be against the might of the Jade Face Scholar's joint efforts. With strong curiosity, Lu Xiaotian approached the past, and saw a huge puppet in the void, about ten feet tall, with a cold face, holding a Qingyue long knife with wings on its back. With deep purple eyes, he actually blocked the siege of the three jade-faced scholars with a long knife.

When it comes to the attack ability of this winged puppet, with that Qingyue long knife, the saber energy it cuts out is a bit stronger than that of the jade-faced scholar. The puppet is probably doomed. This winged puppet relies on its own strength, and in terms of means, it is not as good as the combination of the three jade-faced scholars.

It's just that this winged puppet's defense is surprisingly strong, and the body is made of something unknown. The attacks of the jade-faced scholar and the golden ghost master fell on it from time to time, but they failed to cause much damage to the winged puppet. The attack power of the Wingspan puppet has not weakened at all.

"I don't know how much cultivation the East Puppet Emperor Group had in those years, but they have reached such an amazing level among the puppets." Lu Xiaotian was also amazed when he saw it. He vaguely felt a strange fluctuation of spiritual power in the rear guarded by the winged puppet. At that moment, taking advantage of the battle between the group of people, Lu Xiaotian quietly bypassed a few, and approached the place where the spiritual power fluctuated.

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