Become a Fairy

Chapter 2838 Chapter 2837 Disaster

Chapter 2838 Chapter 2837 Disaster

"Amitabha, catastrophe, catastrophe..." Kongjian sighed leisurely, the Buddhist sect also had its own means of communication, when the lotus clone arrived, Kongjian had already received the news on the back. Unexpectedly by the Buddhist sect, it turned out that Shan Bing, the next lord of Yuqing Immortal Palace, not only advanced to the rank of Mahayana, but also successfully held Kong Ming and Kong E together with Tongtian Demon Lord.

No one expected that the Chiyue Desert would rise so fast and gather so many Mahayana experts in such a short period of time. No one in the world could stop such a surprise attack except the Buddha Sect ?

At this time, Kongjian no longer hesitated, the aura of the thunderstorm around him dissipated, Kongjian's phantom seemed to be floating outside this world, his palms stretched out, and the two palms leisurely did not cause any fluctuations in the world, and the two palms seemed to merge again. In this world, people feel that they can't escape from these two palms, just like they can't get out of this world.

The lotus avatar has serious eyes. It is worthy of being the number one eminent monk of the Buddhist sect, whose strength is still higher than his own. But soon, that dignifiedness was replaced by infinite fighting spirit. It is not so easy to break through his block and deal with the ant colony even if it is the number one eminent monk of the Buddhist sect.

The lotus clone presses the sword, and a huge dharma form gathers momentum to rise up. The kings of the Piaomiao group draw their swords and slash them. One sword floats out, and the two sword marks do not have the slightest smell of fireworks.

The two sword marks and the two palm prints connected to the void seemed to be the innate existence of the heaven and the earth, and they were directly fixed in the void for a long time.

What this Kongjian practiced was basically the ancient seal of the ancestor Buddha, but he had learned the strengths of the Buddhist sects and formed his own unique style.

Integrating the ancient seal of the ancestor Buddha into his body, using the body as the seal, has cultivated this technique to the point of mastering the mystery. As far as the ancient seal of the ancestor Buddha is concerned, it is Lu Xiaotian himself, and it cannot be said that he is more powerful than the empty view. For the miraculous.

And the lotus avatar itself is already in the ranks of advanced Mahayana sword cultivators, and it has devoured the sword embryo of Ye Qianxun, a hero, and completely refined his sword intent. Over the years, on this basis, the realm reached in the way of the sword is also It is unpredictable.

In addition to the Piao Miao King, the King Tunyuan, the King of the Great Sun Scorching Heaven, the King of Hidden Demons and other sword kings came out one after another. The first sword king slashed with a sword. The breath was different, but at the same time there was a trace of elegant sword The marks are formed by the sword intent of every kendo king.

Under the oppression of such eminent monks as Kongjian, the sword intent accumulated by the lotus avatar was completely released. Every sword mark cut out, and the palm print made by Kong Jian, are like the eternity that already existed in the world, frozen in the void.

"The Eastern Continent's Great Battle!"

"The human race is in trouble!"

"The earth-shattering war has brought disaster to Dongzhou!"

At the beginning of the battle between the Chiyue Desert and the Buddha Sect, the war flood here raged to every place in this world like a storm.

Two extremely powerful forces, one of the best in this world, are all fighting at the pinnacle. It even greatly surpassed the last battle of Jie Tianshi. Even Master Kong Jian, the first eminent monk of the Buddhist sect, had to give up the opportunity to ascend through the catastrophe for the sake of the safety of the Buddhist sect, and fought Wuming, a sword cultivator. Human Tiangang Fumo Formation. And trapped Lu Xiaotian's true self with the Five Absolute Monk Subduing Tiger Formation.

The war remains inextricable. And the ghost ant king has led the space-eating ghost ant clan king without any hindrance, and went straight to the hinterland of the Zhuzhu Buddhist sect. Without the obstruction of the monks of the Mahayana realm, the lethality of the huge ant colony led by the ant king is even greater than that of the low-level monks. In other words, even more so than the two Mahayana monks!

Where the ant colony passed, there were no bones left along the way, and the tragic loss suffered by the Buddhist sect was actually the greatest catastrophe since the establishment of the Buddhist sect in this world.

The space-eating ghost ant colony is growing at an astonishing speed, and after devouring enough monks, the restraint of the space-eating ghost ant colony by the various exercises of the Buddhist sect is getting smaller and smaller. Originally, the aura was pervasive, but the aura filled everywhere became riddled with holes.

The entire ghost ant colony spread out at an uncontrollable speed, becoming the only one of the two warring parties that was rapidly expanded, and the ghost ant king also benefited a lot from this battle. Seeing that the eminent monks of the Buddhist sect were all broken arms, dragged by the lotus avatar, the ghost ant king was also red-eyed, and the entire space-eating ghost ant colony was so ferocious that even the ghost ant king could no longer control it.

All the monks in the branch temples of each temple received the news of the crisis of the sect, and the abbots of the branch temples led the elites of the temple to help the sect.

In the end, the sect used the Kongtian tripod to transform into the Kongtian Realm to protect the mountain range of the sect, and the monks in the Kongtian Realm killed some of the ghost ants that broke into the barrier. Including the ghost ant king and most of the ant colony were intercepted outside the sky boundary, which was enough to block the front of the ant colony army. To protect the most fundamental vitality of the sect, it is just that the hundreds of large and small Buddhist temples outside have inevitably encountered an unprecedented catastrophe.

"Haha, happy, I plotted against Lao Tzu and cut off my head, did you ever think that your Buddhist sect would have what it is today!" Participating in this battle before recovering from his injuries, he has forcibly blocked Kong Ming for so long, so he has lost his momentum. It's just a battle with the sky and the war all the way, and the various branch temples of the Buddhist sect were ravaged by the ant colony sweeping the courtyard, and Tongtian Demon Lord felt a sense of joy and relief in his heart that he had never felt in tens of thousands of years.

"Shan Bing, you are the next generation of Yuqing Immortal Palace, but you meddled in the matter between Lu Xiaotian and my Buddhist sect, have you thought about the consequences!"

Kong Jie and Xiang Qingcheng fought for a long time, and Shan Bing's own strength was not as good as Kong E's, but the jade talisman formation carried an ancient and desolate atmosphere, which was obviously an ancient talisman formation technique. He has been holding him back so that Kong E has no time to avatar. Compared with Kong Ming, the two sides have been fighting all the way, and witnessing the horrors of the various branch temples of the Buddhist sect is even more tearful!

"I have been expelled from Yuqing Immortal Palace. No matter how many people die, I only care about one Lu Xiaotian." Xiang Qingcheng held his palms slightly, his black hair fluttering in the strong wind, his perfect face was as cold as an iceberg, and he was the corpse in front of him. The sea of ​​mountains and blood can't let his mind move in the slightest.

Even though she couldn't fully recover her memory, when she crossed the Tribulation Mahayana, she had vaguely sensed the fragments, even though those fragments were still not clear enough, but Xiang Qingcheng knew one thing, Lu Xiaotian was the nightmare in her heart, a person she was willing to keep forever. Nightmare in my heart. Compared with Shan Bing, she is more willing to accept the title of Xiang Qingcheng. Under the iceberg, she can only fall into the city with a smile, and she is only willing to fall into the city for one person.

"Senior brother, the person behind the sword embryo has not yet appeared, and we have all been deceived by him. Even if the Buddha sect has survived this calamity, you and I are still sinners of the sect! Several Mahayana realm powerhouses fought, Rolling along the way, the tragic scenes of many branch temples of the Buddhist sect that he passed were vividly seen, and the fiery Kong Ei was like a knife piercing his heart.

"The matter has come to this, what can I do?" Kong Ming sighed quietly, and then his face was stern, "The only way to do it now is to kill the evil spirits and complete their meritorious service in one battle, and the Buddha Dharma will be able to save all living beings in the demon realm, so as to recover the loss of the Buddhist sect. "

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