Become a Fairy

Chapter 2824 Chapter 2823 ?? Empty Ghost Ant

Chapter 2824 Chapter 2823 Space Devouring Ghost Ant

The magic water was mighty, and wherever it passed, all the monsters and ghosts by the lake were surrounded by the magic water, and they rushed towards the distant mountain where the Thunder Palace was located.

The original monsters in the lake were also raging and screaming.

"Nearly 10,000 years of painstaking efforts, just for today! King Lu Dan, after I recover, there will be rewards, I will go!" Tongtian Demon Lord laughed loudly, black light flashed, and the demon cloud he transformed into was submerged in the surging in the magic water.

The lotus clone stood above the magic lake with its arms tied. As for the broken arm, it was already adjusting its breath. In order to break the seal left by the Buddhist sect, the broken arm wasted a lot.

"Let's go, take a look at the Thunder Hall." Broken Arm recovered most of its consumption, and then headed to the Thunder Hall with the Lotus clone.

Looking at the main hall that was still flickering with thunder. Broken Arm was also a little bit embarrassed, the deity was also treated by Yao Qingying here that day, if he had no choice, he really didn't want to disturb Yao Qingying's place of death.

But soon, Broken Arm's mind became firm again. Since Ming and E are proving the Mahayana here, they must have made proper arrangements for everything in Leidian. The Buddhist sect paid so much attention to this place in the past. On the one hand, Shi Qinglei Buddha passed away here and left a line of inheritance in the Buddhist sect. Now that Ming and Evil have been passed on, the role of Leidian in the Buddha Sect will naturally be greatly reduced, especially after Kong Jie was accidentally destroyed by Lu Xiaotian, and the Buddha Sect suffered heavy losses. Seeing that the catastrophe was imminent, master Kong Jian couldn't escape lightly, and the Buddhist sect couldn't let Ming E, a newly promoted Mahayana monk, stay in the underworld corpse.

At this time, Ming Evil is not there, and he has already made other arrangements for Yao Qingying. Even if Broken Arm has concerns, he will naturally not stop there.

In the line of sight, the torrent of magic water came across the void, the torrent rushed down, and went straight to the location of Leidian.


The violent thunder force around the Thunder Palace hit the mighty magic water, blasting up huge water columns, and the low-level monsters with different strengths in it were either directly smashed into powder by the lightning, or their skin was torn apart.

However, the monsters behind followed one after another, rushing towards the violent thunder and lightning. Zizizi, the magic water and thunder and lightning are intertwined continuously. In the turbulent magic water, there is a monstrous devil energy vibrating. Naturally, the Tongtian Demon Lord is making waves in it.

As for the broken arm and the lotus avatar, they didn't mean to intervene, especially after knowing that there was another Mahayana sword-born monk. The broken arm and the lotus clone have been secretly guarding against possible changes.

Since the Mahayana sword-born monk appeared once, the breath behind him has disappeared. Maybe it is too far away, or because of other reasons, he can no longer sense it now. However, the defenses of the broken arm and the lotus clone did not decrease at all.

As long as there are no accidents before Tongtian Demon Lord takes back the demon body. So far, nothing uncontrollable has happened, but the appearance of the Mahayana sword-born monk somewhat cast a shadow over Broken Arm's heart.

When the broken arm and the lotus clone were on full alert, a bone arrow pierced through the air from a distance, and a bone flying book was stuck in the bone arrow.

"Bone and arrow transmission again?" Broken Arm instantly understood who came here. But since the other party knew who he was and didn't show up, it was obvious that things were not simple.

A wave of monstrous magic water was about to knock down the bone arrow.

"Fellow Daoist Tongtian wait a minute, this bone document is for me." Broken Arm stopped it, stretched out his hand to grab it, and took the bone arrow flying book before the wave of magic water completely hit it.

Moon Palace? Broken Arm got the Bone Arrow Flying Book, swept it with his spiritual sense, and found that there is a self-destruct restriction inside, if he is right or wrong, the Bone Arrow Flying Book will be destroyed by himself, even if he is a Mahayana monk, it is difficult to understand it secret. Although it was just a small way, the restriction was very mysterious. With the ability to break his arm, he could naturally break such a restriction, but Bone Arrow Fei Shu couldn't bear his magic power. Unless the person passing the book, or the code, it is difficult to know the content.

Su Qing is more careful than before. The broken arm smiled in his heart, ordinary people relying on this Moon Palace? It is naturally difficult to understand the mystery in a few words, but he, Su Qing and Luo Qian came from the same place, so it is naturally clear.

Soaring Heaven Palace! Broken Arm responded to the prohibition in the Bone Arrow Flying Book with his spiritual sense.

Sure enough, the restrictions in the Bone Arrow Flying Book were wide open, and it was possible to know the contents. Suddenly, Broken Arm's heart sank.

"Fellow Tongtian Daoist, you should speed up here, someone nearby will make a bad idea." The broken arm sent a sound transmission to Tongtian Demon Lord.

"What's the matter?" Tongtian Demon Lord exclaimed in surprise.

"It's not clear yet. In short, you rush out of the Thunder Palace as soon as possible and get back the demon body, or you will change later." Broken Arm said in a deep voice, and then shot away with the lotus avatar one after another.

"Okay, King Lu Dan is careful." Tongtian Mojun has dealt with Lu Xiaotian quite a few times, and he knows that Lu Xiaotian is by no means a person who puts his priorities in the wrong place, and such a change is definitely a big deal. It's just that his strength has not fully recovered at the moment, and the attack on Thunder Palace is at the most critical juncture, and he has no time to clone himself. Even if Lu Xiaotian told him that something happened, Tongtian Demon Lord could only stare blankly.

Seeing the broken arm and the lotus avatar leaving one after another, Tongtian Mojun pondered for a while, and after a while, a black cloud separated from the mighty magic water and flew away into the distance.

Broken arm and lotus avatar have been sneaking all the way through the underworld corpse land since they got the bone arrow letter, and in a place where ghost energy gushes out in the land of sinking souls, a huge stone Buddha with a height of thousands of feet is like ice and snow under the sun Generally, that huge form is melting.

Squeak... From the body of the stone Buddha, faint hissing sounds came out.

"Stone Buddha town prison seal!" The broken arm and the lotus clone were startled at the same time. It is rumored that this thing has always been used to suppress amazing ghosts and other evil things. The stone Buddha in front of him melted, and the broken arm clearly sensed a familiar breath from it. In addition, several flying ants with white and blue bodies and faces like monkeys have leaked out. Those flying ants were full of fierce and ghostly aura.

Space-eating ghost ants!

"Kongming? Such sinister intentions!" Lianhua's avatar took a long breath. If Su Qing hadn't secretly passed the letter to him, even he was still kept in the dark. Once the disaster here breaks out completely, it will be as strong as the Mahayana realm, and I'm afraid it will be too much to eat and walk around.

Once the stone Buddha town prison seal is placed, it is extremely difficult to decipher, even if there are shocking ghosts and evil things, it will still be eroded for years, but now the stone Buddha is melting at such an alarming speed, it is not a natural disaster, but It is a man-made disaster.

Fortunately, it was not too late when Broken Arm arrived. Under the prison seal of the stone Buddha seal, it turned out to be a nest of space-eating ghost ants. It is extremely dangerous for Mahayana monks to fall into the space-eating ghost ants that gnawed out a gap. The ghost ants are more than ferocious but not smart enough. They don't know what to fear.

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