Become a Fairy

Chapter 2821 Chapter 2820????

Chapter 2821 Chapter 2820 Mirage heart

It's not the Bloody Demon Banner. The Bloody Demon Banner is indeed a rare treasure for demon cultivators below the Mahayana level. It can not only improve their cultivation, but it is also an irreplaceable treasure for the demon clans who are fighting wars. When it comes to power, the Purple Shirt Palace Master, the Sky-Tuning Roaring Lion and the Xuanguan Yundiao have a lot of advantages over the Chiwei Blood Demon, and they are also stronger in terms of strength.

However, the three Chiwei Blood Demons in the late stage of fusion reversed this disadvantage arbitrarily by relying on the Blood Stream Demon Banner, and even made the enemy barely maintain the situation under their offensive. I made a detour to see the eight-legged demon cow,

"Mirage heart!"

Lu Xiaotian, who manifested from the broken arm, stretched out his hand, and took the blue, mirror-like spiritual thing into the palm of his hand. This mirror mirage is about five inches long and wide, and is blue-amber in color. Holding it in the hand, it faintly reflects the image of others, and it is like a piece of blue crystal.

Ordinary monks have not felt strange when they come into contact with this mirror mirage heart. Once the sub-primordial spirit that can control the broken arm comes into contact with this mirror mirage heart, even if it manifests into the image of Lu Xiaotian's body, it cannot maintain it. The image is like water. It fluctuated like a pattern, and then spread out with a bang. A part of the arm was exposed.

The Purple Shirt Palace Master, the Sky Swallowing Roaring Lion, the Xuanguan Yundiao, the Red Blood Demon, etc. were all shocked. They thought it was a Mahayana cultivator, but unexpectedly it was just an arm.

"Ex, senior, you?" Palace Master Zishan didn't know why, the voice was obviously Lu Xiaotian, but the scene in front of him was undoubtedly extremely strange.

"Brother Lu, what's going on?" Niu Kun, the eight-legged magic bull beast, was also taken aback. With the degree of friendship and mutual acquaintance between him and Lu Xiaotian in the past, Niu Kun is more sure that the one in front of him must be Lu Xiaotian.

"I didn't expect this mirror mirage to be so powerful." Broken Arm withdrew his spiritual consciousness from inside, and with the strength of his primordial spirit, Fang Cai was almost bewildered. The role of this mirror mirage in cultivating illusion and supernatural powers cannot be underestimated.

After accepting this humiliating deal, the broken arm did not continue to manifest Lu Xiaotian's image. Looking at the group of demon cultivators who were either terrified or puzzled, he said, "I have some problems with the Buddhist sect, my deity You have been trapped in the Buddhist sect for more than 800 years, and you have to use some means to get this arm out. You are too far away from the Chaos Demon Realm, so it’s normal if you haven’t heard of it.”

"Who contributed this mirror mirage heart, bring people here." Broken Arm ignored how shocked these people were, but looked at the red blood monsters. This mirror mirage was provided by the Chiwei Blood Demon.

A moment later, a sea serpent demon who was only in the mid-stage of the Divine Void Realm was brought over.

"Junior Sang Bei, I have met the ancestor!" The sea python demon was just brought along on the way, and he only had a rough idea of ​​what was going on, anyway, it wouldn't be too bad. An old monster who can end the melee between two superpowers, and even the giants of both sides can only bow their heads and ears, there is no need to spend their thoughts on dealing with him.

"Where did you get this mirror mirage?" Broken Arm didn't mean to talk nonsense with him. With his status, there was no need to make friends with a cultivator who was neither relative nor relative. Can not afford. As for being called Patriarch, Broken Arm is also quite weird in his heart. People who usually have friendship with him will not call him that, and those who have no friendship with him are mostly strong people of the same realm. Naturally there is no intersection.

"This junior got it from a combined demon Sumeru ring after a storm in the demon sea. I just thought it was unusual, but this junior is weak and lacks sufficient knowledge, so I don't dare to ask others easily. Keeping it in your collection, it is a junior's honor to be favored by the ancestors." The Yaohai Python said carefully after considering his words.

"So that's the case." Broken Arm didn't want to ask any more questions. From the monster sea storm, or from a combined monster, Lu Xiaotian has seen it before. Things from the south of the sky can blow to the north of the earth. This junior can't get anything of value from him.

The palm of the broken arm spread out, and a pill bottle flew towards the other party, "There is a soul-integrating pill inside, before your cultivation base is upgraded to the body-fitting state, if you have anything to do, you can find the Chiwei Blood Demon, or Niu Kundu Yes, it can be regarded as a fortune brought to you by this mirror mirage heart. Step back."

"Thank you, ancestor, thank you, ancestor." The sea python thanked again and again, maybe the value of a common soul is far less than this mirror mirage heart, but no matter how powerful the mirror mirage heart is, it is no different to him from an ordinary stone , It's not something he can play out at all.

For the sea python monster, the best thing may not be the most suitable. With his current state, it is not so far away to accumulate some years of cultivation to the late stage of Shenxu. The gap is not so easy to cross over.

The mirror mirage heart has always been useless in his hands, but he didn't expect to get an excess return at this time, what a surprise!

The other monsters were also greatly relieved when they came here. No matter how you look at Lu Xiaotian, no, it should be said that this amputated arm is not a murderous person, as long as there is a business plan.

"The two sides stopped fighting here, and the Bloody Demon Banner is temporarily kept by Palace Master Zishan. In the future, if Palace Master Zishan wants to enter the Chigang Heaven Realm and Niu Kun has reached the late stage of fusion, he will pass it on to Niu Kun. If not If it is reached, Palace Master Zishan can find someone else to inherit it."

After receiving a lot of benefits, the broken arm decided the result of this battle in a few words. There is no room for these combined monsters to bargain. The severed arm of the Bloody Demon Banner can be judged with just a sweep of the divine sense that only monsters in the late stage of fusion can use it. Giving it to Niu Kun now will only bring disaster to him. After all, I am not around, it is not so easy to suppress other monsters in the later stage of fusion.

"I would like to obey the orders of the seniors!" Palace Master Zishan was overjoyed upon hearing the words. Fortunately, she had friendship in the past. A lot of spiritual materials were taken away by Lu Xiaotian, although they may not be convinced to themselves, as long as they get the blood stream demon flag and refine it, even if the two want to turn their faces, on the one hand it depends on Lu Xiaotian's face, on the other hand, with Xuejian Yaoqi is not afraid of them at all.

Even though Xuanguan Yundiao and Tuntian Roaring Lion were unhappy, they did not dare to show any emotion in front of Lu Xiaotian's broken arm at this time, the majesty of the Mahayana realm cannot be insulted.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand, and there was an illusion twisting in the void, and a void full of cracks was vaguely revealed inside, the cracks were all-pervasive and unstoppable.

"The space node is near Moyan Island." Immediately afterwards, the phantom in the void distorted into a dilapidated island and the nearby sea area. "The power of space inside fluctuates extremely violently, and it's not impossible to alleviate the distorted power of space, but you have to find it yourself."

"Thank you, senior!" The eyes of the three red blood demons flickered. Although Lu Xiaotian broke their long-standing situation, they now found a new direction. Compared with being a hero here, most of them can only stop here in the end. It seems that the rumored Chigangtian Chengjing is more worth trying. No matter how many spirit crystals there are, they can only use a small part of them.

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