Become a Fairy

Chapter 2804 Chapter 2803???

Chapter 2804 Chapter 2803 Monument

"I swear in the name of Jietian, the seal of sealing the world covers the demon realm, and monks above the fusion state of the Buddhist sect, Xuelin, Fengque, and Xiaoying are not allowed to enter the chaotic demon realm. !"

The sound of rolling thunder entered the ears, like bolts of lightning piercing into people's minds, making people feel stinging, and at the same time, like a strange cold attacking the body, making people feel chills.

The closer you are to Jietianshi, the more you can feel the power of that terrifying oath. The weaker Nine-eyed Demon Owl, and You Tian Kun Shark, who was somewhat affected by the injury, had a significantly heavier aura than before.

"It's such a powerful oath power. If you break it right now, you will see the Heavenly Stone. Everyone, join hands with me." Jin You Ghost Lord snarled, and the clanging and ghost whistling sound cracked the gold and pierced the stone, leaving behind a The ghost cloud was moving, and a group of fierce ghosts roared mournfully in the ghost cloud. If the low-level people listen to all kinds of ghost whistling noises, it is inevitable that their consciousness will be confused, and they will even end up in a state of madness.

The ghost cloud floated away into the void with the power of the oath, and the rolling thunder sound of the power of the oath penetrated into the ghost cloud, and there was a surge of ghost energy inside, and countless ghosts flew away.

"Hurry up, everyone!" Jin Yougui urged loudly.

With the broken arm, he stretched out his hand and slapped it in the air. Twelve pillars of mysterious fire stood up to the sky, and each pillar of fire dragged a long tail of flames, weaving towards the power of the oath.

The lotus clone slashed towards the void with a sword, and a flying sword flew through the sky like a black abyss, echoing with the twelve pillars of mysterious fire left and right.

The four-eyed Jinhao bird transformed into its own body, flapping its wings, a phantom Jinhao bird screamed loudly, and with one claw, it scratched a deep crack in the void. Fight fiercely.

The Nine-Eyed Demon Owl and You Tian Kunsha also made moves at this time, and the six Mahayana monks made moves at the same time, what a majestic aura it was, swallowing thousands of miles with anger.



The sound of heaven and earth collapsing can be heard endlessly, thunder is raging, and glaciers explode.

Each of the six monks in the Mahayana realm has great power in every gesture, supporting a vision of heaven and earth.

The powerful oath power is like a huge beast, engaged in a seemingly simple but extremely fierce battle with a group of monks.

The two halls of Jieyuan and Jiexiao in the Hall of Bagua continued to collapse. The thunder is annihilated, and the glacier melts.

"The mere power of the oath, you dare to compete with our six Mahayana monks, you can't control yourself!" The ghost master Jin You roared, and behind him floated a golden skeleton ghost general with a ghost flag on his back, a black bone sword, Cutting up a hundred miles of knife shadows, carrying fierce ghosts and fierce souls.

The four-eyed Jin Haoniao struck down with a golden jade demon ruler, cutting into the power of the oath like a sharp blade.

The broken arm turned into a gigantic Buddha, with non-phase profound fire surging around his body. The giant Buddha stretched out his palm and pressed down with a palm. The entire Jieyuan and Jiexiao temples were under the non-phase profound fire. speed of melting. The huge flame of flame stepped into the mysterious fire maze formed by the intertwined twelve pillars of mysterious fire, and immediately countless Buddha shadows appeared, and when they raised their hands, they were like the seal of a thousand Buddhas.

The Phaseless Profound Fire has been used to a new height in the Broken Arm Hand. The Golden Ghost Lord, who was a little closer to Broken Arm, unconsciously moved a little further away. Once he got a little closer to that Wuxiang Xuanhuo, even if he was not coming towards him, Jinyou Ghost King would feel an inexplicable sense of depression.

With the joint efforts of the six Mahayana realm powerhouses, the rolling thunder formed by the power of the oath was finally suppressed and gradually disappeared.

Kaka... It seemed as if the space was splitting open, the ghost master Jin You, and the four-eyed Jin Haoniao each burst into unconcealable excitement and excitement. After going through many difficulties and obstacles along the way, he finally got to see Jie Tianshi's true face on Mount Lu.

Broken Arm was also a little excited in his heart, and flew forward almost at the same time as all the cultivators, approaching the blank area.

To break the oath power of the Buddhist sect and several demon clans in the past, all you need to do is erase the leftover tablet seal, and then insert your own tablet seal into it. Now is the time to reap the fruits of victory, and the cultivators naturally refuse to lag behind.

Whoosh whoosh.....

Advance to hundreds of miles away from that blank area, with the ability of these Mahayana monks, they can't make any further progress. So each printed out the inscriptions of their own sacrifices for a long time, and six inscriptions flew towards the blank area one after another.

Buzz... That blank area suddenly emits a frightening white light, even Mahayana monks can hardly look directly at it.

Only with the ability of monks like the broken arm and the four-eyed Jin Haoniao, they can naturally judge the position of the stele seal. One big and three small, the big one is what was left by the Buddhist sect back then, and the other three small ones have a faint aura of monster clan, obviously left by several monster clans back then.

In this frightening white light, the six tablet seals gradually approached. In fact, You Tian Kunpeng, who was already injured, let out a muffled snort, and the stele seals he controlled began to lag behind the other five.

Immediately afterwards, the tablet seal controlled by the Nine-eyed Demon Owl also began to slow down.

"Haha, everyone, work harder." The ghost master Jinyou laughed when he saw this. Youtian Kunpeng and the Nine-eyed Demon Owl were not strong enough to leave a stele on the Jietian Stone. Under such circumstances, it is naturally a good thing. There are two competitors, and they are not forced to withdraw, so there will be fewer disputes in the future.

The four-eyed Jin Haoniao also breathed a sigh of relief, even if You Tian Kunpeng has a close relationship with him, it would be better if he lost competitiveness at this time. No matter if it is the Jinyou ghost master, the four-eyed Jin Haoniao, or the broken arm, they are unwilling to start a dispute. The strength of the three factions is close to each other. Once a fight breaks out, no one can retreat completely.

At their level, most of them will try to avoid direct conflicts unless they have sufficiently attractive interests.

Things went smoother than expected, although the Nine-Eyed Demon Owl was secretly persuaded, but the chance of not using this secret is naturally better. Broken Arm thought in his heart.

"Centured worms are dead but not stiff. Although so many years have passed, the inscriptions left by the Buddhist sect and the previous demon clans have weakened. It is not easy to drive them out. Everyone joined forces to force them out. Get out." Broken Arm said.

"The words of King Lu Dan are exactly what the owner wants. Now is the time for everyone to work together." Under the stakes, Jinyou Ghost Lord and the four-eyed Jin Haoniao agreed with each other at the same time.

With a twitch in Broken Arm's heart, he secretly knew the lotus clone. The tablet seal controlled by the lotus avatar also suddenly stagnated. It looked like it couldn't support it.

If you want to erase the inscriptions left by the Buddhist sect and several monster clans in the past, and put your own inscriptions into the Jietian Stone, it will naturally consume some energy. How much it will be consumed is temporarily unknown, but it is a good thing if things go well. But once the consumption is too much, the broken arm will naturally leave behind the lotus avatar, so as not to be taken advantage of later, even if it is the Nine-eyed Demon Owl, even if he is willing to persuade him in private, it is hard to say how much trust he has.

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