Become a Fairy

Chapter 2795 Chapter 2794??

Chapter 2795 Chapter 2794

The separation from Gou Gan came earlier than Broken Arm expected, but it was not a complete parting of ways. Gou Gan proposed to investigate separately from Broken Arm on the pretext of the appearance of You Tian Kunsha and other Mahayana powerhouses.

Broken Arm was thinking that Gou Gan seemed to be very wary of outsiders such as You Tian Kunsha, and he secretly left clues for the Lotus avatar so as not to be seen through by Gou Gan, so he readily agreed to Gou Gan's proposal.

After being separated from Gou Gan for only a few days, the lotus avatar has already rushed to the distance of less than a thousand miles behind him, ready to rush to help at any time. Through the relay, the lotus avatar also fully understood the experience of the broken arm during this period of time.

And the lotus avatar didn't stay in vain during this time. Through the lotus avatar, Broken Arm also learned something that he didn't know before.

"You Tian Kunsha was seriously injured? This honest man's strength is not much lower than that of the four-eyed Jinhao bird." Broken Arm hesitated for a while, "Do you know who moved the hand?"

"I don't know the specific identity of the other party for the time being, but I can confirm that the other party is a scar-faced woman in her fifties. She is good at combining a pair of yin and yang flying hairpins, and there are some other methods." The lotus clone said.

"Another Mahayana powerhouse." Broken Arm asked Tongtian Demon Lord about the identity of the scar-faced woman, but Tongtian Demon Lord didn't know anything about it.

"It turned out to be another Mahayana monk who appeared out of nowhere. This situation is too weird." Broken Arm felt a little weird in his heart, and things are inseparable. The successive appearance of two Mahayana realm powerhouses who had no news of them before could make Tongtian Demon Monarch, with several broken arms, know nothing about it at the same time, which is a bit too outrageous.

"It's a pity that Ye Qianxun's primordial spirit was imprisoned by the deity in the green fruit barrier, and there was no way to ask for it for a while. Otherwise, I could ask Ye Qianxun for proof." The lotus avatar sighed slightly.

"The scar-faced woman who injured Youtian Kunsha and I and the four-eyed Jin Haoniao went to look for it for a while, but we didn't find anything."

"In that case, it's even more weird." Rao had traveled all over the world with his deity in the past, and had a lot of experience, so he couldn't judge the situation in front of him for a while.

After communicating with the lotus avatar, Broken Arm and Gou Gan were separated, and they began to investigate the other two secret realms, which were exactly the same as the original guessed locations. The eight secret realms were exactly like gossip These secret realms are connected to each other and have their own differences. But they are full of violent thunder and lightning and interlaced icy breath.

The gossip secret realm, the beginning of sealing the world. Broken Arm thought back to the ice pools, ice nanmu forests and other places that he had passed through before, and each secret place was combined to form a huge gossip array. This level of handwriting, even if Lu Xiaotian himself came to him, he would only be amazed.

These eight secret places seem to be separated, but they are actually intertwined. Since they are united as one, there must be something in common.

After Broken Arm searched in the secret realm for a while, he killed many world spirits like the old ice raccoon demon along the way, and the specific clues he asked were limited. However, Broken Arm did some hard work and discovered that these seemingly distant secret realms seem to lead to another place when they are connected with each other. The intersection of these cores is the core of the Eight Diagrams Formation.

After discovering this new channel, the boundary seals cultivated by Broken Arm became more and more obvious. Broken Arm's thoughts flickered, and he handed over the boundary-breaking worm to the lotus clone, and distanced himself from the lotus clone.

The broken arm walked forward for a while, and when he saw the smell of blood mixed with the scattered ice fog, his heart trembled, it was also the breath of You Tian Kunpeng. It seems that You Tian Kunpeng's situation is definitely worse than he imagined.

Broken Arm was hesitating, Gou Gan, who had disappeared for some time in the distance, returned.

"Lord Lu Dan, I didn't expect you to find this place." Gou Gan flew towards this side with a serious expression.

"Why, is Fellow Daoist Gou familiar with this place?" Broken Arm said, not without surprise.

"I know a thing or two, but what is even more surprising is that Youtian Kunpeng seems to have disappeared, and the four-eyed golden bird is also missing." Gou Gan said in a deep voice.

"You Tian Kunpeng died? Is the news true?" Broken Arm exclaimed in surprise, even though he was no less than an actual Mahayana monk with his broken arm, the news that Gou Gan brought was too shocking.

"It's almost inseparable. The old man found a lot of scattered Kun feathers in the ice fog. In addition, there must be a piece of shadow in the thunder mirror." Gou Gan nodded and stretched out his hand, and a ball of thunder light loomed from his hand.

The so-called remote lightning mirror is that the thunder force gathers into a crystal and turns into a mirror. The effect is similar to that of the shadow pearl, but the lightning mirror is extremely unstable. It is easy to revert to violent thunder force. Unless you encounter a monk with profound mana and use means to preserve it.

A flash of light flashed in the Thunder-Jie Mirror, and a huge figure inside was Youtian Kunsha, and the one fighting with it was a scar-faced woman, who was exactly the same person that the Lianhua avatar said. You Tian Kunsha seemed to have been injured before, and the shadow in the Jielei mirror fought with the scar-faced woman in a dim light.

You Tian Kunsha's huge body was bleeding all the time. The two sides fought for a while, and the scar-faced woman spit out a cold light from her mouth, which turned into an ice axe. The ice ax shook in the void, and the ax fell down. Cut off half of the sleepy Youtian Kunsha's body.

You Tian Kun Shark's miserable hiss almost shattered the thunder mirror, and Kun Yu's feathers were scattered everywhere along with the scattered blood.

The image in the mirror behind Jie Lei gradually blurred, You Tian Kunpeng seemed to have fled away, and the fight in the mirror disappeared.

However, judging from You Tian Kunpeng's condition, he was already injured, and he was no match for the scar-faced woman. If he suffered such a serious injury, the chance of being able to escape from the scar-faced woman is very slim. Gou Gan deduced from this You Tian Kun Shark has already fallen, but there is nothing wrong with it.

"Fellow Daoist Gou came here in such a hurry, probably just to tell me about the fall of Youtian Kunshark." Broken Arm pondered for a while and said.

"Of course not. The woman with the scarred face is too powerful. Originally, the old man thought that Youtian Kunsha and the four-eyed golden bird were an eyesore. I didn't expect that there would be a more powerful one. The old man walked alone. It's really a bit For that scar-faced woman, if she can walk with King Lu Dan, the result will be very different." Gou Gan said, "I think King Lu Dan doesn't mind having more helpers."

"To be able to walk with Fellow Daoist Gou, I naturally wish for it." Broken Arm nodded.

"Originally, the old man wanted to take advantage of You Tian Kun Shark's injury, and went to ask for some bargains. I didn't expect that I didn't take advantage of any bargains. Instead, I wasted so much time for nothing." Gou Gan muttered, with an annoyed look on his face. .

Broken Arm smiled when he heard the words, and did not comment on the matter again. It's just that the incident of Youtian Kunsha aroused the unprecedented vigilance of Broken Arm.

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