Become a Fairy

Chapter 2760 refuse to travel

As for the little fire crow, it was even more excessive, croaking and screaming, pointing at Lu Xiaotian's lotus avatar and shaking its wings.

The face of the lotus avatar was a bit weird, these little guys only recognized the deity, not even his avatar.

It really doesn't make sense.

"Quack..." The little fire crow pointed at the lotus avatar again, dancing and dancing for a while.

"Are you asking where my main body is?" the lotus clone asked.

At this time, the little fire crow, the spirit chasing little white dog, and even the worldbreaker poked out from the little fold dog's hair and nodded in unison.

The lotus avatar was speechless for a moment, his avatar was one with the deity. These little guys didn't even recognize him.

"The deity is trapped in one place now, but there is no danger, just staying there to practice. The person who trapped the deity is extremely powerful. The deity and I are now trying to find ways to improve our cultivation. If we are strong enough, we will naturally be able to escape. "The lotus avatar said.

Little Fire Crow breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that the deity was safe and sound. The little fire crow nodded, then waved its wings, looking disgusted. Turn around and run away with the little white dog.

The lotus avatar suddenly had mixed feelings in his heart. Although he is only Lu Xiaotian's avatar, he is also a sword cultivator who has initially stepped into the realm of the king of swordsmanship, and it is only a matter of time before he surpasses Ye Qianxun. No matter how many people want to see him, these little guys are so arrogant. It seems that the deity has really spoiled these little guys over the years.

"Try not to leave Yehuo Field. If something happens, go back to Chiyue Desert, remember." Since the little guys are unwilling to go with him, and the lotus avatar is not reluctant, he has a lot of things to do right now, continue to refine Ye Qianxun's sword fetus is the most important thing to completely stabilize the realm of the king of swordsmanship. In addition, the lotus avatar has also begun to practice the second dantian secret technique of the fire cloud monster.

The later the time to practice this second dantian secret technique, the greater the cost of opening up the second dantian, and naturally more spiritual crystals will be consumed. Since this period of time, the power of the Chiyue Desert has expanded unprecedentedly, and it is precisely because of this that no matter it is the cultivation of the lotus clone, or other monks in the Chiyue Desert, they all need to consume spirit crystals, especially the cultivation of the second dantian by the lotus clone. It is a bottomless pit.

To use the spiritual materials from the Chaotic Demon Realm for his own use, if the Buddhist sect does not provide enough spiritual crystals, he will naturally have to find a way to send them over. It can also be used to clarify the situation of some deities in Buddhism.

The current lotus avatar is somewhat similar to Ye Qianxun back then. After his cultivation in the way of the sword has reached a certain level, he will also think of other means to improve his strength.

However, once he has cultivated to the realm of the King of Swordsmanship, even among the monks in the Mahayana realm, his strength is definitely not weak. Whether it is the invasion of the previous demon army, or the demon clan alliance behind with evil intentions, as long as there is no problem with the lotus avatar, The Chiyue Desert is as stable as Mount Tai.

Just as he was about to leave, a sound transmission talisman flew in the void.

"Senior, Xiong Kun of the Dark Demon Tomb has been seriously injured, so I come to see you." The voice in the sound transmission talisman belonged to Elder Bali of the Giant Stone Clan.

"Xiong Kun was injured?" The lotus clone frowned. As the king of the demon mound, Xiong Kun can command the spirits in the dark demon mound. The monks can only ask for blessings when they go in.

With Xiong Kun's prudence, if there is no need, he will rarely appear in the Gloomy Demon Tomb, and Xiong Kun is already at the top in the middle stage of the fusion. Being able to escape to the Chiyue Desert meant that he could also escape back to the Gloomy Demon Tomb.

"It seems that Xiong Kun's troubles should be more difficult. You can find out when you go back." The lotus avatar didn't guess any more, and had to go back to the Chiyue Desert. In the case of this guy, the lotus avatar had to come and run in person. Under normal circumstances, the lotus avatar would not easily leave the Chiyue Desert.

However, although it didn't bring back Little Fire Crow, Chasing Little White Dog and Boundary Breaker, the lotus avatar took back the few sub-primordial spirits that were sent out when facing Ye Qianxun, the life and death enemy.

At this time, besides the original Dao Primordial Spirit, there are as many as three sub-primordial souls in the body of the lotus branch, and the power of spiritual consciousness is beyond ordinary.

With the addition of these sub-primordial spirits, the lotus avatar not only can detect farther places with its spiritual sense, but also seems to have become more agile in this world, and even has a little more mysterious understanding of the sword embryo.

"It's no wonder the deity's strength has improved so strangely over the years, and the power of the primordial spirit is really wonderful." With such emotion, the lotus clone rushed all the way back to the Chiyue Desert.

Compared with the demon team that was raging everywhere in the past, at this time, with the expansion of the strength of the Chiyue Desert and the heavy losses before, the demon army that entered the chaotic demon realm retreated steadily. If there is no other supplement, or Bitong Demon With Jun Qiang's strong intervention, it is only a matter of time before the demon army withdraws from the chaotic demon realm.

As for the monster clan who had acted more secretly before, the lotus avatar encountered one or two and frowned, but the lotus avatar still didn't make a move after all.

"I've seen you, senior." As soon as the lotus clone descended into the chaotic demon realm, the two elders, who were discussing matters with Madara Chita, quickly bowed to salute.

"Where is Xiong Kun, bring him to see me." The lotus avatar nodded, except for Ye Qianxun who knew this was his lotus avatar before, no one else knew this secret.

However, Yu Xiaoqiao has the Chizi Youlian and Deputy Lotus provided by the deity in the territory of Zhenmu. If Yu Xiaoqiao has seen the lotus avatar make a move, she should be able to guess it. After all, so far, there are only Yu Xiaoqiao and Lu Xiaotian in this world. Practiced the Piao Miao sword art.

"Yes, senior." Pulli nodded and went out with Madara Chita.

After a while, Xiong Kun was brought over. At this time, Xiong Kun's condition was extremely poor, and a blue monster ball of light was inlaid on his chest. Arcs danced on the blue monster ball of light, and it continued to extend around it. The power of the tomb evil in the body was extinguished, but the power of the tomb evil in Xiong Kun's body could not further wipe out the blue monster light ball on his chest.

Two completely different auras, with Xiong Kun's chest as the battlefield, the two sides competed back and forth, Xiong Kun's physical body was originally extremely strong, but at this time he was a little bit unbearable. look.

"The junior, Xiong Kun, has seen the senior. Last time, in the dark demon mound, the junior fought side by side with King Lu Dan to fight against powerful enemies. Afterwards, King Lu Dan once said that if the junior has something he can't handle, he can come to Chiyue The desert seeks the help of seniors." Xiong Kun cupped his hands to the lotus avatar.

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