Become a Fairy

Chapter 2741 The sea is tolerant to all rivers, tolerance is great


Several giant swords that held up to the sky slashed down in the air, breaking into the sword field of the lotus clone one after another. The sword intent emanating from the Piao Miao sword body was like water, and the giant sword that held the sky cut into the water to form waves of sword intent.

Wow! Wow!

A stream of sword energy fell into the misty sword field below, and the divine consciousness of the lotus clone was released. At this time, under this surging sword energy, the flying sword breath formed by each sword art is completely different. But in this void, these sword qi can coexist with each other.

The countless sword qi cut from the void seemed to be able to resonate in the body of the lotus branch. At the same time, the experience of fighting with many strong men in the past is also constantly flashing in his mind.

Lu Xiaotian's extremely rich fighting experience also appeared in the mind of the lotus avatar through the communication of the primordial spirit.

At this time, the misty sword intent became more and more like water, and as time passed, the sword intent gradually became like a river under the agitation.

The sword intent in the river was like a tide, and the slashing sword aura from the void submerged into the river. While fighting with these sword auras, the sword domain of the lotus avatar kept eliminating these alien sword auras.

However, there are too many sword intents coming from the void, and the pressure on the lotus clone is also increasing. These sword qi are full of hostility when they are submerged in the Piaomiao sword domain. There are too many sword qi coming from all around, and the lotus avatar cannot digest them in a short time. As a result, the turbulent waves in the Piaomiao Sword Domain became more and more rapid.

The lotus avatar can no longer think about other things at this time, the more alien sword energy submerged in the sword domain, the more unstable the misty sword domain will become.

However, as the lotus avatar's comprehension of various sword techniques became more and more profound, part of the sword energy had begun to dissolve in the sword domain. The Piaomiao Sword Domain began to expand outward unconsciously.

The lotus clone didn't have the energy to notice the changes in the sword domain at this time, and more and more alien sword qi cut into the sword domain continued to impact the limit it could reach. And this kind of limit is gradually enlarged as the sword domain expands quietly.

Looking at the overwhelming sword intent from a distance, Mo Yuyan felt a throbbing in her heart. The surging sword intent seemed to overwhelm the vitality of the lotus avatar. Whether the avatar is promoted or not doesn't seem to be so good for her.

If the promotion is successful, there will be no need for the lotus avatar to stay in Chigang Tiancheng. If the promotion fails, it seems that there is no need to stay here. It's just that Mo Yuyan has no better way than to wait for the development of the matter at this time.

Time is like water, passing away slowly. Mo Yuyan has been practicing quietly at a safe distance. After a series of battles, Mo Yuyan's accumulation is extremely considerable. In the process of concentrating on cultivation, Mo Yuyan has gradually reached the state of forgetting both things and me.

And the sword energy constantly slashing towards the Piaomiao Sword Field in the void is consistent, sharp and fast as usual, giving no chance to breathe. The only thing that has changed is that after the Piaomiao Sword Field accommodates more and more sword energy, the Sword Field continues to spread outward, occupying a larger and larger area in the void. It is like a long river of swordsmanship running to both sides at the same time, while looking for the source and tracing the source. The other side seems to be looking for broader sources.

The rivers and rivers formed by the Piaomiao Sword Realm can accommodate them, and the more sword energy they digest. The conflict between sword qi is also creating a tense atmosphere and pressure.

From the outside, it looks like a continuously expanding bubble, and every time the bubble expands, it looks like it will burst. Every time it seems to have reached the limit, but every time it can be expanded a little more, its capacity will become larger.

It seems that this change is extremely simple and low-key, but for the lotus avatar, it feels that it is constantly on the verge of exploding, and once it explodes, it will also turn into this overwhelming sword intent. Become a part of it, to test the sword cultivators who have practiced the secret art of sword embryo and may enter the territory of Chigang Tiancheng.

The lotus avatar in it goes to the back, not only can sense the sword energy of the sword, but also some other vague wills, these wills are the people who failed to break through and fell in the sword field. The other party tried their best to turn the lotus avatar into one of them.

At this time, the lotus avatar also discovered some of the laws, and each will can control a part of the sword energy. It is these sword qi that are against the lotus avatar.

After finding this pattern, the lotus avatar began to classify these sword qi. In the process of releasing his consciousness, he also discovered that the seemingly chaotic sword attack was actually self-contained. The sword qi controlled by each will is no more powerful than the lotus clone. It's just that there are many such wills. The sword energy controlled by will, big and small, attacked like rivers of rivers.

At this time, the lotus avatar had various sword tactics flashing through his mind alternately, no matter how powerful he was, he still couldn't compete with all the willpower. Blindly resisting, even the speed of refining the sword energy can't keep up with the speed of the sword energy, the end result is the same.

Seeking common ground while reserving differences is also a process from easy to difficult. In the constant confrontation, the lotus avatar also has a certain strategy to deal with the enemy. Among the countless sword qis that have been chopped off, some are sword embryos that have been swallowed by the lotus avatar, and it is relatively easy to refine them. There are also some that have never been seen or heard of, and they were completely ignorant of them before, so it is naturally even more difficult to refine them.

Start with these easy-to-handle sword qi, and then expand to others!

A large amount of sword energy has never stopped attacking the Piaomiao Sword Domain, but after finding a certain pattern, at this time, outside the long river of swordsmanship in the Piaomiao Sword Domain, the sword energy controlled by countless Dao voices is also attacking like a stream. There are rivers, big or small, rushing in.

The sword embryos directly swallowed by the lotus avatar include Twins, Piaotian, Piaosha, Linghong, Tunyuan, etc., and each of the original masters of these sword embryos has also swallowed other sword cultivators. The lotus avatar is familiar with the number of swordsmanship through direct and indirect methods.

Those breaths are similar, or very familiar, the lotus avatar is first inhaled into the Piaomiao Sword Domain, and it is refined while resisting. Others are relatively delayed.

In this way, the speed of the long river of swordsmanship in Piaomiao Sword Field suddenly increased. As it devours more and more sword energy, the inclusiveness of the long river of swordsmanship has also become more and more inclusive. Gradually there is a tendency to turn into a vast ocean.

The rushing sword river was surging like the sound of the tide, and the long river of sword intent formed by the misty sword field explored in the void, but they couldn't find the way out of the sword river, so they came to become the outlet for countless sword rivers.

Be tolerant to diversity, tolerance is a virtue! At this time, the lotus avatar couldn't help but have such a thought in his mind.

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