Become a Fairy

Chapter 2731 Chapter 2730???? Gray Eagle

Chapter 2731 Chapter 2730 Gray Eagle

Lu Xiaotian's lotus avatar and Mo Yuyan looked at each other. Compared with the outside world, the monsters in the territory of Chigang Tiancheng are bloodier and rougher, and their strength is not bad, but their intelligence seems to be slightly lower, and they live a life like a slut drinking blood .

After entering it, I encountered a few monsters in the combined state. Especially those gray eagles with a wingspan of several tens of feet can leave a long shadow behind them when they fly at will.

"The monsters here are really strong. I'm only in the middle stage of the fusion right now, and I have to be more careful with fellow daoists. I don't know what you call friends." Mo Yuyan said.

"Wuming Sword Cultivator! Just call me Wuming." Lu Xiaotian's lotus clone said.

"So it's Unnamed Fellow Daoist." Mo Yuyan smiled and nodded.

"Human life has only one life. As the master of the star palace, even if you are only in the middle stage of fusion, you can't take it lightly. If you blindly shrink back, we might as well part ways earlier."

Lu Xiaotian's lotus avatar said that it was his real body that had exchanged with Mo Yuyan before, and Mo Yuyan didn't know about the existence of the lotus avatar. Even if there were some benefits exchanged before, Lu Xiaotian's lotus avatar could pretend not to know about it. Taking advantage of the extremely dangerous situation in the territory, it is natural to squeeze as much oil as possible from Mo Yuyan who wants to preserve her strength before the situation is known.

"Fellow Daoist Wuming, please don't worry, you and I are in the territory of Chigang Tiancheng right now, we are both prosperous and we are both prosperous, and we are both in danger. This environment is dangerous and unpredictable. Before we are familiar with this environment, we can only protect ourselves to the greatest extent by joining hands. I don't care. I will let Unnamed Daoist Friend alone bear all the risks." Mo Yuyan obviously understood the current situation, and nodded happily.


The huge gray eagle hovered in the sky, and its sharp eagle eyes quickly spotted the two lotus clones and Mo Yuyan hiding in the dark. At the moment, it swooped down with its wings hovering. Before the Gray Eagle could pounce, the huge whirlwind driven by the flapping of its wings had already knocked down a lot of spirit trees on the ground, and sent a burst of broken stones flying.

"Let me see your strength, so that I can have a rough judgment when facing the enemy later." Lu Xiaotian's lotus clone said bluntly.

"Under normal circumstances, I'm only in the middle stage of fusion, but at the critical moment of life and death, there are still some methods unique to the star palace that can be used. The power is not inferior to the late stage of fusion."

Mo Yuyan said something plainly, feeling secretly displeased with this nameless guy, but with her middle-stage fusion state, even though her strength is much stronger than ordinary people of the same level, in this Chi Gangtian where the strong are like forests In the territory, Mo Yuyan had to rely on the lotus avatar. Otherwise, if you encounter a stronger enemy, you will have to use the method of pressing the box, which is extremely detrimental to the survival in the future.

However, from Mo Yuyan's tone, Lu Xiaotian's lotus avatar also heard a hint of threat, that is to say, Mo Yuyan may not be afraid of him if he really wants to tear his face apart. The two sides are in an equal position, and it is unrealistic for the lotus avatar to directly order her.

Mo Yuyan's voice fell slightly, and she reached out to pat the spirit animal bag on her waist, a golden one-horned Pegasus loomed in the white light, and a set of dazzling golden battle armor appeared on Mo Yuyan's body at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Mo Yuyan flew astride the golden one-horned Pegasus, under the four hooves of the one-horned Pegasus, a golden lightning flashed faintly. The hooves are like thunder. There was a strange look in Lu Xiaotian's eyes, Mo Yuyan's outfit and the silver-faced Rakshasa were very trustworthy, but the two had their own characteristics, one gold and the other silver.

Based on Mo Yuyan's own strength alone, it is true that she is only in the middle stage of the fusion, but after sacrificing the golden unicorn, her aura is integrated, and she is approaching the late stage of the fusion. Even if it can't be compared with the old monsters who have been practicing for many years in the late stage of fusion, it is not far behind the likes of Jia Xiaolin back then.

Chila Mo Yuyan went up to meet the huge gray eagle in the void, the golden spear pierced the void, and a long golden river rushed towards the huge gray eagle. The noise and turmoil in the long golden river is like a golden horse, tough and unbreakable.

The huge gray eagle that swooped down was only in the middle of the fit, obviously did not expect Mo Yuyan to be so powerful. Caught off guard, he was caught by the golden horse's training scroll, and his body seemed to be wrapped in a yoke. Struggling to flap its wings and struggle.

The other two companions also came with flapping wings, and the leading one had reached the advanced stage of fusion, and the two wings waved down, and a gust of wind suddenly rose between the sky and the earth, swirling the wind and clouds. The weaker monsters on the ground and even in the void were directly rolled up, struggling helplessly in the air and unable to escape the predicament in front of them.

While trapping the leader gray eagle, Mo Yuyan glanced at the lotus avatar. There was no fear on Mo Yuyan's face. Back then, this lotus avatar was able to defeat the head of Moyan, and was favored by Lu Xiaotian himself. It was also the top choice among the fit monks. I don't doubt the strength of the lotus avatar, it depends on whether the lotus avatar has any specific intention of cooperation.

It's just that although Mo Yuyan was prepared for the strength of the lotus avatar, when the Gonghua avatar made a move, her heart beat wildly. She saw the lotus avatar make a move with its left hand, and a three-foot long sword appeared in her hand. There was no unnecessary movement of the lotus avatar, the long sword just slashed forward in the void, condensed like an abyss, mysterious and deep, in the abyss, two sword qi flew out, flowing out of the dust. That elegant sword energy flew out of the endless abyss, like flying from outside the sky.

The seemingly unpleasant sword energy fluttered in the void, but it easily split the gale wind blowing in the void. Eagle feathers fluttered, and blood droplets splattered everywhere. The left wing of the relatively low-strength giant gray eagle was slashed by a sword, and the other one in the late stage of fusion was also forced back dozens of miles by the seemingly light sword.

The leader of the Gray Eagle fluttered away, at this time a flying sword suddenly appeared from the void without warning, pointing directly at the leader's vital point.

The leader of Gray Eagle opened his mouth and spit out, several wind thorns were connected to the flying sword, and before the flying sword could be neutralized, two intertwined sword qi, one yin and one yang, gushed out from the void again.

There seemed to be an extra round of scorching sun in the void, and the scorching sun fell and turned into a flying sword. At this time, the two giant gray eagles had not yet dealt with the previous attack, and the sword energy with a completely different aura came rushing one after another at an extremely tricky angle. A few giant gray eagles in the void struggled to resist.

One at the late stage of fusion and the other gray eagle at the early stage of fusion were easily suppressed by this mysterious sword cultivator named Wuming. From those sword auras with completely different auras, Mo Yuyan felt a ray of sword intent beyond the state of fusion.

Even if she didn't fight directly with Lianhua clone, Mo Yuyan could still sense the ubiquitous and inescapable sword intent.

In the end, a sword fell from the sky, and the completely different sword intents around them merged into one. It cut off the head of one of the huge demon eagles. Gully-like sword wounds.

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