Become a Fairy

Chapter 2723 Chapter 2722???

Chapter 2723 Chapter 2722

It's just that what the old green stone demon has to face at this time is definitely not an ordinary monk in the body-fitting state. In terms of mana alone, Lu Xiaotian is much better than the old green stone demon. As for the strength of supernatural powers, the difference between the two sides is even greater.

At this time, not only the Xuanhuo Pillar was getting closer and closer, but also the Buddha Domain Barrier above his head was getting lower and lower. Constantly oppressing the living space of the green stone old demon, at the same time, Lu Xiaotian flipped his palm, and the Devouring Bow and Arrow appeared in the palm of his hand, pointing at the two-tailed demon wolf with the tip of the arrow, "Three breaths, decide for yourself!"

At this time, Yu Xiaoqiao made a slender move, and a flying sword with a particularly light breath, slashed straight at the old green stone demon, and at the same time Ziye Zhenwu also made a move. A large number of wooden spikes were shot out like a violent storm.

At this time, the green stone old demon was attacked from three sides at the same time. In normal times, Ziye Zhenwu and Yu Xiaoqiao might not be able to put much pressure on him, but at this time, Lu Xiaotian alone has made him exhausted. Any one of Ye Zhenwu and Yu Xiaoqiao is enough to be the last straw that breaks the camel's back, let alone the two working together. Enough to make the green stone old demon under high pressure tired of coping.

"Brother Demon Wolf, if you don't make a move yet, when will you wait?" The green stone old demon is definitely not the opponent of Lu Xiaotian's three teamed up, at this time, he can only pin his hope on the two-tailed demon wolf. Even though he knew that the addition of the two-tailed demon wolf was no match for the opponent, but at the end of the road, the green stone old demon had no better way.

"Okay!" The two-tailed demon wolf responded, opened its mouth and spit out, a cloud of gray earth demon blood directly manifested into a giant octopus in the void. The huge octopus tentacles originally rolled towards Lu Xiaotian's void, but it was only halfway. He made a bend, and drew towards the green stone old demon at a more tricky angle.

Under such circumstances, for the green stone old demon who was on the verge of collapse, it was tantamount to annihilation.

The green stone demon didn't even have time to blame the twin-tailed demon wolf for its treachery, so it was besieged to death by so many experts in the combined state. Lu Xiaotian unceremoniously stretched out his hand to the void and grabbed the green stone old demon's Sumeru ring and Yuanshen together.

"Lu Xiaotian, I've finished what you told me to do, now give me back my split soul." Once the green stone old demon understood, Ziye Zhenwu said.

Although Ziye Zhenwu is also afraid of Lu Xiaotian's astonishing strength at this time, as soon as he touches it, he knows that he is definitely not Lu Xiaotian's opponent, but as a cultivator, he fights against the sky, dares to fight even the sky, and cultivates a freedom, pays attention to detachment In the world, even life and death are controlled by human hands, so how can we talk about detachment, but any enterprising and ambitious person will never tolerate his life being controlled by others.

If you lose your autonomy, how far can you go on the road in the future?

"If you didn't secretly trick your mind back then, how could there be so many things in the future." Lu Xiaotian glanced at Ziye Zhenwu.

"What do you mean, can't you go back on your word?" Ziye Zhenwu said in surprise and anger.

"It's not impossible to repent, but capital crimes can be avoided, and living crimes are hard to forgive." Lu Xiaotian's voice fell slightly, and his body suddenly disappeared from the spot, and he flashed again and was only a thousand feet away from Ziye Zhenwu's side.

Ziye Zhenwu was terrified, and suddenly his body turned into a towering giant tree again. In this situation, he did not seek meritorious deeds, but only wished to have no faults. First, he resorted to the strongest self-protection means.

When Lu Xiaotian reappeared, he had transformed into a strange humanoid with red scales, horns on its head, and wings on its back. Those thick hands directly grasped the huge tree trunk transformed by Ziye Zhenwu, and the figure seemed out of proportion to the huge tree trunk, but as soon as the hands touched the tree trunk, the wild and domineering blood power and a part of it Mana rushed directly into the giant tree.

Among them, Ziye Zhenwu let out a muffled snort, obviously unable to bear the infusion of so much alien power in a short period of time. A large number of branches frantically whipped towards Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian didn't care about these mighty branches, and let them whip and crackle, but before they could fully touch Lu Xiaotian's body, he was bounced back by the five-element magnetic gold armor on the body surface.

Lu Xiaotian originally planned to use the magic body directly, and take down Ziye Zhenwu in the shortest time, but Ziye Zhenwu's life-saving supernatural power is extraordinary, the root system is connected to the earth, and a considerable part of the damage is directly directed to the ground.

At this time, the ground couldn't bear Lu Xiaotian's incomparable strength, and huge cracks appeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

From Lu Xiaotian's throat came out a roar that looked like a human being but not a human, or a beast but not a beast, and his hands suddenly gathered strength. The strength of Ziye Zhenwu was still a little behind that of the two-tailed magic wolf, how could he directly compete with Lu Xiaotian. At this time Ziye Zhenwu screamed, the towering giant tree was uprooted by Lu Xiaotian, leaving a deep pit on the ground that was hard to see.

Lu Xiaotian tossed his hands, stretched out his palms and clapped, a bloody big hand slapped Ziye Zhenwu into the ground again. When pulling it out again, Ziye Zhenwu vomited blood, staggered and fell to the ground. Looking at Lu Xiaotian with a face of horror, he had already felt that Lu Xiaotian's strength was terrifying before, but now he knew how big the gap between the two sides was after experiencing it personally. He thought that he had advanced to the late stage of fusion, and when he met Lu Xiaotian, he still had the capital to compete for power, but what he didn't expect was that the gap between the two sides was getting bigger and bigger.

"Don't fall into my hands again. Let's go." Lu Xiaotian's animal signs disappeared in an instant, and he returned to his original appearance. He stretched out his palm, and the lock that imprisoned Ziye Zhenwu's soul Soul jade flew towards the opponent.

Ziye Zhenwu took the soul-locking jade, and glanced at Lu Xiaotian with lingering fear, and immediately turned into a ray of spiritual light and sank into the ground, not daring to stay here for a moment.

Lu Xiaotian snorted coldly, with Ziye Zhenwu's current behavior, the injury he suffered just now lasted for three to five hundred years, so don't even think about recovering. For a long period of time to come, it would be good to be able to maintain the strength of the initial stage of fusion, not only physically, but the soul was also severely injured in the extremely short fight just now.

At this time, the two-tailed wolf and even the invisible man were silent. The reason is nothing more than that Lu Xiaotian's thunderbolt method just now really caught two people. Even if Ziye Zhenwu's strength is weaker, it is still in the late stage of fusion, and he was beaten to the ground by Lu Xiaotian with three punches and two legs, and he didn't even dare to say a word before leaving. Lu Xiaotian's strength can be seen.

The only consolation is that Lu Xiaotian still counts his words, even if he has old grudges with Ziye Zhenwu, he still returns the soul-locking jade to the other party. For an ordinary person, it might not be so easy to return it. After all, the soul-locking jade can directly control the life and death of the other party. Even though Ziye Zhenwu is much weaker than Lu Xiaotian in strength, he is still an extremely powerful thug, so easy to let go, even the invisible man or the two-tailed magic wolf thinks it is a bit of a pity.

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