Become a Fairy

Reference 2708 Xi spider demon ape, monk with long eyebrows

In another loud and clear cry, the lifelike skylark disappeared into the portal.

At this time, inside the Ziwu Leiyang Tomb, there were a lot of skinny and skinny monsters with the head of an ape and the body of a spider rushing out of it.

These ape-headed spider-bodied monsters can stretch out their spider legs for about three or four feet, with thick black and gray hair growing on them. Although they have ape heads, their mouths and expressions are as fierce as most monster spiders. cruel. From time to time, foul-smelling saliva flowed out from the opened sheet.

"Xi Spider Demon Ape!" Lu Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat, it seemed that he was wise not to rush into Ziwu Leiyang Tomb. This monster has an extremely strong sense of territory, and as the group expands, it will slowly expand its territory outward. Once a foreign object enters its territory, it will be attacked fiercely and at all costs.

Few people would raise such ferocious monsters. If they were not fully prepared to enter it, even with Lu Xiaotian's strength, it would be easy to be disgraced.

However, the reason why such monsters as the Xi Spider Demon Ape are fierce requires a special kind of Xi Demon Salivary Qi stimulation from its territory to exert its true power. This is also the reason why the Xi Spider Demon Ape seldom rushes out of its territory.

At this time, Lord Ji Yuan took the risk of sacrificing a lot of the Xi Spider Demon Ape, and controlled the Xi Spider Demon to rush out. It can be seen that the other party knows that once Yun Cangyue contacts the Zhuzhu Buddha Sect, it is likely to cause some uncontrollable evil consequences to him. .

The Xi Spider Demon Apes rushed out one after another, from the void to the ground, so densely packed that it was hard to count.

"Dan King Lu, don't let the other party do whatever they want. Once my process of casting spells is interrupted, I'm afraid the Buddhist sect's help will not be able to successfully resist it." Yun Cangyue privately sent a voice transmission to Lu Xiaotian.

"Don't worry, these Xixi spider demon apes can't affect you." Lu Xiaotian shook his head, and with a movement of his divine sense, a large amount of formless profound fire poured out. In an instant, the surrounding area was turned into a sea of ​​flames. These Xixi spider demon apes entered the sea of ​​flames and were burned sizzle.

After being continuously improved, the power of the Wuxiang Xuanhuo has been quite impressive, and it can even compete with such ominous monsters as the Old Demon Bloodstained. Although it can't deal with a formidable opponent like Lord Ji Yuan, it can only deal with the Xispider who rushed out of the territory. The devil ape is not a problem.

The turbulent phaseless mysterious fire burned until the Xi spider demon ape screamed again and again.

Inside the monster shrouded on the opposite side, a huge magic conch like a bull's horn stood up. Under someone's blowing, there was a fierce and bloodthirsty howling sound from the magic conch.

Stimulated by this conch, the Xi Spider Demon Ape, who was struggling in the Formless Profound Fire, seemed to have been greatly stimulated, and a black-gray halo appeared all over his body, even faintly counteracting the Formless Profound Fire attacking his body. .

Regardless of Lu Xiaotian, the person who attacked them, he rushed towards Yun Cangyue like a mad tiger.

Under the stimulation of the magic conch, the Xi Spider Demon Apes of different strengths also have different combat powers. Some of the strengths were originally low, but they turned into fly ash before they could go far under this stimulation. Some of them exploded directly in the formless black fire because of the excessive stimulation of the snails.

There are not many Xi Spider Demon Apes who are relatively capable of rushing to Yun Cangyue's side, but seeing the madness of these Xi Spider Demon Apes, Lu Xiaotian dare not be careless in the slightest.

Facing the huge magic conch erected in the magic mist, Lu Xiaotian raised his palm, and a demon-suppressing tower emerged on his hand, and the demon-suppressing tower turned into a huge tower shadow, covering Lu Xiaotian's body.

The mana lingered in the shadow of the pagoda, and a Buddha similar to Lu Xiaotian gathered together. The mantra in the Buddha's mouth moved, and the Buddha's voice sang.

The mighty Buddha's voice melted into the formless profound fire, and it was exactly the Buddha of Extinguishing Demon Curse among the seven-level Buddhas.

Under the influence of the Extinguishing Curse, the black and gray halos emitted from the body surface of those Xispider Demon Apes that looked like crazy tigers after being stimulated by the magic snails gradually thinned and dissipated.

Without the cover of this layer of black and gray halo, these Xispider Demon Apes whose life potential had been stimulated by the magic sound were completely burned by the Phaseless Profound Fire.

Under the turbulent magic fog on the opposite side, the pair of stern eyeballs were somewhat unwilling to be annoyed. In the magic mist, there were more screams from the spider demon ape one after another, but after receiving the retreat order, no more monsters rushed out of it.

Lu Xiaotian also stretched out his hand and took back the Wuxiang Xuanhuo and the Zhenyao Pagoda one after another. Master Ji Yuan wanted to deal with him by manipulating some monsters, but he underestimated him a bit. Lu Xiaotian really wished that Lord Ji Yuan could come out of Ziwu Leiyang Tomb to fight him.

Yun Cangyue was not disturbed, and the passage in the void had not moved for a moment since the skylark entered it.

While Lu Xiaotian was hesitating, an extremely pure breath came from the portal. Although that aura didn't deliberately cause pressure on people, it made Lu Xiaotian's heart feel heavy.

Inside the portal in the void, an old monk sat cross-legged under a pine tree. What he was wearing was just a gray and old ordinary monk's robe. Long eyebrows drooping chest.

"Your Daoist Yun has conveyed Xiaoyou Lu's request. Does Xiaoyou Lu have any other troubles that are difficult to solve?" The long-browed monk lowered his eyebrows and looked extremely kind.

"In the face of a Mahayana strongman like Tongtian Mojun, even if his strength has not recovered, he can't look at it from the perspective of an ordinary body. The real danger lies in the means beyond the body. The horror comes from the unknown. Junior If you enter it easily, any unexpected change may be fatal."

Lu Xiaotian said, "Although the Buddha Sect has not entered the chaotic demon realm in recent years, the Buddha Sect has always noticed this place. Based on the information of the seniors and the Buddha Sect, I must know that many juniors do not know Whether or not he can kill or seriously injure Tongtian Demon Monarch this time depends partly on the younger generation, but more on the help provided by the Buddhist sect."

"Little friend Lu is too modest. The Tongtian Demon Lord has been entrenched in the chaotic demon realm for many years. The Buddhist sect has been unable to do anything about it. If it weren't for a talented person like Lu Xiaoyou who ruined his plan, the Tongtian Demon Lord has probably recovered most of his strength. By then It's another life painted with carbon."

"The more protective or offensive talismans, the better. With the size of the Buddhist sect, there must be no shortage of healing talismans, or the best panacea for restoring mana in a short period of time." Lu Xiaotian said.

"Constrained by conditions, offensive talismans cannot be delivered, and even though the oath with the monster race was not clearly stipulated, taking out offensive talismans is actually a violation of the private covenant, and the Buddhist sect cannot set this precedent. Defensive The magic talisman has been prepared for you. As for the pill, with Lu Xiaoyou's attainments in alchemy, is there still a shortage of magic pills?" The long-browed monk asked rhetorically.

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