Become a Fairy

Chapter 2688 Chapter 2687???? Lord Ji Yuan

Chapter 2688 Chapter 2687 Lord Ji Yuan

Compared with the two-tailed demon wolf, even though Mo Yuyan has a lot of clever tricks, her strength is weaker after all. If she really enters the Chigangtian realm, she will have to rely on Lu Xiaotian in most cases.

However, whether it is the two-tailed demon wolf or Mo Yuyan, they all have their own unique means to enter the Chigang Tiancheng Realm, and what Mo Yuyan relies on is the unique magic talisman in the Xinggong's collection. But the two-tailed demon wolf had to go through boundless slaughter.

In the final analysis, both of these initiatives are controlled by others. Both Mo Yuyan and the two-tailed demon wolf have their own schemes. I can't believe it, since this is the case, why not prepare one more way, in case any way is blocked, maybe there is another way.

While Lu Xiaotian was thinking about it, several huge mana fluctuations came from the far sky, Lu Xiaotian's pupils shrank, and he was very familiar with the abyss-like, yet elegant sword energy fluctuations, another kind of unyoke holy Lu Xiaotian is no stranger to Xue's aura, and there is also an extremely pure mana, Lu Xiaotian has a sense of déjà vu.

Lianhua clone and Dongfangyi are also in a state of being suppressed. This person's strength is so fierce. When did Chaos Demon Realm have such a powerful old monster in the physical stage.

Regarding the strength of the lotus avatar, Lu Xiaotian is quite confident. Although the lotus avatar is not like his true self, it has many powerful magical powers in cultivation, but only one kind of sword embryo is all-encompassing. Over the years, the other swords that Piaomiao sword embryo has swallowed There are many embryos, especially the Tunyuan Sword Embryo that devoured Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar and refined a trace of invincible sword intent from Ye Qianxun's real body, making the lotus avatar's advancement in the way of swords skyrocket.

And Dongfang Yi, who has cultivated great supernatural powers like Shengxue without a yoke, is not weak. With the two teaming up, he couldn't get much advantage. Quite a few, and it looked like he was seriously injured.

Lu Xiaotian was also a little depressed in his heart. He originally planned to take advantage of Lord Ji Yuan and his party before they could react, and hide a certain behavior to prepare for entering the Chigang Heavenly Realm, but the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and he didn't expect so many changes to happen out of thin air.

Whether it's the lotus avatar or Dongfang Yi in distress, it's impossible for Lu Xiaotian to stand idly by.

Just glanced at the two-tailed demon wolf, and Lu Xiaotian found that the complexion of the two-tailed demon wolf was even more exciting than his.

"Master Ji Yuan?" Lu Xiaotian's eyes flashed, and he remembered that somewhat familiar aura.

"Exactly, I can't fight that old monster. This is not the Meteor Valley, and my methods are easily restrained by it. Are you going or staying?" Although the twin-tailed wolf was afraid, it didn't just run away . After all, the mysterious sword cultivator, the two-tailed demon wolf also knew that his relationship with Lu Xiaotian was extraordinary, so Lu Xiaotian would not ignore it.

"Master Ji Yuan forced me into the dark demon mound, and almost made me unable to get out. If I didn't encounter it, it's fine. Now that I encountered it, I just wanted to try this old monster's method."

Murderous intent flashed in Lu Xiaotian's eyes. If it was because of interests before, Lu Xiaotian didn't have too many choices in some cases, but now, the festivals accumulated by the two sides in the past can be said to be irreconcilable.

That being the case, why not take advantage of Tongtian Demon Lord's illness and kill him while he is still far from recovering.

Lu Xiaotian stood up with a long body, and the spiritual consciousness of the lotus avatar was far less than that of the deity, but Lu Xiaotian's deity had already contacted the lotus avatar and Dongfang Yi through the spiritual consciousness.

The two-tailed demon wolf took the opportunity to grit his teeth. He provoked Lu Xiaotian to join forces with him, not just to deal with Tongtian Demon Lord. Although he had an instinctive fear of Tongtian Demon Lord in his heart, he overcame his inner fear at this time and chased after Lu Xiaotian. go.

Once Lu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness came into contact with the two lotus clones and Dongfangyi, he knew what happened roughly through them. It turned out that during this period of time he was trapped in the Dark Demon Tomb, the forces of the Chiyue Desert were unable to directly challenge Master Ji Yuan and his party, so they used the method of besieging Wei and saving Zhao, and attacked Lord Ji Yuan, the vulture turtle demon, and Xuanzun everywhere. Several forces. The forces that began to favor Lord Ji Yuan, such as the Dark Moon Demon Bat, were wiped out.

When the vulture turtle demon went to support Kou Jing, he was ambushed and seriously injured. Just as the lotus avatar had predicted, the person who ambushed the vulture turtle demon was none other than Dongfang Yi.

Later, there were several Hehe Jingqiang from the hostile camps who were either killed or seriously injured by Dongfang Yi.

Coupled with the fact that the lotus avatar was stirring up wind and rain, and seeing that the encirclement and suppression of Lu Xiaotian in the Gloomy Demon Tomb was not going well, the fire behind him was getting more and more intense, and Lord Ji Yuan seemed to be out of control if he didn't take action anymore. The Lord personally took action against Dongfang Yi. Dongfang Yi was defeated and suffered a certain amount of trauma. After hearing the news, the lotus clone also joined in the fierce fight.

Although the combination of Lotus Clone and Dongfang Yi was not in the strongest state to fight, but being able to injure Dongfang Yi first and then suppress the rushing Lotus Clone later showed the strength of Master Ji Yuan.

Before a few people arrived, the mighty mana fluctuations in the void had already surged. Although the demon army gathered a lot of forces around the island of Moyanyuan earlier, most of them were mobilized later in order to encircle and suppress Lu Xiaotian. , the reaction is a little slower, once you are involved, you will end up with no bones left.

Once the lotus clone and Dongfang Yi were reminded by Lu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness, they felt confident after being pleasantly surprised. Although Master Ji Yuan behind him is extremely powerful, he has not reached the level of Mahayana after all. Compared with Lu Xiaotian, who has a strong record, he may not be able to win, not to mention the manpower at this time. After Lu Xiaotian joins, they will occupy With absolute advantage.

Several people turned around all the way, and Lord Ji Yuan's expression changed drastically at this time, obviously he also sensed the existence of Lu Xiaotian while fighting. What surprised him even more was that he didn't know when Lu Xiaotian came out of the dark demon mound, but he didn't know anything about it.

As for the current encounter with Lu Xiaotian, even Master Ji Yuan was somewhat caught off guard.

Stop one of them first, and at this time Master Ji Yuan's eyes flashed fiercely, and his body burst into green air. Two balls of blue light shrouded in electric light flew from his palm to Dongfang Yi, who was seriously injured, and the lotus clone that turned into a flying sword. Lasing past.

The lightning-shrouded cyan ball of light contained incomparable power, and the misty flying sword was like walking in an abyss in the void, and the surroundings of the flying sword were like an endless abyss.

And the cyan ball of electric light is like a round of scorching cyan sun. Under the radiance of the cyan sun, the breath of the abyss is constantly being squeezed. In terms of momentum alone, Master Ji Yuan was obviously stronger.

From the great to the simple, this kind of supernatural power is used by Lord Ji Yuan. It looks extremely simple, but it combines the heaven and the earth into one furnace. No matter what changes you have, there is nothing to hide under his blow.

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