Become a Fairy

Chapter 2675 Chapter 2674??

Chapter 2675 Chapter 2674 Escape into the demon mound

Tongtian Demon Lord has never come to settle accounts with Lu Xiaotian, not because the other party doesn't want to, but reality is somewhat restrictive. Tongtian Demon Lord still hasn't recovered to his heyday. A strong man in the Mahayana realm was decapitated by Shi Qinglei Buddha. After so many years, even with the help of Bingyu Qingluan, it is by no means so easy to recover.

Moreover, in the process, the original phantom clone betrayed. To a certain extent, it disrupted the plan of Tongtian Demon Lord.

As a result, the recovery of Tongtian Demon Lord's strength has not reached the expected progress.

For Lu Xiaotian, a spoiler, it is impossible for Tongtian Demon Lord to have no grudges, but when the overall situation is the most important, Tongtian Demon Lord will not go all out to trouble Lu Xiaotian directly without the certainty of victory.

But in the current situation, facing Lu Xiaotian, who has done bad things several times and is not under his control, Tong Tian Mojun would never mind killing the grass and roots.

Especially when Lu Xiaotian just had a fierce fight with Wushan old monster Xuying, it was quite exhausting. In the eyes of Master Ji Yuan, Lu Xiaotian's strength has advanced too fast, even so fast that it is dizzying. If you miss the present, it will only be more difficult to get rid of Lu Xiaotian later. Especially at this time when the strength of the Chiyue Desert is also expanding at an alarming rate.

The ice-crown crocodile has been overwhelmed by Lu Xiaotian, and there is also a late-stage sword cultivator who is capable of defeating Master Moyan.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian is on the order, if he doesn't do anything, when will he wait?

"It's not that we picked a good time, it's because you came at a good time, King Lu Dan." After the eagle turtle demon and Xuanzun looked at each other, they also made up their minds. The demon army has been seriously injured, and in comparison, the Chiyue Desert, which has greatly expanded its power, is also a spoiler.

Just as Master Ji Yuan said, if you miss the present, it is difficult to have a better opportunity.

"With the three of us working together, even if King Lu Dan died in battle, he would be proud enough." Xuanzun laughed.

"It's true that I fought against Wushan old monster Xuying, but you may not be able to pick up this cheap one." Lu Xiaotian shook his head and smiled.

Lord Ji Yuan's methods didn't stop there, even Lord Ji Yuan had already considered the possibility of him escaping into the Gloomy Demon Mound.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian's spiritual consciousness has already reached far away, and there are a lot of cultivators in the Void Realm who are coming from afar.

The strong in the late fusion stage are also in the fusion stage, and they will be suppressed after entering the Gloomy Demon Tomb. Even if their strength is far beyond the ordinary God Void Realm, the gap is not so far away. Once in the dark demon mound surrounded by cultivators in the Void Realm, even in the late stage of fusion, there is a real possibility of falling. For countless years in the chaotic demon realm, this kind of thing has happened, and it has happened more than once.

If they were outside, they would have to face the three Lord Ji Yuan, and if they entered the Gloomy Demon Grave, they would have to face a large number of cultivators in the Void Realm.

It seems that Lord Ji Yuan already had a plan in mind when he saw himself fighting with the old monster Wushan.

Going through the whole thing in his head, he saw Master Ji Yuan, Eagle Turtle Demon, and Xuan Zun approaching with horns step by step. Lu Xiaotian didn't hesitate any longer, and turned directly into the Dark Demon Tomb.

"My tribe is on its way." The eagle turtle demon said with a smile.

"My tribe is rushing to the nearest exit."

"At that time, we will attack from three sides, even if those juniors in the Void Realm cannot kill Lu Xiaotian in the Gloomy Demon Tomb, they should be able to consume Lu Xiaotian's considerable strength."

Master Ji Yuan smiled when he heard the words, it turned out that he was a sensible person, "The lion is still trying its best to fight the rabbit. Lu Xiaotian is not a rabbit, but a tiger. Since we make a move, we must seize the opportunity to eliminate all evil and eradicate him in one fell swoop, otherwise once If he gets away with it, there will be endless troubles. The loss of the foundation is a small matter, and you might not even be able to save your life in the future."

"Master Ji Yuan's words are very reasonable. The power of the Chiyue Desert is expanding extremely fast at this time. Even if we don't take action, with the strength of the Chiyue Desert, I'm afraid there will be a day when we will face each other sooner or later. Instead of passively waiting for this When the day comes, it's better to take the initiative." Xuanzun said in a dark voice.

"It's just that it's inconvenient for us to enter this gloomy demon mound, and once a cultivator in the void of the gods enters it for too long, he will inevitably be affected by the tomb evil. Even in the gloomy demon mound, I'm afraid it will not be easy to get him "The turtle demon quickly asked a new question, "Since Lord Ji Yuan proposed to take action, he must have already made preparations."

"Lu Xiaotian caused heavy losses to the demon clan last time. There are countless people among the demon clan who wish to eat their flesh alive. I'm afraid we may not be the only ones doing it this time. If we let the wind out a little bit, I'm afraid there will be many low-level demons." The tribe rushed in. Once the generals are successful, as long as they can successfully kill Lu Xiaotian, it is nothing to kill or injure some low-level monks." Master Ji Yuan laughed.

"What Master Ji Yuan said is extremely reasonable."

"Although there is no way to completely eliminate the influence of Tomb Sha on outside cultivators, there are still some effects that can delay Tomb Sha. Be sure to seal Lu Xiaotian in the Dark Demon Tomb! Even if you can't block it, you must try to injure it as much as possible. Create conditions for us to make a move." Xuanzun said.

Soon, the three bosses reached a consensus.

At this time, the Ice Crown Crocodile is not there, and after several veteran monsters in the later stage of fusion have reached an agreement, they almost represent the mainstream forces in the chaotic demon realm.

Lu Xiaotian quickly felt the impact of this powerful force. Even after he entered the Gloomy Demon Tomb, a large number of low-level monks broke in from the outside world, including human races, demon races, and demon races.

It's just that the gathering of such a large number of low-level monks naturally alarmed the tomb spirits in the dark demon tomb.

The spirits of the tombs everywhere, as well as the local monsters that were originally born and bred in the demon tombs, all flocked here.

In the entire chaotic demon domain, an unprecedented fierce melee broke out.

Conflicts between a small group of mound spirits and outside intruders often end with the victory of the more ferocious mound spirits. It's just that the tomb spirits are more than fierce, and they have an advantage in a single confrontation, but once the number of tomb spirits increases, the weakness of the tomb spirits' intelligence and lack of contingency begins to emerge.

The army formed by the low-level monks from the outside world is more organized, and the power they exert is even greater.

Thousands of tomb spirits were wiped out, but with the passage of time, many low-level monks who entered it were also eroded by the tomb spirits and became part of the tomb spirits.

The killing of the tomb spirits is endless, but it is indeed decreasing at the speed of the naked eye. reduced to the point of extreme scarcity.

In the past, it was extremely difficult, even unrealistic, for even a combined boss or one of the forces to clear the nest in the Gloomy Demon Grave.

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