Become a Fairy

Chapter 2639 Chapter 2637??? Shackles

Chapter 2639 Chapter 2637 Shackles

Right now, let's stick to it for a while before we talk, and see how far we can reach later. At this time, Lu Xiaotian has no good way, he can only use the power of blood in his body to fight against the deep sea cold wave.

At the same time, in the middle dantian, the nine-melting soul and the tiger-headed beast were further condensed.

Although the key to solving the problem has not been found for the time being, the east is not bright and the west is bright. Under the pressure of the crisis, the condensing of the nine fused soul beasts in the middle dantian is actually smoother than usual. Tiger head bat wings snake body eagle feathers.

The strange beast, which combines the characteristics of nine kinds of monsters, continues to become vivid under the power of the blood gang.

It's just that facing the seemingly endless cold wave, even the Nine Melting Soul Alien Beast will run out of time sooner or later, and as time goes out of balance, the cold wave fluctuates more and more violently. The nine fused soul beasts did not seem to last longer under the turbulent cold wave than the eight fused soul beasts.

Under the condition that the root cause of the problem could not be solved for the time being, Lu Xiaotian could only race against time. Once the Nine Melting Soul Tiger Head Alien Beast left Zhongdantian, Lu Xiaotian began to condense the Ten Melting Soul Alien Beast again.

Time passed quietly, and the entire monster sea had turned into a huge piece of solid ice, and Lu Xiaotian was also wrapped in this huge piece of solid ice.

A month ago, seeing the cold wave gaining the upper hand, a hunchback, ghost eyes, neck snake, belly mirage, fish scales, eagle claws, and a ten-melting soul beast that resembled a unicorn condensed out. The soul beast not only attacks, but also defends better than before, and what is different from the previous beasts is that this time Lu Xiaotian has been able to supplement it with the power of blood gang in the fighting method.

There is no need to wait for its fighting skills to be completed as before, and then bring it into the middle dantian for nourishment, to supplement the power of other monsters' primordial spirit and blood gang after quenching their souls.

This breakthrough came from the repeated oppression of this turbulent cold wave. If the power of the blood gang is sufficient, this blood-winged unicorn can continue to fight against the cold wave. It just continued until now, even with the help of these strange beasts, Lu Xiaotian struggled for several months, although he still had some spare energy, he still felt unsustainable.

Right now, the power of the blood gang in the dantian condenses into the blood-winged unicorn with ten souls, which is not only the limit, but also luck. Among the many cultivations in the past, Lu Xiaotian has never condensed such a high-level alien beast.

It's wishful thinking to condense eleven soul-melting beasts. According to past experience, it may be difficult for him to reach the Mahayana realm in a short time.

Now the only hope is gone, the blood-winged unicorn with ten melting souls seems to be able to last for a long time, but with Lu Xiaotian's current attainments in this path, it is no longer possible to condense a higher-level alien beast. Although the power of the blood gang has been baptized under the cold wave for a long time and is more refined than before, it has not yet taken a crucial step.

It seems that there is a faint restraint from the mana of the lower dantian. Under this restraint, Lu Xiaotian even felt that the power of the blood gang was a little more impatient and eager under the constant consumption of the cold wave.

Lu Xiaotian has persisted in this cold wave for more than several months. After many confirmations, there is no other factor except for a little restraint from the lower dantian. After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Xiaotian suddenly felt blessed. Since this constraint comes from the lower dantian, as long as he removes this constraint, it may be the opportunity for him to break through.

Just thinking of this, Lu Xiaotian couldn't help hesitating, the current cold wave was obviously far beyond expectations, and it was also thanks to his strong foundation, and he had practiced soul melting and soul quenching Dafa for many years. With the help of the alien beast, he could barely hold on.

Mana is used to save life at critical times, if it is completely sealed, it is tantamount to abolishing martial arts. Once the power of the blood gang is defeated, the cold wave will invade the body in a large scale, serious injuries will be minor, maybe his little life will be planted here.

Ever since the flash of inspiration and this idea came to his mind, Lu Xiaotian was in the late stage of fusion after all. After some deliberation, Lu Xiaotian roughly understood the crux of the problem. In the past, although he cultivated both dharma and body, the mana in his body will eventually prevail, and now he has the absolute upper hand.

In the past, the power of the blood gang and the mana were strong and soft in the body, but if the young eagle wanted to spread its wings and fly to the blue sky, it still had to rely on itself. Reliance can sometimes become a bondage, and right now mana is the capital of Lu Xiaotian's self-protection. But because it was too reliable, the power of the blood gang did not face the sense of crisis of facing the cold wave. Nor will there be the sense of accomplishment of overcoming hardships and dangers alone.

Even if there are other people protecting the law, it is better than Lu Xiaotian's current situation.

The struggle for the Dao is everywhere, not only with the enemy, sometimes with oneself, but it is just another situation. The ties that need to be severed come from the enemy, but also from oneself.

The road is long. In the process of pursuing the road, you need to be safe, but you must also have an enterprising and hardworking heart.

If there is a regression this time, even if you try to break through again in the future, you will encounter the same or even more problems.

After having such a clear understanding in my heart, my mana is completely retracted to the lower dantian, and the whole lower dantian is completely sealed.

At the moment when the lower dantian was closed, a huge sense of crisis rushed to his face along with the raging cold wave.

There is the danger of a moment of life and death, but also the joy of standing on the cusp of the storm.

At this moment, even though Lu Xiaotian was frozen in a huge ice cube, when the crisis struck, he was unprecedentedly free and easy, and the bundle from the lower dantian disappeared without a trace.

Under the heavy pressure of body death and Dao Xiao, the whole body and mind are unprecedentedly light.

The blood-winged unicorn in the body let out a low growl, and its aura rose sharply compared to before. Once again, he fought against the cold wave that invaded his body.

The bottleneck that restrained the power of the blood gang began to loosen under the constant energy of the blood gang, until the blood-colored light ball spit out from the mouth of the blood-winged unicorn, forming a huge blood-colored light wave in Lu Xiaotian's body, subduing all the cold waves in his body down. At this time, a blue light burst out from above the ten thousand tidal beads of the cold source, completely submerging Lu Xiaotian. The astonishing spiritual power from the Cold Source Ten Thousand Tide Orb was continuously poured into Lu Xiaotian's body at this time.

Under this astonishing spiritual power, the power of the blood gang has been refined to a higher level, and after circulating in the meridians of the whole body, it returns to the middle dantian. It seemed as if a torch had ignited a flooded pile of dry wood.

There was a sound in the middle dantian, and a large amount of blood power surged out.

In the deep sea, a strange beast roared. The power of the vibrating blood gang shattered the solid ice around his body and turned it into sea water again. At this time, it was nearly dusk on the sea surface, and the fiery red clouds in the sky contrasted with the blood red in the depths of the Demon Sea.

It is unknown when the cold source ten thousand tide beads disappeared into nothingness together with the receding cold wave.

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