Become a Fairy

Chapter 2636 Chapter 2634??? Close to consummation

Chapter 2636 Chapter 2634 Near Consummation

"Four or five." Lu Xiaotian said casually.

Immediately present, even Yun Cangyue and the others couldn't help but gasp, they had experienced the power of late-stage monsters in fusion, and it was hard to imagine that Lu Xiaotian had faced so many late-stage monsters before he was promoted. For the middle stage of integration, it is simply impossible for human beings to resist.

Even if Lu Xiaotian is bound to join forces with other people, there are so many of them fighting against Lu Xiaotian right now, they still can't please him. If Lu Xiaotian is the enemy, more than half of them will survive now.

Lu Xiaotian not only dealt with a large number of late-stage old monsters, but also lived in peace and stability until now. This kind of strength is simply incredible.

Like Madara Chita, Zhu Qi and many others have actually seen Lu Xiaotian's amazing swordsmanship supernatural powers. Although he had some doubts in his heart, he didn't associate that sword repairman with Lu Xiaotian himself for a while. is elsewhere.

In the following time, Lu Xiaotian didn't wander around except secretly paying attention to the possible appearance of Luo Ping'er, or some other important news, and just stayed in the Chiyue Desert to practice quietly. From time to time, he personally went off to fight with Ba Li, Yun Cangyue, and Yun Xiaoqi. In addition, Lu Xiaotian personally admitted that his breakthrough also benefited from many fights with late-stage powerhouses.

As long as a group of fit experts have time, they will compete with Lu Xiaotian. If they want to compete with their strength, naturally they can only do it together. But every time they were defeated under the heavy pressure of Lu Xiaotian.

Under such enormous pressure, Pulli, Zhu Qi, Yun Xiaoqi and his party all made great progress.

But to say that the biggest improvement is the group battle technique of the Shashi clan. After the trials of different fit experts and the Shashi clan, especially the return of Lu Xiaotian, it has an irreplaceable effect on the morale of the Shashi clan.

The Shashi tribe's group fighting methods began to match those of the middle-stage strong fighters, and this made tens of thousands of Shashi tribe fighters progress far faster than the ordinary fit-level powerhouses.

In addition, there was something that surprised Lu Xiaotian. Originally, Du Crazy Tiger had reached the bottleneck of breaking through, and Lu Xiaotian always thought that Du Crazy Tiger would be the first to advance to the early stage of fusion. In fact, this was not the case. The first promotion It is Emperor Yao. Di Yao's breakthrough meant that Chiyue Desert had gained another strong person in the Composite Realm.

The rapid increase in the strength of the Chiyue Desert made Yun Cangyue feel very emotional, Zhu Xiashan is now sunset, and only their father and daughter are left to hold on. But in comparison, in the early years, Lu Xiaotian brought Zhu Qi and the Yeshi clan to the Chiyue Desert to settle down. At that time, the Chiyue Desert could only be regarded as a middle-level force in the Chaos Demon Realm.

So many years have passed, it is not short, but the time for running a power is by no means long. In the blink of an eye, the Chiyue Desert has skyrocketed. Leaving aside Lu Xiaotian's physical strength, the gathering of experts in the Fusion Realm alone is already extremely impressive.

As a fourth-rank alchemy king with a very high alchemy rate, the speed of cultivating a large-scale force is simply too fast. Although this is entirely based on Lu Xiaotian's personal strength and charm, it is indeed commendable that he may reach such a point in a short period of time.

But after being envious, Yun Cangyue felt a little more balanced. The entire chaotic demon realm, or the entire world of cultivating immortals, has changed too quickly. Compared with Yulu and other clans, Zhuxiashan's situation is definitely not bad. At least there are him, Yun Xiaoqi, and Lu Xiaotian as a strong supporter. Because of Zhu Xiashan's matter, Lu Xiaotian directly fought against such a powerful enemy.

From the perspective of friends, Lu Xiaotian is definitely the kind that can be relied on. And Zhu Xiashan wants to find Lu Xiaotian to make alchemy, but also has the convenience that ordinary people don't have. Besides Lu Xiaotian, Yun Xiaoqi, and even him, are very familiar with Hongyue, the third-rank alchemy king.

Coupled with the resources accumulated by Zhu Xiashan in the past, it is actually much easier to rise than other forces. On the side of Zhuzhu Buddhist Sect, there are always some predestined relationships in the past.

Lu Xiaotian planned to hang out the two-horned demon wolf, but he really put it aside. After staying in the Chiyue Desert for several years, he really didn't contact the other party at all. The two-horned demon wolf still held its breath for a while, and both sides seemed to be competing for patience to see who couldn't stand it first.

Lu Xiaotian stayed in the Chiyue Desert for six consecutive years. During these six years, other forces kept coming to contact him, but Lu Xiaotian rejected them in the name of cultivation. Occasionally, the powerful members of the Chiyue Desert will pull the Yeshi tribe or the wild boar demon tribe out to fight the army of the demon tribe, which is regarded as the duty of Xinwen as a force in the chaotic demon realm.

In addition, Lu Xiaotian never attended the meeting of old monsters in the late stage of Chaos Demon Realm. Even if Kou Jing, the dark moon monster bat, came to see him again, he was directly rejected by Lu Xiaotian. The Dark Moon Demon Bat is also annoyed by this, and also somewhat regrets the original behavior. He didn't expect that after the relationship with Lu Xiaotian became bad, it would be so difficult to go to the door again, and there was no room for discussion.

If you really want to count, only Nan Chendu and Dongyi Xionghuang have visited twice, and Xiong Kun, who is in charge of the Dark Demon Tomb in secret, has also come to visit. Other than that, other people don't have this treatment.

In six years, Huo Hou, who Lu Xiaotian originally lacked in physical training, has almost made up for it at this time, after all, it is not too close to the time when he broke through to the middle stage of physical training and integration. Over the years, Lu Xiaotian has been cultivating hard, and he has never been slack in the slightest.

In addition, what is more rewarding is that he has already refined four of the star sources needed to use the Eight-Different Star Source to shake the mountain formation. The speed of gathering star liquid in the Chiyue Desert is still faster than that of some places where the stars are shining. It's worse.

The remaining four star sources will take a few more years to complete. However, Lu Xiaotian plans to put it aside for the time being, since he already has the Cold Source Ten Thousand Tide Orb, the time has come, so there is no need to wait any longer.

Lu Xiaotian has also been inquiring about Luo Pinger's news, but he has not gotten any valuable news. It seems that everything has ended in the Falling Demon Valley.

Shaking his head, with a little regret, Lu Xiaotian himself left quietly, as for the lotus avatar, he still stayed in the Chiyue Desert.

This time Lu Xiaotian brought both Little Fire Crow and Spirit Chasing Little White Dog with him, worried that the target would be big and would easily attract the attention of others, so Lu Xiaotian didn't even bring Ban Qianzhi with him. After all, he is not without enemies in the chaotic demon realm.

Someone really knew his whereabouts, took the opportunity to sabotage, and wanted to ruin his good deeds. In short, everything should be careful, and this time Lu Xiaotian went to the area of ​​Mosang Demon Sea in the endless demon sea, which is very close to Susang Demon Sea.

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