Become a Fairy

Chapter 2629 Chapter 2627? Fighting Phantom 3

Chapter 2629 Chapter 2627 Fighting Shadow 3

The blood golem in the void just slashed through the void, and with a chirp sound, a bloody lightning shot up from the blood plasma, and countless bloody arcs danced, repeatedly confronting the unyoked holy snow in the void. Inside the bloody enchantment, countless souls cried out.

The jumping bloody electric arc split the snowflakes falling down from the void into nothingness. At the same time, both the man with the phoenix fan and the man with the golden mask were enveloped in it.

For a moment, within Lu Xiaotian's sight, the three figures of Dongfang Yi were completely engulfed by the violent and fierce blood-colored lightning.

Judging by Lu Xiaotian's eyesight, this bloody lightning method at this time can be regarded as extremely tyrannical, but it seems somewhat exhausted.

At this time, the dozen or so blood wheels strangled by the twelve mysterious fire pillars suddenly collapsed and turned into blood mist. Together with the blood mist, the monster transformed by the blood energy merged with the phantom in the void that almost covered the sky. When the phantom covered it, it was almost as if the sky had collapsed. It is far from being able to escape the range covered by this phantom.

Just as Lu Xiaotian was about to make a move, the ground that had already been burned by the Phaseless Profound Fire and almost exuded a scorched smell suddenly cracked open, the blood inside surged, and a huge suction force dragged Lu Xiaotian down sharply .

As for Madara Chita being left aside, although Lu Xiaotian was struggling to move, he was unable to escape under the threat of the phantom. The only thing that gave Lu Xiaotian a little bit of psychological comfort was that he hadn't escaped from the surging plasma at this time. A deadly threat is sensed.

The phantom threatened Lu Xiaotian and kept going deep into the surging blood plasma. The extremely strong smell of blood and the unjust souls wandering in the blood made Lu Xiaotian shocked. He knew that the phantom had slaughtered seven noble bloodlines of the demon clan. In the past, after all, I only knew a rough number, but now I know what kind of monstrous murder the phantom has committed.

In the process of sinking, Lu Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat. In this blood plasma, he sensed another extremely powerful aura. The other party seemed to be sleeping, and seemed to be about to wake up.

"Lu Xiaotian! After all, this is the second time you and I have dealt with each other." The sinking momentum slowed down slightly, and the shadow that was threatening Lu Xiaotian flickered slightly, and then came to the opposite side of Lu Xiaotian.

"You brought me under this blood plasma forcibly, what can I teach you?" Deep under this blood plasma, Lu Xiaotian's consciousness could not touch too far in this blood plasma for a while. I don't know what's going on with Dongfang Yi, but judging from the current posture, it seems that the target of the phantom is more on him. The previous feeling was correct, although the blood-colored lightning was powerful, it wanted to hold Dongfang Yi and the three forcibly and force him into the blood plasma.

The Scarlet Lightning probably wouldn't last long, and the time it took for the phantom to talk to him was probably the same.

"Return the Gathering Shadow Gourd to this demon, and this demon will let you go. The previous grievances will be erased." The ghost said in a deep voice.

"The Juying Magic Gourd is so important to you, how can you let Jia Xiaolin, who is of mediocre strength, hold it?" Lu Xiaotian said with interest.

"Of course there are some unknown reasons, you don't need to know, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, handing over the Shadow Gathering Gourd, this is your only way of life, this demon really underestimated the Gathering Shadow Gourd to this demon to a certain extent However, this demon has been planning for many years, and one road will not work, and he will never push this demon into a desperate situation. But relatively speaking, this demon is not so willing to take the second road. If forced to helplessness, this demon has A certain loss, but in the case of Gathering Shadow Demon Gourd losing its proper function, this demon no longer has any scruples, and it is still possible to unscrew your head before leaving."

The phantom grinned and said, "Yes or no, I will give you three breaths!"

"No need to give time, let's do it now." Lu Xiaotian smiled when he heard the words, he was suppressed by the phantom outside just now, the phantom's strength is indeed extraordinary, Lu Xiaotian wanted to compete against the opponent in his lair alone It can't be done, but now Dongfang Yi and the three have attracted a considerable part of the other party's attention in the bloody barrier, and it is not so easy for this phantom to clean him up.

Besides, looking at the current situation, the Gathering Demon Gourd is likely to make the Specter's strength even higher. In this case, even if Lu Xiaotian takes some risks, he will never really let the other party get what he wants.

Right now, the strength of this specter is already astonishing enough. If it really goes up to the next level, who is below the Mahayana stage, who else can contend with this demon?

"Looking for death! Going to heaven and earth, this demon swears to tear your muscles apart, so that you will never be reborn forever!" The ghost gnashed its teeth at Lu Xiaotian.

I saw that the phantom was not restrained at all in the blood plasma, countless blood energy gathered towards the phantom, condensed into blood crystals, and became a blood crystal troll in this plasma. The blood crystal troll directly reached out and grabbed Lu Xiaotian.

Deep in the plasma, Lu Xiaotian couldn't avoid the phantom's attack for a while. However, Lu Xiaotian can be regarded as someone who has seen the power of the Mahayana-level old monsters with his own eyes. Although the phantom in front of him is also powerful, it does not have the aura of a Mahayana-level powerhouse, which somewhat reassures Lu Xiaotian.

Countless demon souls with shrill screams rushed towards Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his finger and flicked, and twelve mysterious fire flying needles were shot out one after another. These mysterious fire flying needles flew around Lu Xiaotian's body at an astonishing speed. Forming intertwined fire wires, these fire wires converged into a mysterious fire mask, and all the demon souls that touched the mask were burnt to disappear in smoke.

The blood crystal-possessed monster swung towards Lu Xiaotian with both hands, a bloody light flashed in his hands, and suddenly a blood-colored spear appeared, directly piercing Lu Xiaotian's chest.

Lu Xiaotian held his left palm flat, and the ancient silver exquisite pagoda turned in the palm of his hand, and it became about ten feet tall in a flash of spiritual light, and the seven demon-suppressing pagodas lit up layer by layer, until the fifth floor was illuminated.

Seven demon-suppressing pagodas surround the front and back, and the pagodas are connected. The bloody spear seemed to be piercing towards Lu Xiaotian's heart very quickly, but before and after Lu Xiaotian didn't see how he moved, the deadly looking spear deviated and stuck on the Demon Suppressing Tower.

The Buddha's light cast by the seven demon-suppressing pagodas drove away all the fierce demonic blood in the area surrounded by the seven pagodas. Although the bloody spear looked extremely fierce, it didn't make any progress when it stabbed at the demon suppressing tower.

"You kid not only cultivated the Wuxiang Xuanhuo of the Buddha Sect, but also cultivated the Demon Suppressing Tower at the same time, but the supernatural power of the Buddha Sect cultivated is far higher than the ordinary Buddha Sect's bald donkey, which is a strange thing! thing."

In the early years, Moying was refined by Tongtian Mojun as a clone, and his knowledge is naturally not bad, but even with his knowledge, he can't fully see Lu Xiaotian's ways. It seems that Lu Xiaotian's supernatural powers come from the Buddhist sect. But they have to be detached from ordinary Buddhist monks.

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