Become a Fairy

Chapter 2621 Chapter 2619 Audio

Chapter 2621 Chapter 2619 Audio

"Master Moyan dares to toss about when he's injured?" Lu Xiaotian's eyes froze, full of murderous intent. It seems that it is correct to leave the lotus clone in the Red Moon Desert.

Although his own strength has been weakened to a certain extent, there are not many strong people who can threaten him except for the strong ones in the Mahayana realm. If you are careful, the general problem will not be too big, and now there is another one around. Madara Senta, if used well, can also play a considerable role.

But there is only a thousand days to be a thief, there is no reason to prevent a thousand days from a thief. Since Master Moyan has such a strong desire for revenge, he has to go to the opponent's lair when he is free. Cutting the grass does not remove the roots, and the spring breeze blows and regenerates. In case the lotus avatar is not in the Chiyue Desert and ushers in a strong man at the level of Master Moyan, it will undoubtedly be a disaster.

It is not entirely a bad thing to have Master Moyan come out like this, at least let the outside world know that even if he himself is not in the Chiyue Desert, his power in the Chiyue Desert is not easily manipulated by others.

"There are a lot of people who are vengeful these days. Although Master Moyan has spent relatively little time in the Chaotic Demon Realm, many people are aware of his character of vengeance. The strong men who fell into the hands of Master Moyan in the past are unknown. The ethnic group that was wiped out by him does not know everyone. However, when Master Moyan met King Lu Dan, it seems that this time he is doomed."

Yan Feiyu's tone was rather gloating.

"It seems that you really want to see Master Moyan in trouble." Lu Xiaotian gave him a surprised look.

"I have already asked about the woman you are looking for. The Nightmare Water Demon Clan who fought with that woman and her companions back then is not only my clansman, but also my senior brother. The other party used some means to take my senior brother The treasure to be taken, my senior brother tracked all the way around the Yuanling City, and fought with the opponent. The other party has a strong ghost clan who is extremely powerful. After a fight with him, my senior brother also suffered some injuries. Then the other party walked away."

"After my senior brother chased him to the Falling Demon Valley, the other party lost track. It was because of the continuous fighting with the other party's powerful ghost clan powerhouse, which consumed a lot of energy. Later, I didn't know how to meet with the master Moyan. After fighting fiercely for several rounds, my senior brother was finally severely injured by the power of the formation by Mo Yan, although he escaped back by luck, but his strength was greatly damaged, and until now, he is far from recovering."

"If you hadn't injured Master Moyan, I wouldn't have cooperated with you so easily this time."

"Master Mo Yan let me meet again, I have to ask him to confess. For the sake of avenging your elder brother, tell me everything you know."

Lu Xiaotian didn't expect that he would have such an incidental benefit when he formed a relationship with the head of Moyan in Wanchao Mountain. However, based on actual strength, Nightmare Feiyu is a lot worse than Moyanyuan. Lu Xiaotian used the Boundary Breaker to break the opponent's formation, and it took a lot of effort to defeat the opponent.

If there is no Boundary Breaker, Lu Xiaotian will never rush to break into the formation. Even if he is proficient in a formation and falls into the opponent's formation, Master Moyan may not let him break through the formation smoothly. After all, the opponent Not a dead man either.

Yan Feiyu and Lu Xiaotian have also fought, even without formations, Yan Feiyu is at best better than Jia Xiaolin, even if Master Mo Yan does not use formations, he is much stronger than Yan Feiyu. If Yan Feiyu wanted to seek revenge from Principal Moyan, he would undoubtedly be bringing shame on himself.

The senior brother of the other party may not necessarily be stronger than the master of Moyan Academy.

"Alright, the friend you are looking for is probably still in the Falling Demon Valley." Yan Feiyu said.

"Although there is a strange traction force in the Meteor Demon Valley, it is not impossible for those who are strong in the combined state to enter it, so they will not be unable to get out."

Lu Xiaotian frowned. He had also stayed in the Chaotic Demon Realm for a while before, and the Meteor Demon Valley happened to be a dangerous place on the edge of the Chaotic Demon Realm. The Chaotic Demon Realm was extensive. Although he hadn't been to all of them, he had some understanding.

"King Lu Dan has been away for too long. I don't know the changes in the Chaotic Demon Realm over the years. Meteor Demon Valley is now a first-class dangerous place in the Chaotic Demon Realm. Even if I go in like this, I probably won't be able to get out. But like Lu Dan It should be no problem for Wang at this level to enter and leave the Meteor Valley." Yan Feiyu said.

"There is such a thing?" Lu Xiaotian glanced at the other party, Yan Feiyu's expression could not see the trace of lying.

"King Lu Dan walked there himself, and he knew how powerful the Meteor Demon Valley is. This time, the demon army invaded the chaotic demon domain, but he was afraid of avoiding the Meteor Demon Valley. This is the reason."

"Alright, then I'll go." Lu Xiaotian nodded, stretched out his palm, and sent the vial containing Watermare Ganmosan to the other party.

Yan Feiyu looked happy, and took the object, "Don't King Lu Dan worry that what I said is false?"

"I'm going to go there if I have a chance. Except for the old monsters in the Mahayana stage, there are very few opponents who can make me feel threatened in the chaotic demon realm. You shouldn't be so short-sighted to turn against me for this kind of thing." Lu Xiaotian shook his head, his figure soared into the sky, and took Ban Qianzhi away against the wind.

"Except for the old monsters in the Mahayana stage, there is no opponent. Such an arrogant tone." Yan Feiyu stood with his hands tied, looking at the direction where Lu Xiaotian left, and muttered to himself. Feel that the other party is arrogant.

But from Lu Xiaotian's indifferent tone, there is a strong self-confidence, and this kind of self-confidence is not groundless, it is accumulated by Lu Xiaotian with successive victories after returning to the Chaos Demon Realm this time. Lu Xiaotian in the Divine Void Realm is not well-known, and he is just one of the many beings in the chaotic demon realm.

But after entering the fit state, Lu Xiaotian was out of control. During the trip to Qianyin Temple, he destroyed the ghost Gu sect by himself. Later, Wu Changlian, the Crying Blood Mosquito Demon, and even rumors that Tu Su Shuangsha all fell into Lu Xiaotian's hands.

At this time, Yan Feiyu has an invisible awe towards Chaos Demon Realm, or more towards Lu Xiaotian.

"Everyone pushes the wall down. Master Moyan may not be able to wait until you come back." Shaking his head, Yan Feiyu put the thoughts of just now behind his head, with a bit of coldness in his eyes. Dare not to play the idea of ​​the master Moyan, after all, the opponent's strength is much stronger than hers.

But right now, Master Moyan was wounded by Lu Xiaotian first, and he wanted to go to the Chiyue Desert to vent his anger before the old injury healed, but he didn't expect to steal a chicken without losing money, and was severely injured by the mysterious sword repairer of the Chiyue Desert again and fled. It is widely rumored that it was Lu Xiaotian himself who made the move in the Chiyue Desert. After all, Lu Xiaotian's accomplishments in swordsmanship were also extraordinary, but it was rarely revealed in recent years.

However, Yan Feiyu has dealt with Lu Xiaotian recently, so he naturally knows that this rumor is groundless.

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