Become a Fairy

Chapter 2590 Chapter 2588???

Chapter 2590 Chapter 2588 Japan-China Golden Crow

The five dragons transformed by its magic weapon groaned in unison, and rushed towards the giant frost cover one after another. The giant frost hood shook violently under the heavy blow. However, it is difficult to move in a short time.

"How dare you speak hard when you are about to die." The phantom in the void sneered, and swung the black scythe again. A series of sickle shadows forced the five giant dragons away. The frost giant shroud shrinks and shrinks.

As long as the frosty devilish energy enters the bodies of Huchunvine and Xiang Kuang, the battle will come to an end. This maniac and Huchunman are also really difficult to deal with, and the Poison Shadow who came with him was also seriously injured by the two teaming up, but the matter will stop here, the tribe of the Demon Chunman has already been defeated by the Demon Shadow Ice Clan. The strangulation is divided into two parts, one is surrounded by Yanlin Mountain, and the other has been strangled right now.

After Huchunman and Xiang Kuang are dealt with, the entire Mochunman tribe will be completely wiped out.

Just as the phantom in the void had this thought, a burst of scorching heat suddenly loomed. The phantom's heart skipped a beat, even the periphery of Sunny Shadow Valley was still piercingly cold, and it was obviously not normal to have such a burning sensation.

Before he could react, twelve black fire flying needles had already shot out. It's just that when the flying needle flew across the sky, Lu Xiaotian's heart skipped a beat.

Quack. With more than ten sounds in succession, twelve Xingyang fire spirits flew out. Wrap around in a circle. It actually formed a pillar of fire, which pierced through the dark clouds and directly traced the sky.

Pulling the clouds to see the sun, at the end of the cloud layer, a scorching sun appeared.

Lu Xiaotian took a breath. Up to now, Wuxiang Xuanhuo has practiced all kinds of changes beyond his expectations. Before that, he could learn from the two fire scriptures for deduction. Generally speaking, there are traces to follow, but when the little fire crow advanced to the rank , With the help of the little fire crow, the twelve Xingyang fire spirits absorbed the power of the scorching sun. The resulting mystery Lu Xiaotian can no longer deduce. It can only be found out through constant use.

Back then, the Phaseless Profound Fire was already a ferocious flame no less than the Burning Demon Blazing Golden Flame, and now it is even worse than before, how could Lu Xiaotian use it at will under normal circumstances. As soon as the Formless Profound Fire came out, the mountain would be melted. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it melted the mountain and boiled the sea.

Only when the power of the Wuxiang Xuanhuo is exerted to a certain extent can there be such mysterious changes. In the Chiyue Desert, Lu Xiaotian can't easily try it. At this time, it is very appropriate to take the phantom in the middle stage of fusion and its tens of thousands of tribes.

The twelve fire pillars of Daoxuan fell directly on the surroundings, and the fire pillars formed by the twelve Xingyang fire spirits communicated with the scorching sun above the clouds.

Lu Xiaotian vaguely sensed the breath of Little Fire Crow.

"Quack." Lu Xiaotian was surprised when he saw a phantom of a three-legged crow in the scorching sun above his head. The three-legged black shadow had a layer of red gold brilliance on it. It's just that those eyes were carved out of the same mold as Little Fire Crow.

At this moment, Lu Xiaotian seemed to be integrated with the scorching sun above his head, able to mobilize the power of the sun in the scorching sun.

With a move of Lu Xiaotian's consciousness, clusters of flames rained down in the void, like a rain of meteors and fire. Under the void, those shadow demons hissed together, each using their own methods, trying to block the dense rain of fire.

Countless fire rains were drowned in the methods of these shadow demons, but these low-level shadow demons had limited mana in their bodies, while the rain of flames above their heads stretched endlessly.

Countless fireworks flowed on the surface, and the solid ice and snow in Shadow Shadow Valley were covered by fireworks in a blink of an eye. Wherever it passed, it was directly turned into white steam and evaporated.

Under the void, tens of thousands of shadow demons screamed. Some shadow demons with relatively low strength and exhausted mana were directly ignited by the fireworks, and were burned to ashes at a speed visible to the naked eye. Normally, these shadow demons looked like just a faint shadow, but when the flames burned their bodies, they showed hideous demonic faces.

"Your Excellency, who actually attacked the tribe under the Demon King's command?" At this time, the Demon Shadow who trapped Xiang Kuang and Hu Chunvine shouted in despair.

"Demon Lord? Which Demon Lord?" When the fire rain subsided, Lu Xiaotian stepped forward from the void, and his eyes fell on the phantom in the void. This phantom is a strong mid-stage fusion, waiting for the idle flame rain is not enough to kill it in a short time, but once the mysterious fire pillar strangles it, it will not take much effort to clean up this phantom.

Lu Xiaotian stared at the phantom with fixed eyebrows, always feeling that this phantom should be related to the one that appeared before, but the aura of the two is completely different. He couldn't make a judgment easily for a while.

"The Demon Monarch is the supreme powerhouse in the Mahayana realm. Even if you have reached the late stage of fusion, you are far from being his opponent. If you are sensible, retreat quickly." The ghost in the void threatened.

"How dare you speak boldly when you are about to die." Lu Xiaotian shook his head, stretched out his finger, and the flames on the twelve pillars of profound fire loomed, and the sea of ​​fire around him became more and more turbulent. In the blink of an eye, a giant flame Buddha rose from the sea of ​​flames, and the giant Buddha stretched out its palm and slapped the void.

There was a muffled groan in the air, and the phantoms who had suppressed Xiang Kuang and Hu Chunman just now were forced out of sight, and their rocky carapace-like faces were twisted in pain. The tall, nearly transparent body gnawed in the air for a while, and quickly mobilized mana to extinguish the flames burning on it.

"Lord Lu Dan!" The phantom was repulsed by Lu Xiaotian, and the giant frost cover was naturally unable to maintain, revealing the Huchun vines on the face inside which were mixed with pain and joy, and Xiang Kuang who frowned slightly.

"You guys rest for a while, and we'll talk about it after I get rid of these monsters." Lu Xiaotian nodded to Hu Chunman and Xiang Kuang. The opponent is a demon race, not a human race, and Huchunman has a special physique. Lu Xiaotian does not have a panacea to directly help him recover from his injuries.

As for Xiang Kuang, it is relatively better to switch to the magic path at the moment, after all, it is the foundation of the human race. However, compared with Hu Chunman, Xiang Kuang suffered some injuries, but they were not too serious. Even if it only depends on its own recovery, it may not take too long.

"Okay, King Lu Dan will kill these shadow demons for me." Mo Chunman said through gritted teeth.

"Bastards, you belong to the demon camp, how dare you collude with the human race!" The combined shadow demon, who was forced out of the way by Lu Xiaotian, shouted angrily, "Dan Wang, these two have stolen the demon king's property, and the demon king sent me Come to clean up the door, and I hope King Lu Dan will not interfere!"

"It's useless to talk about it." Lu Xiaotian shook his head, but just stood in the void, and the flaming giant Buddha in the sea of ​​flames had already been slapped again.

The Combined Shadow Demon was taken aback, and realized that it was not Lu Xiaotian's opponent, so his body turned into a puff of smoke, divided into dozens of strands, and scattered away.

The twelve pillars of mysterious fire condensed into flying needles in a blink of an eye, and they shot out from the void, carrying strings of streams of fire. The dozens of green smokes transformed by the combined shadow demon were forced back one after another. Before they could react, the flame giant Buddha Has come to the front of the body again, under the cover of the big hand like the sky. The combined Shadow Demon was directly knocked out of the void and fell towards the sea of ​​flames on the ground.

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