Become a Fairy

Chapter 2558 Chapter 2556??????

Chapter 2558 Chapter 2556

I like my opponent to fall step by step according to my plan, even if the opponent knows it well, I can't get rid of the shackles on my body.

Lu Xiaotian also likes this sense of control. In essence, he and Ye Qianxun are actually the same kind of people, but his luck is slightly better than the other party.

"I'd like to see if you can have the last laugh in this scene." Ye Qianxun was still a little suspicious at first, so he wasted a lot of time while walking and watching. Sensing the general direction of Lu Xiaotian at this time, Ye Qianxun didn't stop at all, and rushed directly to Lu Xiaotian's side. Once the speed of the Mahayana realm powerhouse was displayed, it was unbelievably fast.

Even Lu Xiaotian, who was far away in Tianyin Ghost City, changed his expression slightly.

"It came really fast enough." Lu Xiaotian stretched out his palm, a carapace with a simple pattern on it, mana was poured into it, and the carapace swallowed Lu Xiaotian's mana like a giant whale absorbing water.

Then the carapace melted at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the same time as the carapace melted, it emitted a strange light. These strange lights intertwined for a while, vaguely like a formation.

After a while, the vague formation became clearer. A teleportation array formed by intertwined aura unexpectedly appeared.

At this time, the entire Tianyin Ghost City was shaking more and more.

Moo! Farther away, at the end of the sky, the huge bull-headed skeletons in nine directions each made a distant and desolate cow moo.

These nine bull skulls with hollow ruler heads, the spooky aura emanating from their mouths, nostrils, and eye sockets formed phantom shadows of cow heads, roaring towards the direction of Bone City. And in the void, more ox-head phantoms formed and gathered towards the bones.

Hum --- the bronze mirror in front of him trembled violently, only when Ye Qianxun got closer and closer would there be such a sign. The bronze mirror sensed that the aura of the swallowing sword was too strong.

"The land of sinking souls, the silent sinking souls. Those who enter will die forever, and the souls will be broken!" A desolate voice gushed out from the depths of the ghost city that day, as if it came from a gloomy ghost coffin.

Even with the strength of Lu Xiaotian's primordial spirit, when he heard these few words, he couldn't help feeling dizzy. As for Luo Qian who had driven the Jiu Que Lock into the depths of the pattern, Qing Li and Yu Ya who was next to him fell into a deep sleep.

"What a strong attack with spiritual sense!" Lu Xiaotian only felt the drowsiness in his body getting heavier, biting the tip of his tongue, barely lifted his spirits, reached out and pulled Yu Ya into the teleportation array formed by the moon shell.

To be precise, the teleportation array formed by the aura is not a real entity, but a sub-array eye was refined from the teleportation array discovered by Qingli by using the miraculous function of the mother-child moon shell, and placed it in Tianyin ghost town.

This sub-array eye can only be used once and it will disappear.

But for Lu Xiaotian, one time is enough.

Ye Qianxun's speed was not uncomfortably fast, the eyes of the sub-array opened, and Ye Qianxun had already reached the outskirts of Tianyin Ghost City.

"Ye Qianxun, goodbye." Even if he was drowsy, Lu Xiaotian still couldn't avoid the pleasure of tit for tat.

"Bastard!" Ye Qianxun's face was livid, and when he rushed to the position where Lu Xiaotian was just now, the sub-array eyes formed by the child, mother and moon shell had disappeared, and Lu Xiaotian and others disappeared together with him.

At this time, within Qingli's original territory, the teleportation array was also a masterpiece of inspiration. Feeling the huge space distortion force when the teleportation array was opened, Lu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief. The biggest gain from entering the Nether Demon Corpse Land this time is that Ye Qianxun was trapped in the Nine Que Heavenly Yin Profound Ghost Formation.

"Lu Xiaotian!" Ye Qianxun thought highly of himself, and had already sensed Lu Xiaotian's specific location. Knowing that Lu Xiaotian had made arrangements, Ye Qianxun still came at full speed, wanting to capture Lu Xiaotian before he got into trouble.

Who would have thought that Lu Xiaotian, a mere junior in the Composite Realm, could launch such a large formation. Moreover, ghost energy surged from all around, and it was still a large formation of ghosts.

Not long after Lu Xiaotian teleported away, Ye Qianxun had already arrived at Tianyin Ghost City.

"Such a large formation requires at least a ghost in the fit state to cast it, and it will take a long time." Ye Qianxun, as a master of formations, even surpassed Lu Xiaotian in attainments, seeing the Nine Que Heavenly Yin Xuan Ghost Formation already in operation, Ye Qianxun Chihiro was suffocated with depression. It seems that Lu Xiaotian has been preparing for this day for many years.

"The rumored Nine Que Heaven Yin Xuan Ghost Formation!" Ye Qianxun snorted coldly, and rushed towards the direction where he entered the big formation like lightning. How far this Nine Que Heaven Yin Xuan Ghost Formation can go? It also depends on the person who opened the formation. Even if Lu Xiaotian schemed against him, Ye Qianxun would never sit still and wait for death.

Lu Xiaotian had already been teleported away one step earlier, Ye Qianxun was in vain, Ye Qianxun didn't have any delay at the moment, and returned directly along the original road, but on the way back, a group of cow-headed skeletons formed by the condensed ghostly aura It comes from outside and inside to cull it.

With a wave of Ye Qianxun's hand, the fierce sword energy slashed out, directly cutting through the ox-headed skeleton that was condensed with ghost energy.

It's just that there are layers of bull-headed skeletons in the distance, and there is no end in sight. These endless bull-headed skeletons form a huge vortex, and the pulling force inside is getting stronger and stronger. No matter how Ye Qianxun resists, as a Mahayana strongman, it is still not enough compared with the ghostly spirit of the entire land of sinking souls. look.

The only thing that reassures Ye Qianxun is that although this formation is extremely powerful and can mobilize the spooky ghost energy of the land of sinking souls, how much it can mobilize and how far it can be exerted is closely related to the person who launched the formation. Although Lu Xiaotian has been calculating for a long time now, with Ye Qianxun's eyesight, he can see that this large formation is not enough to trap him to death here. As for how long he was trapped, Ye Qianxun didn't know much about it.

"This son has reached the late stage of fusion. If we really wait for him to advance to the Mahayana stage, everything will be over." Thinking of this, Ye Qianxun couldn't stop feeling anxious. He came into his sight from knowing Lu Xiaotian, but he was just a junior in the transformation stage, let alone his true deity, any lotus avatar would be enough to crush him into scum.

But in such a short period of time, every time we see Lu Xiaotian again, his strength will improve by leaps and bounds. Up to now, even his own deity himself has been trapped in this ghostly formation by Lu Xiaotian's calculations.

Ye Qianxun is not yet sure how long he will be trapped by this big formation, but facing Lu Xiaotian's amazing growth power, Ye Qianxun feels for the first time that things are completely out of control.

While Ye Qianxun was worried, Lu Xiaotian was sitting on a reef with a radius of only a few dozen feet, beside Luo Qian, Qingli and Yu Ya who were still sleeping.

Once the Jiuque Tianyin Xuangui Formation was activated, the feeling of lethargy was extremely strong, that is to say, Lu Xiaotian's primordial spirit was strong, even far exceeding the limit that could be achieved in the later stage of fusion. Only then did he manage to hold on.

And Luo Qian and the others don't have Lu Xiaotian's resistance, so naturally they can't sleep.

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