Become a Fairy

Chapter 247 The Nasal Tide Is Raging

It is unheard of that there is such a strange prohibition. Lu Xiaotian didn't expect that there was such a weirdness in this lost place. At this time, it was too late to think about it, so I ran away first. Flying can't be counted on and there is no other way for the time being.

Lu Xiaotian's complexion was a little ugly, but he wasn't too panicked, he calmed down, Lu Xiaotian used the lightness technique, and ran away, his body was as light as a swallow, and one step was several feet away.

The trees moved back quickly, even if it was only a basic level of Wind Control Technique, the speed was extremely astonishing, and this low-level black beetle couldn't keep up. It's just that Lu Xiaotian, who had escaped for a certain distance, was shocked for a while. There were actually such black beetles on the nearby hills. Now that this kind of weird restriction has appeared again, it is probably impossible for ordinary human monks to avoid it, except for those monsters with wings. Just now he thought he could escape more or less with his own speed, but he didn't expect this kind of black beetle to be everywhere. What he threw away was only a part, but he slammed into the other part head-on. In this place with high mountains and dense forests, there is no It is good to know where to escape.

Lu Xiaotian directly used an ordinary earth wall technique to block the black beetle that rolled over in front of him, and he rushed quickly from the left. An earthen wall can't stop the black beetles for a long time, it's just a matter of breathing, and more black beetles escape from the earthen wall, a little slower, and the black beetles crawl over like a tide, and they just flow over An earthen wall as high as Zhang Xu. Fortunately, after blocking a block like this, Lu Xiaotian had a little more time to breathe, and this kind of elementary spell Lu Xiaotian came at his fingertips, almost instantly, without any delay, a few earth wall spells blocked the opponent In the first block, Lu Xiaotian used a few more fireballs to burn the black beetle tide in front of him to create a passage, and rushed out of the large encirclement formed by the black beetle in a blink of an eye.

But some other monsters are not as capable as Lu Xiaotian.


The piercing screams sounded.

There are other human monks here, Lu Xiaotian heard the reputation, and saw a wave of more than a dozen monks running away in panic. The person who screamed was now covered in black beetles. The other party stumbled and rushed a few steps, then staggered and fell, struggling painfully in the tide of black beetles until there was no sound.

With so many black beetles, I'm afraid even his group attack skill, Ice Soul Profound Sound, won't have much effect. There was no blood on the faces of the dozen or so monks who were fleeing. It was obvious that the terrifying scene before them had already made them terrified. Originally, they had no time to worry about Lu Xiaotian who was also fleeing next to him. However, seeing that Lu Xiaotian's instantaneous low-level spells were not strong in combat, but they were able to block the black beetle by accident, a few monks with lively heads were overjoyed, and inadvertently chose to move closer to Lu Xiaotian. This way of running to maintain adjustments consumes a lot of mana.

Moreover, there are black beetles all over the mountains and plains. Even if they are faster than black beetles, they run away aimlessly. Maybe there are large areas of black beetles in front of them. In such a situation, they can only fight their way out. It can be seen that although the power of spells cast by Lu Xiaotian is not great, but in this kind of race against time, the effect it plays is not small. They rushed all the way, escaped from the incomplete encirclement of the black beetle several times, and consumed a lot of mana. The weak ones couldn't care about it at all, and they were afraid that they would be hindered. Save a little mana, which in this case is a natural way to save a little. A little exhaustion, I'm afraid it will die.

Lu Xiaotian's face turned ugly for a while, and the black beetle blocked him a few times, forcing him to turn around. Although he is a peak sixth-order body refiner, it is difficult for him to break through his physical defense even with magic weapons. But not every part of a body refiner's defense is equally strong. Facing this kind of black armor, nostrils, pierced ears, and eyes are all weak points. Moreover, these guys are invincible at all, even if he falls into it, he is in danger of falling.

A dozen monks escaped, and in the blink of an eye, two more were engulfed by the raging black tide.

"No, if this goes on, I'm afraid none of us will be able to escape. I'm going to fight this group of beasts," one of the bald burly men yelled angrily, with blood rushing up and down, his legs seemed to be poured. Like lead, his speed suddenly decreased, he couldn't run anymore, and he didn't want to run anymore. As an earth cultivator, coupled with the skills he practiced, what he is good at is not speed. Now in all directions, there is almost no hope of leaving. No matter if it is a monster or a monk, as long as it is involved in this black wave, there is almost no possibility of survival. All the way to escape, under his nose, there are at least dozens of people. A monk was bitten to death by a black beetle because of exhaustion. Under the tumbling black beetle, even the bones could not be seen. The bald man was very angry, thinking about his fate after his mana was almost exhausted, he might as well kill him while he still had the strength.

The bald-headed man roared, his whole body shone with yellow light, and a piece of soil armor wrapped his whole body at a speed visible to the naked eye, leaving only a pair of eyes to observe the surroundings. The big fist of the copper bowl smashed down, and there was a violent explosion sound on the ground, and hundreds of thousands of black armor were blown to pieces in the explosion.

"Hi!" The bald man pushed forward with both hands, and a huge air blade formed by a khaki light was pushed forward, like a giant scimitar slashing forward. As long as the black beetle came into contact with the yellow air blade, it would be split in half. In fact, with the strength of the black beetle, it could not be blocked at all. A small open space was cleared in front of the bald man. In this situation, it is tantamount to a drop in the bucket. In a blink of an eye, more black beetles came up again.

"Bastard, go!" A skinny old man in a black shirt opened his eyes wide and slashed at the bald man with a palm. What he slashed was just a gust of wind, and most of the black beetles that rushed towards the bald man were blown away. , the skinny old man stretched out his fingers like a hook, grabbed the bald man, and ran forward again, while a fat middle-aged man with a slightly weaker body, because there was no one to rescue him, his magic power was exhausted, and he was rushed towards him. It can be seen that these people had already fled for a considerable distance before that.

After all, more people are more powerful. After a little thought, Lu Xiaotian gathered together with the remaining eleven people. These people only cared about running for their lives and had no time to control Lu Xiaotian. In fact, they didn't care about most of the people in the team. They knew each other, but they fled together temporarily under this disaster.

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