Become a Fairy

Chapter 2466 Chapter 2466 ??

Chapter 2466 Chapter 2466 Invite again

"What about you? Why didn't you go out to have a look? Your cultivation base is no lower than your granddaughter." Lu Xiaotian replied bluntly.

"To be honest, the restriction of this cave has been weakened, there must be one to stay in charge of the cave, the granddaughter of the old man does not know this way. And the old man is not at ease to hand over the restriction of this cave to the hands of fellow Taoists." Madara Qianzhi Straightforward.

"Let's talk about it when those combined monsters arrive at the entrance of the cave." Lu Xiaotian just broke through at this time, and he is not willing to move easily.

"Here, Fellow Daoist Xiang, since we are all in the same cave, if we can work together, we won't be able to last until the strange tide of butterflies recedes, or the moment we move to another place. If we each make up our own minds, I'm afraid you and I will die sooner or later." No burial place."

Ban Qianzhi persuaded Lu Xiaotian not to move, and after a long time, he could only sigh, "Forget it, let's do what Xiang Daoyou said, and wait until the situation deteriorates to that point."

The voice sank, Lu Xiaotian ignored the other party, and continued to practice on his own.

The previous thing was repeated day after day. At this time, the power of the blood gang had recently broken through. Originally, Lu Xiaotian planned to refine Jinye Fulan in the near future. The avatar failed to destroy the invincible sword intent from Ye Qianxun, and the Piaomiao Feijian was devoured by it. Naturally, Lu Xiaotian had only his own body to take action to completely erase that trace of disaster. Although it came from Ye Qianxun's trace of invincible sword intent, the lotus avatar may not be able to completely erase it, but if the deity personally takes action, it is not too difficult to erase this trace of sword intent.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian was completely intoxicated in his cultivation, and Ban Qianzheng never bothered him again.

Until one day, the blackness on Piaomiao Feijian's body surface disappeared bit by bit, and the original color of Piaomiao Feijian was restored. Until the last trace of black completely faded from Piaomiao Flying Sword, Piaomiao Flying Sword's brilliance cuts forward with just a light stroke of the sword, and that endless black abyss is like a huge black curtain, cut by a sword open.

The black abyss immediately disintegrated and dissipated into countless tiny black spots, which gradually disappeared completely under the brilliance of the misty flying sword.

After the biggest enemy disappeared, Piao Miao Feijian gradually recovered its brilliance and introverted, returning to its original appearance. But at this time, the lotus avatar's finger was a little empty, and an endless abyss like ink was rendered around the ordinary ethereal flying sword.

It's just that in this abyss, while the darkness is deep, there is a little more elegant atmosphere.

Whether it is the lotus avatar or Lu Xiaotian's main body, there is a bit of satisfaction on his face at this time.

"Fellow Daoist Xiang, please save the old granddaughter." Madara Chita's almost pleading voice came from the lotus avatar again.

"What's wrong?" Lu Xiaotian said.

"He was attacked by four monsters in the Composite Realm, and he was already intercepted by them in order to escape to a place less than a hundred miles away from the cave. If there is no external force to intervene, the poor granddaughter of the old man will have no luck." In the voice, it seems to have aged hundreds of years all of a sudden.

Regarding the situation of Ban Qianzhi and her granddaughter, Lu Xiaotian generally knows a little bit, and Ban Yao's strength is considered to be the best choice in the middle stage of the fusion, otherwise she would not have attacked Lu Xiaotian at the beginning.

Since Lu Xiaotian rejected Banqian last time, this is the first time that the other party has spoken to him.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaotian turned into a ray of spiritual light and directly submerged into the body of the eight-melting soul golden carp, fused with the lotus clone. With a flick of its tail, the golden carp flew out of the cave at an astonishing speed.

Madara Chita originally planned to spend some more time, sacrificing considerable benefits to ask Lu Xiaotian to make a move, and even had the mental preparation that the other party would not be moved. After all, there is not much friendship between the two parties.

Even if Lu Xiaotian is unwilling to take risks for Ban Yao, Ban Qianzhi can't say anything. After all, Ban Yao has been surrounded by four demon clans at the Composite Realm. Ban Yao is trapped in the siege. How much to keep completely is unknown. Once Lu Xiaotian goes out, it means that he may also be besieged by four experts in the Composite Realm.

"The old man will go with the fellow Taoist." Ban Qianzhen gritted his teeth and wanted to leave.

"You stay in the cave and prepare to take us back. If I don't rescue Ban Yao, even if you have one more, it will be useless."

When Ban Qianzheng heard these words, Lu Xiaotian had already left the cave. Ban Qianzhi frowned slightly, not only surprised by Lu Xiaotian's initiative, but also didn't quite believe in Lu Xiaotian's strength, it's normal to say that Lu Xiaotian is stronger, after all, he had injured Ban Yao before, but if one person can deal with those four As a fit monster, this self-confidence is a bit too much.

Madara Chita wanted to say something more, but Lu Xiaotian had already left the cave.

Two Plum Blossom Demon Badges, with plum blossom-like patterns on their several-foot-high bodies, with tentacles stretching out tens of feet, and the thick and long tentacles are like giant whips.

Another blue-eyed starfish, a tiger-winged demon shark, and four monsters surrounded Banyao, a two-tailed salamander and python banshee who was seriously injured in the middle.

Ban Yao is still in the form of a demon clan at this time, with no less than a dozen wounds all over her body, and fresh blood is constantly overflowing from her body, merging with the sea water.

"Salamander python demon, open that cave and let you die happily." The plum blossom demon Zhang who was a little closer gave a sinister laugh, and the thick and long tentacles slapped on a huge boulder several feet high, and the boulder was directly smashed into powder.

"Dream, you guys are also strong in the combined state, and you are willing to obey the orders of those low-level monster butterflies. You are deeply ashamed of the sea monster world." Ban Yao flicked his tail, frowning coldly.

"Hey, you are arrogant, but the arrogant guy usually doesn't live long. The above is full of manpower, even if you want to be someone else's cow, you won't have that chance in the future." The blue-eyed starfish said in a dark voice, " Talking so much nonsense with her, just arrest her and listen to the orders from above."

"Don't even think about it." Ban Yao's body turned into a ray of light, and she burrowed directly into the mud under her body, trying to use this method to escape. This method was used by Lu Xiaotian once before. It can be regarded as one of Ban Yao's self-protection methods.

"Want to leave?" The thick and long tentacles of the Plum Blossom Demon Zhang directly burrowed into the mud, and the mud under him surged. Before long, Ban Yao, who was seriously injured, was forced out, and his huge body was in the seawater. The tentacles of the Plum Blossom Demon Zhang retreated hundreds of feet before barely stopping.

The other Plum Blossom Demon Zhang was not far behind, and six or seven tentacles strangled Ban Yao straightly.

At this moment, a sword light broke through the water. A few monsters realized that there was a flash of sword light, and suddenly heard a scream, and saw a flying sword floating in the sea. And the tentacles of the Plum Blossom Demon Chapter have been chopped off with a single sword.

Ban Yao looked at the flying sword in surprise and looked around.

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