Become a Fairy

Chapter 2455 Chapter 2455??? Three-inch Small Sword

Chapter 2455 Chapter 2455 Three-inch Small Sword

"Quick battle!" Although Xiang Qingcheng didn't know the specific grievances between Lu Xiaotian and Ye Qianxun, he could clearly feel that Lu Xiaotian's situation was definitely not good. He immediately scolded Lu Xiaotian lightly.

The river of swords in the air was rolling like a dragon, Xiang Qingcheng's clothes were flying, and jade talismans flashed on the sides of his body. And those water thorns with ice and electricity have already shot towards Ye Qianxun's lotus clone first.

Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar stretched out his fingers and flicked in the void, and the Tunyuan Sword released a black sword light, which coiled like a horse in the void, and directly yanked fiercely at several water-blue thorns. It looked astonishing.

It's just that for Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar, being able to be forced into such an aura is no longer the calmness and composure that controlled the overall situation before.

Lu Xiaotian allocated part of his mana to control the magic mirror, but only used the power of the magic mirror to hide the prying eyes of other monks. Although it is unavoidable that some extra consumption is inevitable, and it may not be able to completely cover the breath inside, it is still worth it in Lu Xiaotian's opinion.

Lu Xiaotian took a breath, and held his left palm flat, and exquisite pagodas full of ancient silver Buddha light flew out of his palm. It's just that on the ancient silver pagoda of Buddha's light, there is a tiny trace of purple gold.

"Fozong Zhibao Zhenyao Pagoda, you are a member of the Buddha Sect?" Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar is so insightful, he can see through the origin of this Zhenyao Pagoda at a glance, and immediately looks surprised.

"What is your relationship with the Buddha Sect?"

"I don't need to bother you about this." Lu Xiaotian said in a low voice, and the words were lightly uttered, "Seventh-level pagoda!" Suddenly, the demon-suppressing tower flying over the sky, with seven towers in one, spun towards Tunyuan Jianfei will pass.

"Not a member of the Buddhist sect, but possessing the long-lost treasure of the Buddhist sect. Sure enough, there are no surprises in the world. You are the most tolerant person I have ever seen." After the initial shock, Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar took a deep breath. In one breath, the ten fingers of both hands waved like phantoms. A sword lotus is formed from the palm of his hand.

Jianlian flew towards the Demon Town Tower one after another.

Behind Lu Xiaotian there was blood, countless blood beasts roared behind him, eagles flew into the sky, wolves howled and leopards howled, giant apes hammered their chests, and a majestic monster aura shot up into the sky.

Lu Xiaotian slammed his chest with his left hand, like a heavy hammer hitting a drum, the sound of the drum was so powerful that it smashed the clouds and cracked the ground.

The battle armor with simple patterns and the black blue battle skirt tightly wrapped Lu Xiaotian's slightly thin figure. Even Xiang Qingcheng in the distance, in her star-like beautiful eyes, was blurred for a while.

She couldn't remember who the other person was, but everything about this person in front of her, amidst the strangeness, carried a sense of deep-rooted familiarity. The calm eyes, slightly thin body. But it also showed an incomparable wild and domineering arrogance. The figure in front of him seemed to be able to fill up his lost memory bit by bit.

Seeing Lu Xiaotian wearing a blue battle armor, the giant beast roared as he passed by, and with a fist and a palm, he directly shattered the sword lotus formed by him. Even Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar was able to shake his sword lotus supernatural power with his physical body at the initial stage of fusion, and he couldn't help being shocked to see it.

The Tunyuan sword is divided into dozens of handles in the void, and each handle has a completely different breath, which seems to be an independent sword cultivator of the fusion state.

The seven demon-suppressing towers are only aimed at the swallowing sword in the void as the core. And in the airspace surrounded by the seven pagodas, the ancient silver Buddha light shone, and the vast and solemn Buddha light gathered together to form a Buddha statue exactly like Lu Xiaotian's real deity.

The Buddha statue was seated empty in the air, with its palms together, seeing the dozens of terrifying flying swords shot from the lightning, its right palm stretched out into the void. Immediately, one after another Buddhist scriptures floated towards Feijian.

The Wanzi seal carries the spirit of the ancient temple's ancestral seal, but at the core of the ancient seal, there is a crystal silver relic as the support.

Most of the flying swords have been blocked by Foyin. The remaining few handles may be entangled by the twelve mysterious fire pillars. Or chopping on the Demon Town Tower and being bounced back quickly.

At this time, the mighty Jianhe in the void is also coming like a giant dragon.

Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar waved his hand, and a long green whip danced wildly like a spirit snake, biting Jianhe who had turned into a dragon.

At this time, Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar was also forced to use all his cards, especially the pressure from the two juniors in front of him was increasing.

Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar gritted its teeth and took out a treasure pot. Even across the treasure pot. You can also sense the surging breath of spiritual fire inside.

For this kind of spiritual fire, Lu Xiaotian couldn't be more familiar with it, the burning demon blazing golden flame. It's just that he didn't expect that when he was imprisoned in the lotus pond and used the little fire crow to absorb the opponent's Burning Demon Blazing Golden Flame, this guy actually had so many spiritual flames beside him.

But soon, Lu Xiaotian also discovered something unusual about it. Compared with the Burning Demon Blazing Golden Flame of the past, although this spiritual flame is equally powerful, Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar's control over it is obviously not as good as before.

"It seems that this spiritual flame has not been collected for too long, and it has not been fully refined yet."

However, if it was really vented out, that pot of incendiary golden flames would be enough to cover the sky and the sun, breaking the considerable power of his and Xiang Qingcheng's supernatural powers.

Naturally, Lu Xiaotian couldn't let him get what he wanted, so he immediately stretched out his hand to pat the spirit beast bag, and the little fire crow flew out reluctantly with its wings fluttering, opened its mouth to inhale, and the whole pot of Burning Demon Blazing Golden Flames didn't even have Ye Qianxun's lotus clone Before he had time to fully react, he was completely swallowed by the little fire crow.

Little Fire Crow seemed to have become a lot more introverted since she grew a meat bun between her legs. Last time she absorbed the Sunshine Spirit Mist, she also loved chasing the little white dog. Every time after finishing work, he ran back to the spirit beast bag without waiting for Lu Xiaotian to greet him. This time was no exception, but left behind Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar with an unbelievable face.

Even with the knowledge of Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar, he couldn't know the origin of Little Fire Crow.

Right now, Tunyuanjian has been restrained 90% by the ruthless Lu Xiaotian in a short period of time. Jianhe, who was like a dragon in the void, had already twisted the long green rope into countless pieces, and rushed towards Ye Qianxun himself together with the beam of light cast by the jade talisman beside him.

The eyes of Ye Qianxun's lotus avatar flashed fiercely, with one mouth, and a small black sword only three inches long, exuding a heaven-shattering mighty power.

Seeing that flying sword appear for a moment, Lu Xiaotian's whole heart seemed to be split in half by the three-inch jet black sword.

"My deity is a strong man in the Mahayana realm, do you think I have no other means?" With a hint of sarcasm on Ye Qianxun's face, he stretched out his hand, and the three-inch black sword went straight towards Xiang Qingcheng.

"Don't!" Lu Xiaotian was so startled that the souls of the dead jumped out. Although the three-inch black sword hadn't reached the point where a strong man in the Mahayana realm could strike, it was almost the peak that a strong man in the later stage of fusion could achieve, and even surpassed it by a few inches. In the middle, there is a hint of the Daoist meaning of a powerful Mahayana realm, which is no small matter.

With Xiang Qingcheng's current strength, without sufficient preparation, she would definitely not be able to take this blow.

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