Become a Fairy

Chapter 2448 Chapter 2448 bait

Chapter 2448 Chapter 2448 Bait

"Thank you, Junior Sister Shan, for your concern. Let me come. Don't worry, I still have a lot of lifespan, so I won't commit suicide." Lu Xiaotian let out a hesitation. After this matter is over, he has to find another place to refine Jinye Fulan and try to break through. It may take a certain amount of time for the mid-term physical training of the body.

Moreover, Lu Xiaotian was forced to expose a lot of supernatural powers after a fierce fight with the saber-toothed bear monster in the later stage of fusion. Since he can come here, people from Yuanling City and Chaos Demon Realm would naturally come here. It is very possible to infer his identity based on some guesswork.

Right now, there are extremely limited things that can be done for Xiang Qingcheng, so Lu Xiaotian will naturally not refuse.

"I want to call you Fairy Bingxuan." Sikong saw that the veins on his forehead twitched when he heard it, and it was you who called the junior sister.

"Why is this girl so indebted, she takes advantage of every opportunity she has." Nan Xuanyu was also extremely unbalanced. He had known Xiang Qingcheng for a while, and he had never called him so kindly.

"Are you sure?" Xiang Qingcheng secretly transmitted voice to Lu Xiaotian, still worried. She didn't know why, but she had a strange worry about the guy who couldn't remember who she was in front of her.

"It's okay, do you really think I'm just a body repairer in the early stage of fusion?" Lu Xiaotian said.

"Who the hell are you, and why do you do this for me?" Xiang Qingcheng always had such doubts in his heart. She didn't think that Lu Xiaotian would do this for her for no reason, but she didn't feel bad for Lu Xiaotian at all. I just couldn't help but guess Lu Xiaotian's identity.

"You should have been affected by the Forgotten Soul Stone, which caused your previous memory to be blank. This Forgotten Soul Stone is helpless even a strong Mahayana realm. As for who I am, you will know when you recover your memory." Lu Xiaotian muttered silently in his heart After a while, he said slowly.

"Soul Forgotten Stone!" Xiang Qingcheng repeated these three words in her mouth. She has practiced in Yuqing Immortal Palace for many years, and she can also try to find treasures to restore memory. It is just a rumor about the Forgotten Soul Stone, and Xiang Qingcheng has never heard of it. mentioned.

"Green Olive Sanyuan Pill!" Sikong Jian said, took out a pill bottle and threw it to Lu Xiaotian.

After talking to Lu Xiaotian about how to lure Shui Yin Yaogu, Xiang Qingcheng couldn't help but want to ask something. Lu Xiaotian's figure flickered, and he was the first to float forward.

"Junior Sister Shan, prepare to set up an formation to capture this Jieshui Yinyao Pill in one fell swoop." Sikong Jiandao whispered to Xiang Qingcheng, and immediately took the other young couple, Zheng Wu and Qi Ying, to float in another direction , Xiang Qingcheng and Nan Xuanyu also retreated in the other direction.

The troops were divided into three groups, but Lu Xiaotian was firmly surrounded in the middle.

Xiang Qingcheng and Sikong Jiandao came here this time, obviously well prepared. However, Xiang Qingcheng, Sikong Jiandao, and Nanxuanyu, who had obtained a formation flag behind, entered the predetermined position, and each took out the formation flag. After a while, the formation flag with the net pattern on the surface disappeared completely in the invisible.

"Green Olive Three-Yuan Pill?" Lu Xiaotian took out the green elixir, and the amazing spiritual power inside the elixir surprised Lu Xiaotian, who was also a fourth-rank alchemy king.

The refining difficulty of this mid-grade elixir is not lower than that of Hehun elixir. If it came from Sikong Jiandao, this person's attainments in alchemy are definitely not weak. To be able to advance to the middle stage of fusion, and to be so powerful in alchemy, Yuqing Immortal Palace really deserves its reputation.

The plan to lure the Hidden Water Demon Gall is very simple, but it is not an ordinary difficulty to use it, especially if the person who carries the elixir is in danger of being surrounded by a large number of hidden Water Demon Gall.

Even if it is as strong as Nanxuanyu, or Sikong Jiandao who has a treasure by his side, he must be cautious. It was really unexpected for Lu Xiaotian to deal with this matter so cleanly before. It's just that if Lu Xiaotian takes the risk, they are naturally happy to see it succeed.

The intelligence of the Water Hidden Beast is not very high, but it moves extremely fast and is very aggressive. Once it gets close to a certain distance, it is naturally quite dangerous.

As Lu Xiaotian took out the elixir, all the people around who could sense the breath moved. In a short time, Lu Xiaotian could sense hundreds of Water Hidden Demon Galls, and there were three of them whose breath was obviously much stronger. of.

When attacking Nanxuanyu before, Lu Xiaotian took over two of the attacks. There are also five or six others who have reached the state of integration. As for the farther places, there are relatively slow low-level water hidden demon galls.

"Put down the elixir, go back quickly!" Xiang Qingcheng saw that there were more and more Water Hidden Demon Pills in focus, and hurriedly sent a sound transmission to Lu Xiaotian.

At this time, Lu Xiaotian's reaction was already one step faster, he gave up the green olive three yuan pill, and five magical doors suddenly appeared around him. Each illusory gate emits an aura of light, and within that aura, a phantom clone appears out of thin air. And Lu Xiaotian himself was hidden in that illusory aura.

Five phantom spirit clones, each approaching Lu Xiaotian's true self.

In the current situation, there is no need for Lu Xiaotian to go head-to-head with Water Yin Yaodan, even if he only needs to distract the attention of the combined state monster Water Yin Yaodan, so that the opponent's attack does not focus on the deity, it will be considered a success for Lu Xiaotian.

These hidden water monsters are far less powerful than human monks. The water hidden monsters can take advantage of the special location of the clear water fairy pond to achieve the purpose of surreptitiously, unexpectedly, and attacking them by surprise. However, Lu Xiaotian's magical powers of illusion interfered with these hidden water monster thorns in an extraordinary way.

"Illusion!" Seeing the scene in front of him, Xiang Qingcheng felt a little familiar in his eyes, as if there was such a shadow deep in his heart, but at the same time his head hurt like tearing, he couldn't think of a reason.

Several incorporeal phantom clones collapsed one after another under the attack of the Water Hidden Demon Thorn. And that phantom spirit clone with extremely strong attack power escaped into the phantom spirit gate. A few fierce attacks suddenly came to nothing.

These Water Hidden Beasts whose strength has reached the combined mirror did not form a joint force. Lu Xiaotian repeated the trick once and escaped from the encirclement of the monsters.

Xiang Qingcheng, Sikong Jiandao and Nanxuanyu launched at the same time, and several array flags rose up with a flash of inspiration. At the same time, the three array flags swelled to tens of feet in height in the spiritual light, with ripples on it, and every time the gray-blue net pattern flickered, a light-like spiritual net would pop out and cover the hidden water demon.

The Water Hidden Demon Gallbladder moved quite fast, but it couldn't move as fast as these three sides encircled it.

The attack of the hidden water demon gall is relatively simple. Although the attack power of the hidden water demon thorn is sharp, there is no good way to face the giant net that rolls over.

The Water Hidden Demon was inevitably engulfed in the big net.

For Xiang Qingcheng and the others, once the Shuiyin Yaodan is forced to show its original shape and loses its suddenness, it will naturally be much easier to deal with.

After all, the Water Hidden Demon Gallbladders are also monsters of the Combined Realm, and the spirit net that pops up from the formation can only restrain them for a short time.

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