Become a Fairy

Chapter 2440 Chapter 2440?? On the way to find

Chapter 2440 Chapter 2440 Looking for the way

While the power of the Xuanhuo Pillar satisfied Lu Xiaotian, the scene before him made Lu Xiaotian's scalp tingle a little. I saw that the green vines that were originally clinging to the trees, the grass, and even the green waves began to rise one after another.

What looked like a relatively peaceful place at first suddenly became a riot of snakes.

Even Lu Xiaotian couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat when he saw that the surrounding airspace was full of vines and snakes dancing. When these vine demon snakes are still, their aura blends with the surrounding spiritual plants. Once it moved at this time, people could see the horror of this area.

The vine demon snake moved extremely fast, and it was already overwhelmed in the blink of an eye. Lu Xiaotian soared into the sky. With a wave of his hand, the twelve mysterious fire pillars rose into the air, clearing away the vine demon snakes above his head one after another, taking advantage of this gap, Lu Xiaotian shot out.

Looking at the vine demon snakes unwilling to shrink back below, Lu Xiaotian heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he reacted quickly. These vine demon snakes are almost inexhaustible. Once the periphery is sealed layer by layer, they cannot break through in time and are completely trapped inside After that, he couldn't escape even with teleportation.

The vine demon snake below couldn't reach Lu Xiaotian above the high altitude, he hissed and screamed for a while unwillingly, and then each retreated back, and the originally lively area returned to calm again.

After going through what happened just now, Lu Xiaotian also calmed down, and began to be cautious about this Bishui Yaochi. Originally, he also wanted to try this Baowei after refining the Fire Emblem Phoenix Seal. I didn't expect to stab a hornet's nest directly. If he didn't react quickly enough, even if he could get away, he would be a little embarrassed. It was difficult for an ordinary monk in the body-fitting realm to retreat under the attack of countless vine demon snakes.

Flying in the void for a while, far away, a large group of green ghost-faced bats spread their wings, like a green cloud fluttering, these ghost-faced bats are led by a bat king who is in a fit state, a huge population, once there are After getting the leader of the Composite Realm, it's not so easy to deal with. Lu Xiaotian's trip was just to find Xiang Qingcheng, and he didn't want to make troubles, so he descended to the place where Liao Bibo was rippling.

This Bishui Yaochi is more like a spiritual plant growing directly on the green liquid. It can be seen how amazing the floating power of this green liquid is. An extraordinary place must breed extraordinary things.

Qu Yizhu and Jiang Qingyuan could only tell him the approximate time when Shan Bing would come to Bishui Yaochi. After all, Shan Bing's status in Yuqing Immortal Palace was far higher than the two, and his actions would not be influenced by them. It is even more impossible to know his whereabouts.

Lu Xiaotian came to Bishui Yaochi, it can only be said to try his luck.

Of course, Lu Xiaotian didn't rely entirely on luck. After wandering around in this place of rippling blue waves for a while, Lu Xiaotian released the chasing little white dog. The little white dog couldn't be more clear about Xiang Qingcheng's smell.

Lu Xiaotian walked around with the little white dog, usually where there were human monks. Although the name of Bishui Yaochi is beautiful, it is full of murderous intentions. The extremely rich spiritual power here, coupled with the unique environment, has become a paradise for monsters.

Although there are plenty of spiritual plants here, there are very few people who dare to enter these places to look for spiritual things, and even monks in the virtual world are not many. It's not much at all, and it will naturally be even less if it is apportioned to the water system.

In the distance, on a stretch of dozens of acres of grass floating on the blue waves, there is a thatched hut, and a very beautiful woman is dressed in a green gauze skirt. Only one pair of eyes are left outside.

The woman looked around suspiciously with her big bright eyes. With a flick of his figure, he flew around. After turning in a circle, I got nothing.

The woman in Qingsha frowned, "Your Excellency is a good means. Since you have the ability to avoid my arrest, why don't you dare to show yourself?"

"The two Taoists, one inside and one outside, are clearly planning to ambush me, so how can I show up so easily?"

Lu Xiaotian's voice is floating, wandering around in this Bishui Yaochi for several months, during which he also met a few sporadic human monks, but like Lu Xiaotian, most of them are just newcomers, and they don't know much about this place, and the green yarn in front of him The woman seemed to have been here for some time.

"If fellow daoist doesn't make any crooked ideas, or affect our sisters, we will naturally live in peace with fellow daoist." The woman in Qingsha said.

"It doesn't fit in with you, I'm only here to find someone." Lu Xiaotian appeared from his hiding place with a flash.

"It's you?" Another slender girl also came out of the dark, obviously recognized Lu Xiaotian, "Sister Lan, you bought the Yinhuan Demon Python from him."

"Oh? It seems that we are still acquaintances. Who are you looking for?" asked the Qingsha woman named Sister Lan.

"Shan Bing from Yuqing Immortal Palace." Lu Xiaotian said.

"Fairy Qingxuan is really famous, I didn't expect you to fall into the cliché." The Qingsha woman who had dealt with Lu Xiaotian once before snorted.

"My fair lady, gentlemen are so sweet. I am also curious, so I want to meet you. It seems that the two of you have stayed in Bishui Yaochi for a while. I wonder if you have met Shan Bing?" Lu Xiaotian didn't refute the Qingsha woman's words, He immediately admitted it.

"1.75 million low-grade spirit crystals, I'll tell you." The Qingsha woman said.

"Little sister." The woman named Sister Lan frowned, feeling something was wrong.

"I don't have so many ready-made spirit crystals in my hand, so how about using monster spirit materials to offset them?" The price offered by the other party was the same as the cost of buying the silver ring demon python from him back then. If he could get news of Shan Bing, Lu Xiaotian wouldn't care about giving out the spirit crystal.

"It's okay. But I have to see what kind of monster it is first." The younger woman in Qingsha said.

Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand and threw it, and a Xumi ring flew towards the opponent, which contained the body of a blood-maned wolf in the middle of the fusion process, which had been processed.

The younger Qingsha woman's eyes flashed with surprise, just based on her aura, the strength of this blood-maned monster wolf might not be inferior to that of the original silver ring monster python. I don't know where Lu Xiaotian hunted and killed these monsters.

"Going west for about 130,000 miles, I entered the Misty Water Array. I have seen a few people from the Yuqing Immortal Palace go in. There is a woman in a white cloak, it is hard to see her true face, but there are several people accompanying her. , the status should not be low, if Shan Bing came to Bishui Yaochi, it should be this person."

The woman named Sister Lan was afraid that her younger sister would raise further conditions, so she directly told what she had seen and heard more than a month ago. "The clear water maze is no small matter. Especially in recent years, there have been many strange changes. If you want to join the formation, you must be cautious."

Lu Xiaotian cupped his hands in thanks, and then left directly.

"Sister Lan, why didn't you ask for more benefits just now." The younger girl in Qingsha raised the Xumi ring in her hand.

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