Become a Fairy

Chapter 2438 Chapter 2438???

Chapter 2438 Chapter 2438

After sensing this magma-like heat flow, the power of the blood gang in the body also became extremely active. It erupted from the middle dantian and gathered together with the magma-like heat.

Peng! Wen Xiaotian let out a muffled snort, after the power of the blood gang in his body and the spiritual power transformed by the Blazing Rock Fusion Pill gathered together, like a raging fire spraying oil, Lu Xiaotian seemed to be able to sense a burst of earth flames emerging from the spiritual power, In the blink of an eye, the power of the blood gang was also ignited.

Even with Lu Xiaotian's physique, his whole body was convulsed by the huge firepower.

And this is just the beginning, the flames of the spiritual power transformed by the Chiyan Fusion Pill are getting stronger and stronger. Lu Xiaotian only felt that the flames in his body were getting hotter and hotter.

These flames even spread from the body to the outside. From the outside, Lu Xiaotian seemed to be surrounded by a huge fireball. And the flames continued to spread out from time to time.

The raging flames fluctuated, and even made Lu Xiaotian's body crackle from time to time, and a trace of black liquid with a stinky smell was smelted out of his body, but it was quickly burned into nothingness by the exuberant raging flames.

When the medicinal power of Chiyan Fusion Pill was completely refined, Lu Xiaotian only felt that his body became a huge melting furnace, and the fire became more and more intense.

And Lu Xiaotian's body, also under the raging fire, glowed like gold from time to time, and the Demon Devouring Bow and Devouring Arrow were sacrificed again. Originally, this pair of bows and arrows was made by the Greedy Stork and Crane Demon at a huge cost. Lu Xiaotian picked up the ready-made cheap ones, so he inevitably didn't understand the bows and arrows so thoroughly. Devouring Arrow seemed to be completely integrated into Lu Xiaotian's body.

The power of the elixir and more power of the blood gang gathered together, just like tempering Lu Xiaotian's body, they are also further tempering the bow and arrow.

Even Lu Xiaotian's silver-white long hair turned red under the power of the pill and the blood gang.

I don't know how long it took before Lu Xiaotian completely absorbed the last trace of the power of the elixir in his body. The flames burning in the body disappeared into nothingness.

Lu Xiaotian opened his eyes, and was surprised to find that his clothes had already been burned to ashes. And the body has a hint of red gold.

However, as the firepower in the body completely disappeared, the complexion also began to return to normal. Lu Xiaotian took another blue shirt and put it on.

Recalling the process of taking the Chiyan Fusion Pill, Lu Xiaotian still couldn't help being a little surprised. There are quite a few of this pill refined for the Chiyan Clan, and what Lu Xiaotian left for himself is naturally the best, except for one Except for one high-grade panacea, the remaining three are all middle-grade panacea, and the medicinal power contained in them is naturally even worse than low-grade. The first time I took this pill without any preparation, there would naturally be quite a reaction.

After absorbing the medicinal power of the Chiyan Fusion Pill, Lu Xiaotian's eyes flickered. After having the Chiyan Fusion Pill, he was promoted to the middle stage of body cultivation. I'm afraid it will come sooner than expected.

Before fighting with Hanfeng Xionghuang, Lu Xiaotian had to use both magic bodies, but he consumed a few body-fitting monsters. Once one advances in physical training, under the same circumstances, this consumption will naturally be greatly reduced.

After absorbing the power of the elixir, the power of the blood gang will enter a steady improvement period. Only after this improvement has completely stagnated is the best time to take the second elixir.

Hesitating for a while, Lu Xiaotian raised his palm, and a round ball the size of a head appeared in the palm of his hand. Inside the ball, a fire phoenix kept swimming, flapping its wings to fly.

"Fire pattern phoenix badge!" Lu Xiaotian looked at this treasure, Wu Xiangxuan in his body seemed to have an innate affinity for this fire pattern phoenix badge.

Compared with the previous refinement of Blazing Rock Fusion Pill, the absorption of the Fire Emblem Phoenix Seal was uneventful. The only visible change was that the fire crow patterns on the twelve mysterious fire pillars became more lifelike, and the mysterious fire pillars became more solid. It seems that it is no longer constructed from the flames of nothingness as before. Once the mysterious fire pillar manifested, it became stronger.

Time passed quietly in the practice, when Qu Yizhu reappeared outside Lu Xiaotian's temporary cave, several years had passed.

"It seems that Fellow Daoist Xiang is staying here quite well."

Qu Yizhu and Jiang Qingyuan looked at Lu Xiaotian speechlessly, the matter of Jinye Fulan had already passed away, the woman in the round hat and the man with the square face had been away for a long time, lest Yuqing Immortal Palace would force them to stay Next, upon receiving the news of Yuqing's permission to leave, Yu Jian broke through the air without saying a word, without even a polite word.

On the contrary, it was Lu Xiaotian who followed his own home all the way here. When Lu Xiaotian was practicing in the cave a few years ago, the leaked firepower was astonishing, and even affected the living conditions of the surrounding spirits to a certain extent.

Qu Yizhu invited several formation masters to block the fire. If it wasn't for Lu Xiaotian's extraordinary strength, and worried that disturbing Lu Xiaotian's cultivation would cause Lu Xiaotian's displeasure, Qu Yizhu would have called out the two women from the cave directly if they changed to the woman with a round hat.

Fortunately, this kind of situation did not happen again later, but Lu Xiaotian practiced in this cave for several years, and every time he practiced, he absorbed a lot of spiritual power from the surrounding airspace. The second dantian of "Spiritual Transformation" consumes Judas, and the monks who are closer to the body are quite critical.

The other two stayed in Yuqing Immortal Palace as if they were under house arrest, but Lu Xiaotian really treated himself as a guest. After staying for several years, he still remains calm.

"Cultivation is timeless, I really have forgotten the time." Lu Xiaotian slapped his forehead, in fact, he didn't have to worry about someone coming to disturb his cultivation if he stayed in Yuqing Immortal Palace to practice. The distribution of spiritual power is far from comparable to Wang Yan's place. If the other party doesn't chase him away, Lu Xiaotian may not just move away.

"Those two fellow daoists have been away for a long time, if fellow daoist Xiang wants to leave now, he can leave at any time." Jiang Qingyuan reminded.

"Really, that's really great." Lu Xiaotian nodded and smiled when he heard the words, "Thank you both for sending me off, then I will take my leave."

"No, no." Jiang Qingyuan said quickly.

"This time, the identities of the people who accompany Junior Sister Shan are very important. In Yuqing Immortal Palace, their status is still higher than that of Senior Brother Izumo. If you go to Bishui Yaochi, you must be careful." Before Lu Xiaotian left, Qu Yizhu warned said a word.

"Thank you for the reminder, don't worry, I won't ask for trouble." The voice fell slightly, and Lu Xiaotian left only a faint shadow in the void.

"This fellow daoist is quite an interesting person. If it weren't for his great strength and his mysterious background, I really want to have a close relationship with him." Jiang Qingyuan shook his head while looking at Lu Xiaotian who was going away.

"If we have a deep friendship, we will be able to catch each other's eyes. This child is not a thing in the pool. You haven't seen the other party see Senior Brother Yun's eyes, and he is no different from us." Qu Yizhu shook his head.

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