Become a Fairy

Chapter 2408 Chapter 2408 The Demon Sea Storm

Chapter 2408 Chapter 2408 Demon Sea Storm

"Brother Lu, take care." The eight-legged magic bull was stunned for a while, then turned and returned to the blood mist. "His grandma, Brother Lu is the one who handles big things. I thought I could go back and brag about it for a while by killing a guy in the middle stage of fitness today. I didn't expect that Brother Lu's enemy is already an old man in the Mahayana stage. This brother Lu caused trouble The ability is much stronger than Lao Tzu."

Shaking his head, the eight-legged magic cow also gradually drifted away.

Looking back at the blood mist area where the breath was getting more and more compelling, Lu Xiaotian shook his head, most of the visions in the Blood Valley were related to the Blood Weeping Demon Banner, but these had little to do with him. Everyone has their own wishes, the Blood Weeping Demon Banner may be earth-shattering, but it may not be useful to him.

Turning around to look at a magnificent endless sea of ​​monsters, Lu Xiaotian's figure flickered a few times, and he was moving forward at an astonishing speed on the sea.

Flying over the Demon Sea for a while, Lu Xiaotian thought for a moment, Yu Ao was dead, the Zishan Palace Master would not suspect him, but for the Zijin Dragon Palace, it would be a big loss after all. It is useless to stay in this sea of ​​monsters. As for Qi Qian having exchanged it with her, whether he can break through the barrier of the God Void Realm in the future is entirely up to him.

This monster sea doesn't seem to have much attachment to him.

"It's better to go away." The corner of Lu Xiaotian's mouth twitched, gathering energy to form a cloud, and sitting directly on the flying cloud. Under the slight movement of his consciousness, the white cloud under his seat flew all the way to his back.

Now that he already knew the general news about Xiang Qingcheng, he naturally had to go to Yuqing Immortal Palace.

To control Liuyun to go away, all he needs is a wisp of divine consciousness. Traveling fast all the way, when a certain amount of mana is consumed, Lu Xiaotian will choose a small island along the way, or an ordinary reef to settle down.

The sea breeze is salty and humid on all sides. The brilliance of a crystal black longbow in Lu Xiaotian's hand flickered endlessly. The power of the blood gang crawled along the crystal black longbow and covered the entire crystal black longbow.

This crystal black longbow is naturally Lu Xiaotian killed the Stork Crane Demon, and even the Stork Crane Demon will not have time to refine it in the future.

The power of the blood gang wrapped the Devouring Demon Bow layer by layer. keep penetrating inside. The surface is covered with bloody blood power. From time to time, something like a black swirl flashed on the surface. In fact, it was the power of the blood gang that penetrated into the Demon Devouring Bow.

The devoured part was soon replaced by other blood power.

As time went by, more and more blood power was sucked into the Bow of Devouring Demon. Lu Xiaotian felt that the Devouring Demon Bow was already a part of his body. Every time more power of the blood gang seeps through, the more consciousness will be gained.

At this time, the sky is high and the sea is wide, and Lu Xiaotian's place is usually not disturbed by foreign objects at all. Occasionally, monsters who don't open their eyes come over, and before they get close to Lu Xiaotian within a thousand miles, they are killed or expelled by phantom spirit clones.

At the end, the Devouring Demon Bow turned into a black light and entered Lu Xiaotian's body, wandered along the meridian and finally stopped at Lu Xiaotian's middle dantian.

After refining the Devouring Demon Bow, Lu Xiaotian refined three of the seven arrows. As for the blood of the purple flood dragon, Lu Xiaotian has not faced such monsters for the time being. There is no need to refine it into the arrow. Four arrows are reserved and can be used as needed in the future.

Put away the refined arrows in the third place, and there was a tearing sound in the distance. Lu Xiaotian suddenly stood up from the reef.

I saw the sea in the distance seemed to flood from the sky, and the raging sea surged up into the sky. Amidst the thunder-like sound of Tianji, it seemed that even the void was blasted into a crack hundreds of feet long. A glare of golden sun-like light emanated from the crack.

The glare spread like lightning. Wherever it passed, the monstrous waves were easily torn apart. The huge wave seemed to be inlaid with a golden border, like a giant Xingtian ax cutting down one after another from high in the sky. In the moist void, under this slash, gunpowder was almost rubbed out.

A huge gap was cut in the sea surface, and the sea water split into two sides, even directly exposing the bottom of the sea. A large amount of mud was splashed.

This doomsday image of the sky collapsing and the ground collapsing produced a huge sonic boom, even Lu Xiaotian couldn't help being dizzy for a while. I felt inexplicably uncomfortable. Even if Lu Xiaotian blocked his own perception, the sonic boom still lingered in people's minds.

"Monster sea storm!" Lu Xiaotian understood instantly, no wonder before entering the endless monster sea, the fire cloud monster repeatedly emphasized that he should make more preparations. Cannot be emphasized enough.

Lu Xiaotian flew up, taking advantage of the fact that he was still some distance away from the vortex in the center of the monster sea storm, and immediately flew away from this sea refining domain with all his strength. To be precise, the surface of the sea, the void, and even the bottom of the sea have all become purgatory-like existences. Countless monster birds in the void and all kinds of monster fish in the sea were torn apart and scattered in the sea water.

Those who had to leave their entire bodies were also scattered by the powerful sonic boom. The corpse rolled up and down along with the waves in the void and the bottom of the sea.

Lu Xiaotian went all out, and even swallowed a body-fitting thunderbolt sparrow primordial spirit, a pair of blood wings stretched out from behind, needless to say the full-flying speed of the body-fitting monster bird. It's just that the scale of the monster sea storm is far beyond Lu Xiaotian's imagination, no matter how fast he flies, he still can't escape the influence of the monster sea storm.

Until the front, the left and right sides are full of huge tumbling waves, Lu Xiaotian accepted the reality. Helplessly caught in the storm.

For a moment, Lu Xiaotian was like a flat boat in the raging sea. With the constant ups and downs of the turbulent waves, it seemed that he might be overturned at any time and buried in this sea of ​​monsters.

Rao is with Lu Xiaotian's strength, when facing the huge wave that threatens the golden edge, he can't help but feel a feeling of palpitation. The golden edge on it is accompanied by the strange force of tearing the space. An ordinary blow is equivalent to a monk in the middle stage of fusion, and a few of them are even equivalent to the great power of a strong man in the late stage of fusion. Even Lu Xiaotian didn't dare to beat him lightly. Once suffered too many times, it is not really possible to perish in this monster sea storm.

In the endless sea of ​​monsters, there are also rumors of being torn apart by storms in the sea of ​​monsters in the late stage of fusion. It's just that whether it is true or not, no one has seen it with their own eyes, so it can only be speculative.

Lu Xiaotian tried his best to maintain it in the demon sea storm. Ever since he escaped from the star field, Lu Xiaotian has never been forced to use all his cards in fighting with others, but in this monster sea storm, almost all means of life-saving have been forced to use. Even the mana was exhausted in the resistance, and the lotus avatar also helped him ward off several disasters, and was taken back into the body until it was almost exhausted.

The five-element elemental magnetic gold armor with astonishing defense was also damaged to a certain extent.

Wherever the monster sea storm passed, it was like a death crossing, with many monsters killed and injured along the way. Lu Xiaotian saw with his own eyes that the monster clan forces on six or seven islands were wiped out.

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