Become a Fairy

Chapter 2394 Chapter 2394??

Chapter 2394 Chapter 2394

Lu Xiaotian used teleportation magical power again, but his luck was not so good, he was still affected by the three cracks distorting the space, when he appeared again, his inner organs were shaken, and he vomited blood again.

Seeing that it was already an ownerless thing, and the cracked Lanyou bottle was floating in the air and crumbling, Lu Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief. Since his cultivation in the early stage of the fusion has gradually deepened, he has rarely encountered mid-stage monks who can threaten him.

All the way from the chaotic demon realm, to the star realm, and to this endless sea of ​​demons. The number of powerful people in the combined state that have been beheaded exceeds the number of two palms. This was the first time he encountered a greedy stork and crane demon that could threaten his life.

If the six cracks approached the sides of his body, the power of twisted space might really destroy his real body. It's just that the greedy stork and demon crane are old-fashioned, and Lu Xiaotian's experience in fighting skills is not inferior to the opponent.

Although the crack released by Lan You's demon bottle is powerful, it must be able to hit him. Although teleportation magical powers are restrained by the opponent to a certain extent. But once Lu Xiaotian tries to avoid it, it will not be easy for the Greedy Stork Crane Monster to hit him, especially when he has already lost his body and is already dying.

The fighter opportunity is fleeting, but unfortunately, after seeing the severity of the crack, Lu Xiaotian can also take targeted measures

At this time, the battle between the Qianhuayilong formation controlled by the deputy soul and the other three demons is still in full swing. The strength of these three combined monsters is not weak, and they are like watching flowers on horseback with the five white flood dragons. Fighting until the air space within the big formation was filled with fireworks, the raging wind howled, and various mana vibrating in it.

Hiss. A white flood dragon restrained the weaker Thunder Bonito, pulled its sharp claws, and the body of the Thunder Bonito was ripped apart with a scream. Lu Xiaotian stretched out his hand to absorb his primordial spirit.

At this time, the Three Demons lost another partner. Lu Xiaotian has completely freed his hands, and there is no suspense for the rest of the fight. Qiongcun and Siren Snake fell into the formation one after another.

Lu Xiaotian collected the Sumeru rings of the four demons, as well as some useful materials for the demon body. When the thousand flowers and moving dragon array was withdrawn, the kapok demon flowers within a radius of several thousand miles of kapok island had withered away. Kapok Island, which was originally full of vitality, is now desolate within sight.

And at the moment when the big formation closed, Yuxue and the other clans or monster clans had their hearts in their throats, until they saw that there was only Lu Xiaotian left in the big formation, and a few scattered monster clan corpses inside, Only then was he greatly relieved, and many people looked up to Lu Xiaotian more.

The four combined monsters attacked fiercely, Lu Xiaotian brought dozens of them to Kapok Island alone, and even killed all four combined monsters. In the past, I had only heard about some vicious names about Lu Xiaotian, but only now did I know that the human monk in front of me was probably much more powerful than the rumors.

"Mr. Xiang, are you okay?" Seeing the blood on Lu Xiaotian's chest, Yuxue could tell that although Lu Xiaotian killed the four combined demon clans, he might have paid a certain price himself. unknown.

Qi Qian's eyes flashed, she naturally knew the real origin of Lu Xiaotian, but Lu Xiaotian claimed to be surnamed Xiang in front of these monsters, so naturally she would not expose it. Although she was a little worried about Lu Xiaotian's injury, it seemed that she didn't need to speak in the current situation.

"There are things you can't solve." Lu Xiaotian waved his hand, "I'm going to adjust my breathing for a while. You can move around on Kapok Island by yourself. On Kapok Island, there will be no one who dares to easily commit crimes. The future depends on your selves."

Zijiao Island is bound to be in a bloodbath at this time, if Lu Xiaotian is willing to close the tail, with a little success, the profit may not be ordinary. It's just that Lu Xiaotian's trauma at this time is not too light, the damage caused by the distorted space force is no small matter, before the injury heals, Lu Xiaotian is not willing to take any more risks.

Moreover, Lu Xiaotian has gained a lot from killing four demon clans in the Fusion Realm. Whether it is cultivation or dealing with affairs, he should avoid being greedy. As for the life and death of the golden-haired and horned cow monsters, it is not within the scope of Lu Xiaotian's consideration.

This time the opponent came here with momentum, and his strength was indeed strong. In the case of injuries at this time, it is undoubtedly the safest to stay on Kapok Island. Even the few remaining fit monks chased after them. On Kapok Island, Lu Xiaotian also had room to retreat. After all, it is rare to see such a powerful middle-stage fit monk like the Greedy Stork Crane Monster.

Lu Xiaotian waved his hand, raised his steps and walked away, with a step of hundreds of feet, he disappeared from the sight of all the cultivators in a blink of an eye.

"What can we do, sir, don't care about us." At this time, except for Yuxue, other human race or monster race women are all panicked, especially those human race women, in this endless monster sea, if Lu Xiaotian doesn't Regardless of them, where can they go?

It's just that Lu Xiaotian has rescued them from the dead cave of Zijiao Island, and brought them to the relatively peaceful Kapok Island, so it seems that he has no obligation to be unconditionally responsible for them.

"What can I do, ask for blessings." Qi Qian shrugged. For the current situation, what can she do? The only comfort is that Lu Xiaotian sits on Kapok Island, and there will be no problems for a while. The monster with open eyes dared to come over and offend.

After taking a few elixir and resting his body for a few weeks, the mana and the blood power in his body began to stabilize. As a body repairer in a state of integration, the recovery speed of the injury is naturally far beyond the comparison of ordinary monks.

"Lanyou demon bottle, it's a pity to lose a treasure." Lu Xiaotian took out the demon bottle again, seeing that the demon bottle was covered with cracks, and his spirituality was greatly reduced, he couldn't help showing a regretful expression on his face.

The power of this treasure can almost threaten his life, so Lu Xiaotian is naturally very interested in it.

"Huh?" When Lu Xiaotian was about to put away the Lanyou demon bottle, he suddenly seemed to hear a slight summoning sound inside, as if there was a supernatural power that wanted to pull his soul into it.

Naturally, Lu Xiaotian would not let him go as he wished. After some wrestling, Lu Xiaotian withdrew his consciousness, but the eyes he looked at Lanyou Yaoping were a little strange.

The Lanyou demon bottle was different from any magic weapon he had seen before. Usually the monks are the main ones, and the magic weapon is the supplementary one, but this Lanyou demon bottle gave Lu Xiaotian the wrong feeling.

The greedy stork and crane demon is actually just a vassal of this demon bottle. Realizing this, Lu Xiaotian's interest in Lanyou Yaoping dropped a lot. Although the lethality of the cracks released by this demon bottle is amazing, what's the point if it loses its autonomy.

It's just that Lu Xiaotian has personally experienced the power of this demon bottle, even if he doesn't use it for a while, he can store it temporarily.

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