Become a Fairy

Chapter 2373 Chapter 2373??

Chapter 2373 Chapter 2373 Rejection

It's just that Lu Xiaotian's performance at the moment is too miraculous, although a strong person in the body-fit state can control the magic weapon to take the head of a person thousands of miles away, like picking something out of a bag. This is true, but it also depends on the truth. If you are dealing with monks in the realm of the gods, or even below, let alone thousands of miles away, even if you are thousands of miles away, a magic weapon is enough to take the opponent's life. Repression is so insurmountable.

But once you change to a strong man of the same realm, these words will not be so easy to use. Otherwise, the opponent will take the opportunity to destroy the magic weapon, so even high-level monks rarely show off their power like this. After all, the more advanced a monk is, the more difficult it is to cultivate a magic weapon. Even if it is traumatized to a certain extent, it is still necessary to find a way to repair it, instead of directly rebuilding a magic weapon from scratch.

Hearing Lu Xiaotian's words, Yuxue stretched out her palm, and a blue bead the size of a sea bowl flew out of her palm. Inside the azure blue orb, the sound of the sea tide could be faintly heard, and the water spiritual power was abnormally abundant.

When Lu Xiaotian saw this magic weapon flying out, he was surprised. From his eyes, he could naturally see that this Dinghai Pearl had already refined part of the spiritual power of the surrounding sea area. This bead can be integrated with this sea area to a certain extent, no wonder the daughter sent by the Zishan palace master dared to say that it would not be easy for the silver ring monster to escape from the bottom of the sea.

It turns out that this sea pearl has been refined to such an extent that it can be merged with this sea area to mobilize the spiritual power of this sea area. Suppress the aura of the silver-ringed demon python. The silver-ringed demon python is a marine monster, and once it escapes into the bottom of the sea, it will be like a fish in water. Although Lu Xiaozai is strong, but at this point, if he does not rely on his newly fused eight-melting soul golden carp beast, it will be much inferior to the silver ring monster python.

It's just that when dealing with monsters like the silver ring python, Lu Xiaotian wouldn't use his eight-melting soul golden carp as the finale. Facing the Silver Ring Demon Python has not yet cost him such a price.

Although illusion magical powers lack the lethality and destructive power of a final decision. But the victory is long, under Lu Xiaotian's control, the attacks are continuous without gaps. For the silver ring python in it, Lu Xiaotian's magical powers of illusion are almost flawless. We must talk about the flaws, and it is estimated that the only attack power is relatively insufficient.

It's just that the dense offensive and unpredictable trajectory can completely make up for this defect. So much so that the silver-ringed python was trapped in this mighty river of flying swords, and it was difficult to break out even if it rushed left and right.

"If this goes on like this, sooner or later you will be trapped to death here." The Yinhuan Demon Python was anxious. At that moment, a magic ring shining with silver light spit out from its mouth. The dharma ring flew into the air, forming a series of silver light waves, which continued to spread around like circular sharp blades.

The surrounding five-color flying swords collapsed as soon as they touched the silver light wave. The silver light wave became brighter and brighter, even covering the specific figure of the silver ring demon python.

It's just that the time for this silver light wave to erupt is relatively limited. Not long after, the endless stream of five-color flying swords compressed the silver light wave to a very small range. The body of the silver ring python is also gradually revealed.

At this time, the strength of the Yinhuan Monster Python still exists, and it is difficult for the five-color flying sword to deal a fatal blow to it for a while. But the silver ring monster was not optimistic at all. Only five of the mighty flying swords were real. As for the other illusions, they couldn't be killed. Once defeated, new phantoms can be spawned immediately.

The silver-ringed python can roughly judge that the source of it is from the five-color portals floating around. It's just that every time it wants to approach the portal and destroy it, the portal will either generate illusions, or move to other places, which is almost equivalent to teleportation. Although the moving distance is not far, it can just avoid its attack at the center. A little aftermath had no choice but to get the door of illusion.

The opportunity was fleeting, and when the silver-ringed python wanted to accumulate its next attack, densely packed five-color flying swords surrounded it from behind.

The Yinhuan Monster Python wanted to break out of the encirclement several times, but they always encountered the same situation and finally stopped their feathers. It was a rare time that the silver-ringed demon python forcibly squeezed open the blockade of the five illusory gates after consuming its original energy. It actually produced a series of repelling intentions one after another, causing its speed to drop greatly.

Before the Yinhuan Monster Python could use other means, a series of flying swords had already rushed in, and the Silver Ring Monster Python fell into the siege again.

"He Fangxiao is young. After fighting with this monster for a long time, why didn't you show up?" The silver ring python saw that the bottom of the sea could not escape, and the restraint he received was better than that on the surface of the sea, so he returned directly to the surface of the sea again, which was tens of feet long. His silver body twisted and coiled in the void above the sea.

At this time, the Yinhuan Monster Python was quite angry, unable to fight and escape, and even fought fiercely for so long, the Silver Ring Monster Python didn't even see his opponent's face. It is even more unclear where the person who made the shot is at this time.

The primordial spirits of the monster clan are mostly inferior to the monks of the human race, and at this time in the fierce battle, the range that the silver ring monster python's consciousness can reach is greatly reduced. How can he sense Lu Xiaotian who is 800 miles away.

However, the silver-ringed python is a combined monster after all, and its sound vibrates, setting off storms on the sea. Originally, there was a bright moon hanging high at night, but at this time, due to the fighting between the two sides, the clouds were thick, and countless sea water scattered into water droplets and fell from the sky.

The oscillating sound of the demon ring and python communicated that Zijin Yaozhu was even farther away.

Yuxue and the female servants who chased after Zijin Yao all looked horrified. At this time, the human monk in black robes in front of him has not moved a bit until now. And from the corrupt tone of the silver ring demon python, coupled with Lu Xiaotian's mountain-like aura. It is clear at a glance which is strong and which is weak.

Yuxue and a few waitresses chased after Zijin Yao, except that they could see the surging waves on the sea due to the fighting skills of the strong in the fit state. And the roar and hiss of pain from the silver ring python from time to time can roughly judge the direction of the battle.

"I have offended Zishan Dragon Palace, and I would like to be one of Zishan Dragon Palace's generals. I also ask Zishan Dragon Palace to raise your hand and put it on the next lifeline." In the raging sea of ​​anger, the silver-ringed demon python seemed a little out of breath, There was no previous anger in the voice, but anxiety and deep fear.

"Senior, since the demon python has surrendered, why don't you take the demon python to the Dragon Palace to listen to Hou's mother." After hearing the demon python's begging for mercy, Yuxue saw that Lu Xiaotian had no intention of stopping, so she couldn't hold back her words immediately. Said to Lu Xiaotian.

"Now that my flying sword is out, it's hard to return the sheath without drinking blood. If it's just an ordinary fight, don't come to Mumian Island to invite me in the future."

If Palace Master Zishan is here, Lu Xiaotian will give some face. Yuxue is just a little demon in the virtual world, and wants Lu Xiaotian to give up a fit mid-stage demon python spirit that is easily available. Naturally, it will lose a lot of weight.

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