Become a Fairy

Chapter 2325 let go

"I haven't seen you in so many years, and you don't show your face?" In the void in the distance, fine snowflakes swirled and rolled, and a slender figure walked out of it, dressed in white palace clothes, with willow eyebrows slanting into the temples. His eyes are like stars, and his lips are crimson.

The glamorous Dongfang Yi is like a spirit orchid blooming in an empty valley, the looming evil spirit in the eyes does not destroy this beauty, and the disgust makes it even more alluring.

The black mist on Lu Xiaotian's body dissipated, and he was still dressed in green and silver hair.

"After all these years, you are still the same." Dongfang Yi smiled. Lu Xiaotian is still the same Lu Xiaotian from before, his eyes are as calm and indifferent as ever, as condensed as an abyss.

"You're not bad either." Lu Xiaotian looked at Dongfang Yi with admiration in his eyes, just as Dongfang Yi knew him, he also knew how amazing Dongfang Yi's growth rate has been since she practiced.

"Why did you get involved with the members of the Tusu family? Has the Fengxue demon clan started to enter the chaotic demon realm?"

"What did you steal from Tu Su Shuangsha?" Dongfang Yi asked.

"Five Elements Spirit Ginseng, I just need this thing too." Lu Xiaotian said, "You want to take it back for him?"

"I don't have that strength. Based on your past record in the chaotic demon realm, if you fight against you, the outcome will be 50-50 at most. The Tusu family is stronger than me, so you should be more careful in the future." Dongfang Yi shook her head.

"I will have some disputes with the main branch of the Tusu family later on, I hope I won't run into you." Lu Xiaotian nodded, Dongfang Yi didn't say anything about the question just now, and Lu Xiaotian didn't continue to ask.

"The main branch of the Tusu family? It seems that you will have some troubles in the future. My senior has a relationship with the Tusu family in the past. At most, I will not get involved in this matter." Dongfang Yi raised her eyebrows.

"Thank you for reminding me, I see, it's not bad to not have to fight with you." Lu Xiaotian smiled when he heard the words, and he couldn't help it if he was a little troublesome. He must use the "Hunyuan Jing" as a reconciliation to be reconciled with the progress of his cultivation at any time. practice other exercises without conflict.

Even if the lotus avatar is refined in the future, the Piaomiao sword embryo will be transferred to the lotus avatar to solve the threat from the sword embryo. But there are many other exercises that Lu Xiaotian has cultivated, and the role of "Hunyuan Jing" is still irreplaceable.

For Hunyuan Taoist, Lu Xiaotian also slandered him for a while. A complete Hunyuan Sutra is actually divided into several places. He has not completely assembled it until now, so he can only go according to its arrangement.

Even Lu Xiaotian didn't know if the person who was arranged by Taoist Hunyuan to protect the exercises was still alive.

Cultivation technique is the biggest reason, but after practicing Hunyuan Daoist's inheritance, Lu Xiaotian is not entirely for the practice technique, and settling a grievance for him is also a certain factor.

"You really think so?" Dongfang Yi's bright eyes were filled with a strange aura.

"Of course I don't want to be your enemy." Lu Xiaotian nodded. There is nothing wrong with admitting this. If the situation permits, he will also support the people of the Qin clan who came from the secret realm of Lingxu, let alone help them. Many times, Dongfang Yi, who had a lot of entanglements with him before.

"Forget it, I didn't help you in vain." Dongfang Yi smiled, and pointed at Lu Xiaotian with her slender fingers. The crystal that was surrounded by a bit of cold air turned into a huge snowflake in an instant, swirling to the top of Lu Xiaotian's head.

Seeing that the snowflake didn't pose any threat at all, Lu Xiaotian didn't stop it. In an instant, the snowflake burst into a cold glow, hitting him.

This is? The few remaining ice fiend powers on Lu Xiaotian's body were immediately taken away by Dongfang Yi.

"You go, besides me, Tu Su Shuangsha has other helpers. Be careful yourself." Dongfang Yi raised his hand, and the snowflake that absorbed the ice demon shrank and turned into a little cold light that returned to his palm and disappeared.

"Will it affect you if I leave like this?" Lu Xiaotian asked.

"It's okay. He's just a peripheral. I'm the direct descendant of the Holy Clan. Whether or not I can help with the matter of Tu Su's double killing depends on my mood. I help him because I think of a little relationship. If I don't help him, I dare not feel dissatisfied." Dongfang Yi was calm and composed, and didn't take Tu Su Shuangsha seriously in his words.

"There will be a period later." Lu Xiaotian nodded, now is not the time to reminisce. As soon as the voice fell, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared in the sky.

"The growth these years has been astonishing, and I don't know if he will be able to escape from the cage of the sword fetus in the end."

Looking at the direction where Lu Xiaotian left, Dongfang Yi muttered to herself. She was able to achieve today's achievements, although it is because of her outstanding talent, in fact, Dongfang Yi knows the reason. Compared with Lu Xiaotian who didn't get much inheritance and worked hard all the way, although Dongfang Yi didn't feel that she was much weaker, she still lacked a lot of experience.

Not long after Lu Xiaotian left, two figures rushed forward one after the other. With a thought of Dongfang Yi, fine snowflakes swirled in the air, covering all sides of her body. Looking in from the outside, only fine pieces of flying snow can be seen, and it is foggy.

"Senior Sister, did you meet Lu Xiaotian?" Seeing that there were no traces of fighting here, let alone Lu Xiaotian's shadow, Tu Su Shuangsha's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

"No, your icy fiend power disappeared out of nowhere, and I haven't tracked down that person." A cold voice sounded in the flying snow.

"Impossible, outsiders of Qianyuan Bingsha can never put it away easily and suddenly. Even if there is, it is definitely not something that Lu Xiaotian's realm can accept. If he wanted to take it in, Lu Xiaotian would have done it a long time ago. How could it disappear out of thin air." Tu Su Shuangsha looked Not good looking authentic.

"According to you, what realm is Lu Xiaotian?" Dongfang Yi asked.

"Fit together..." Tu Su Shuangsha was also speechless halfway through speaking, and after fighting with Lu Xiaotian, he really didn't know how far Lu Xiaotian had cultivated.

Lu Xiaotian has not been in the body-fitting state for a long time, and his cultivation can be said to be extremely fast. It stands to reason that it should be the initial stage of integration. But he has already advanced to the middle stage of integration for many years. In the initial stage of mere fusion, no matter how strong he is, how can he easily injure him, intercept the five elements spirit ginseng and go away calmly?

"Although Qianyuan Bingsha is powerful, it is not without restraint. How the breath disappears is your business. In the future, don't look for me for anything that has nothing to do with the Holy Sect." Dongfang Yi's voice was as cold as ever.

"Yes, Senior Sister." Tu Su Shuangsha responded.

Before Tu Su Shuangsha could speak again, the fluttering white snow in front of him gradually faded away.

"Your senior sister is really proud." After Dongfang Yi left for a while, Mozun Huaiye curled his lips and said.

"Shut your mouth, the lineage of the Holy Ancestor is not to be insulted lightly. You risk your own life, don't drag me in." Although Tu Su Shuangsha was angry at Dongfang Yi's words just now, when he heard Demon Venerable Huai Ye speak, he directly Scream out loud.

"People have already gone far away, what are you afraid of?" Mozun Huaiye was reprimanded, and his face was a little uneasy. After all, he is also the master of the chaotic demon realm.

"You know what, the methods of the Holy Sect are beyond your comprehension." Tu Su Shuangsha waved his hands, "The Mo Yangxu will be sent to Huai Mo Palace in ten days, so farewell!"

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