Become a Fairy

Chapter 2312 Over the canyon

Lu Xiaotian raised his head suddenly, only to see a giant knife that lifted the sky, cutting from the top of his head. The previously invisible man stepped into the void at this time and was a hundred feet tall, but he looked as transparent as a blister, not like an ordinary human race. This knife almost drew out the water-like starlight in the gorge.

This knife made the entire starry sky pale. Arouse the wind and clouds of heaven and earth. Yan Xiaoyu and the juniors were even more frightened out of their wits. The sword light seemed to be in harmony with the heaven and the earth, and there was no flaw to be found.

Even Lu Xiaotian couldn't help but throb from the heart when he saw the falling blade light.

"What kind of monster is this invisible man?" At this moment, Lu Xiaotian could no longer completely protect Yan Xiaoyu and the others, so he stretched out his hand and pushed the opponent a little further away. It's just that in this case, even Lu Xiaotian can no longer take care of Yan Xiaoyu and the three of them.

The light of the saber fell and cut through the air. When Lu Xiaotian reappeared, his body had collapsed, turned into pieces, and turned into a flying sword. As for Yan Xiaoyu, she was pushed to another place.

Although Yan Xiaoyu and the others are with him, for Lu Xiaotian, there is a difference between distance and distance. When it comes to friendship, Yan Xiaoyu is naturally the most reliable, and when it comes to usefulness, it is Mo Yuyan who has the greatest effect on him for the time being.

As for Lan Xuan, the two have nothing to do with each other. Under the critical situation, Lu Xiaotian naturally regarded him as an abandoned child immediately.

Lan Xuan didn't have the slightest ability to resist the astonishing sword light falling, and even this thought might not have arisen. His body was directly torn into pieces by the aftermath of the sword glow.

Yan Xiaoyu's heart beat wildly, just now, if Lu Xiaotian hadn't protected her, maybe her situation would not be any better than that of Lan Xuan who had died.

What made Yan Xiaoyu puzzled was that he thought it was Lu Xiaotian himself, but he didn't expect that after Lu Xiaotian's body collapsed, he turned into a flying sword with an elegant breath. What kind of supernatural power is this?

"What's going on?" The incident happened suddenly. At this time, Lu Xiaotian protected Yan Xiaoyu and Mo Yuyan, and he really had to pay a lot of attention, but Yan Xiaoyu was protecting it, but Mo Yuyan slipped to the side unexpectedly. Among the stars in the canyon.

Even though the power of the invisible man just now shook the heavens and the earth, but Lu Xiaotian thought to himself that there should not be such a big deviation in his own arrangement just now.

"Unless!" Seeing Mo Yuyan's slightly revealed face during the fall, Lu Xiaotian's heart suddenly tightened, and he had a bad feeling.

In Lu Xiaotian's eyes, the power of the sword accumulated by the invisible man just now is almost no worse than Ye Qianxun's late-stage lotus clone.

Yan Xiaoyu was right, it wasn't Lu Xiaotian himself who came, but Lu Xiaotian used the method of sword to transform people, manifested into Lu Xiaotian's appearance with the Piaomiao flying sword. Originally, Lu Xiaotian was wary of Mo Yuyan, who had always been acting mysteriously.

It is impossible to peek into the abnormal situation of this canyon galaxy. Lu Xiaotian himself didn't show up. He was just taking precautions, but he didn't expect it to happen. If it wasn't for Piao Miao Feijian who blocked this disaster for him, or Lu Xiaotian himself came personally, under this sword, even if he has cultivated the supernatural power of the Five Elements Magnetic Golden Armor. It's definitely not good either. I'm afraid that if I don't die, I will be seriously injured.

Just now, the invisible man's sword that was as fast as lightning was too powerful, making it difficult to maintain the figure transformed by Piao Miao Feijian. Was directly cut to collapse. The fault is not that the Piaomiao Feijian is the body of a magic weapon, and its sturdiness is far from comparable to that of mortal flesh. Otherwise, that knife will turn the people nearby into ashes.

Seeing the change in Mo Yuyan's face, the big bloody hand formed by the condensed power of the blood gang grabbed Mo Yuyan from the other side of the canyon. Suddenly, a gauze dress overflowing with starlight flashed on Mo Yuyan's body, perfectly merging its aura with the canyon galaxy.

The Colorful Shrimp Banshee rolled her colorful whip and flew towards a mountain hundreds of feet high on the edge of the canyon, blocking it from the bloody big hand. With a bang, the rolled up broken mountain turned into flying stones all over the sky.

Lu Xiaotian's true self is actually not far from the canyon, and his consciousness can even be connected with Piaomiaojian's tire groove. At the same time as the shot, Ziye Zhenwu was notified to come and respond immediately.

When he came to join Mo Yuyan and the others, Lu Xiaotian asked Ziye Zhenwu to wait for him.

The reason is naturally that Lu Xiaotian doesn't want the other party to know too much about him. Especially when Mo Yuyan, Yan Xiaoyu, and the black panther puppet came out of this restraint.

Things are not going well at this time, and in the face of a strong enemy, Ziye Zhenwu can only let Ziye Zhenwu take care of it, in case there is a mistake.

As soon as Lu Xiaotian himself shot, unexpectedly, the scimitar in the hands of the seemingly indifferent invisible man rolled strangely, and it seemed to merge with the galaxy in the canyon. The strangely churning scimitar formed a huge vortex. The stars in the sky gathered together, forming ripples in this vortex. Compared with this vortex, Lu Xiaotian's figure looked like a drop in the ocean.

The weird vortex and the huge suction force made it almost impossible for the Piaomiao Flying Sword, which was originally flying at lightning speed, to move even an inch in the void. But soon, the vortex moved to where Lu Xiaotian himself was.

"Roar!" After being discovered, naturally there is no need to hide any more, Lu Xiaotian swallowed a body-fitting monster spirit, a wild aura shot up from Lu Xiaotian's body, and the tyrannical blood gang force directly sucked it Pull away. The speed that slowed down increased again.

The color was lifted by the female demon's slender hand, and a seven-color glazed pot rose into the void, and the mouth of the pot fell over, and the sound of surging waves came from inside. A flowing river poured from the mouth of the pot, rushing towards Lu Xiaotian himself.

With a swipe of Lu Xiaotian's hand, the body of Piaomiao Feijian surged to tens of feet, and it went facing the waves.

With a buzzing sound, the surging water waves in the void were split into two by a sword, rushing towards the void on both sides of Lu Xiaotian.

It's just that the huge impact of the water wave was transmitted from Piaomiao Feijian to Lu Xiaotian.

Lu Xiaotian's complexion changed, and after some fighting, he roughly figured out the strength of the invisible man and the colorful shrimp banshee. In addition to the threat of the explosive attack, the invisible man can also deal with it by other means.

The colorful shrimp banshee couldn't threaten him for a while. What really makes Lu Xiaotian feel troublesome is that these two combined monsters seem to be absorbing the power of the galaxy in the canyon, and their mana is endless, and their strength is still slowly improving during the fight.

In other words, as time goes by, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable for Lu Xiaotian. The opponent's previous strength actually still has some reservations!

Suddenly, a group of caltrops shot from the other side of the canyon, and the tribulus exploded suddenly, turning into countless sharp wooden thorns, and shot away.

In the distance, an elegant man with a few leaves on his head appeared in sight, and the person who came was Ziye Zhenwu who was called to come.

Ziye Zhenwu didn't want to intervene in this kind of dispute, but right now life and death are in the hands of Lu Xiaotian, and Lu Xiaotian had already suspected that he had a connection with the middle-aged woman in purple.

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